Pokerstars to offer sportsbetting and casino games within the coming year, but is that a good thing for poker players? Druff discusses his recent communications with Kim Shannon. Coinbase is cracking down on bitcoin gambling. Noah Boeken accuses Daniel "Jungleman" Cates of hiring a hitman to collect debts from an unknown player. Brandon "Drexel" Gerson affected by weird Giants/Cubs protest makeup game. Armored truck drops bag of $20,000 cash belonging to Revel onto street. Allen Kessler is unhappy about the new "Quantum Rebuy" format at WPT Legends of Poker. OSA announces he will be headed west for two weeks, and hits up Druff for food. Rawwolf calls in to tell a strange story about a Birmingham poker game where someone got shot. Brian from Chicago asks Druff's opinion about adding to a stack in a capped NL game. Druff insists that writing letters to companies for customer service issues is the wrong way to go.