So, Girls is currently more or less the funniest/cleverist shit Ive seen on TV in about 20 years.

I think Louie is superior artistically and intellectually, but the writing/dialog in Girls is peerless right now, its got soooo few weak moments.

What Im wondering tho, do I enjoy it so much because I "get" it from being in/around Brooklyn/NYC for most of my life? I went to college with people _exactly_ like these characters, Ive had roomates _exactly_ like these characters, Ive dated chicks _exactly_ like them too.

And whenever any of my friends are like UGH GIRLS *EYEROLL* its always the same complaint; "They are trying so hard to be some sort of pop-ironic Sex In The City" and what I always feel like trying to explain is that Sex In The City was an attempt at pop-ironic urban mythology about these exact types of people, and it failed in that regard, mostly by dumbing them down for broader appeal (no pun intended).

Where is PFA weighing in on Girls these days?