SWC changed to the .Club about year or two ago id think then is when an ownerships or some kind of agreement happened, the site changed to .Club and was down a whole days maybe and im feeling that's when, exact point in time when SWC changed to a .Club ownership whoever that is now. And in t time whoever got control of that Bitcoin Poker that site, and maybe it is one of these Dans and her SONS which its not my business but please don't think the real me, is unaware and of the .Club move as well which that's the definite point in time i can hopefully not stolen because someone has a HUGE heart (master manipulation..)

I assume now and actually lol well i think i will find out for sure now because i want know now who is who here

and the only one ill always respect and appreciate over any Dan ever or associate sons any of them, is the Princes whoever that is

Single guys can say this because its just a generalization. And could be for any woman, who yeah maybe you do thinks special, so its fun. I think Princesses' and Toads. Maybe ill write a book one day all said and done the Princess and Toad, be a great Childrens book we could write that one fun too. Anyway have a blessed wonderful and the devil sux and people who RED suck more, need balance have a good one good luck special ones especially....