Today's stream was promoted as "Everybody Hates Berkey", as four people who dislike Berkey (Airball, Polk, Persson, and Berkey's ex Lynne Ji) are playing at the table. Nobody at the table is pro-Berkey, but there's a few neutrals there such as Rob Yong and Jennifer Tilly.

Not surprisingly, it's a complete shitshow, with tons of loud talking in the background during hands, with Lynne cackling loudly in response to pretty much everything. Just awful to watch, and a lot of people are complaining that it makes horrible TV.

To have this type of lineup and fuck it up is pretty incompetent. PokerGO should get control of the game and realize that people are trying to watch and enjoy this.

Airball talking shit doesn't really bother me. That's expected, and Berkey showed up knowing full well there would be such shit talking. But all the talking and cackling by people not in the hands is brutal.