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Thread: And So it Begins...Senator Ted Cruz to become the first Republican to officially declare he is running for President

  1. #1
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    And So it Begins...Senator Ted Cruz to become the first Republican to officially declare he is running for President

    Republicans fire 2016 starting gun at Christian college that teaches world is 6,000 years old
    Senator Ted Cruz to become the first Republican to officially declare he is running for President hoping to get out in front of a crowded field

    The first Republican candidate for the 2016 US general election will officially declare his campaign on Monday at an Evangelical University that denies Darwin’s theory of evolution and teaches that the world is only 6,000 years old.

    Senator Ted Cruz, a Tea Party darling from Texas with a reputation as a firebrand rhetorician, will announce his candidacy at Liberty University, a college for Evangelical Christians in the state of Virginia that claims to be the largest Christian university in the world.

    His speech will effectively kick off the long 2016 election campaign that could see more than 20 Republican candidates vying for their party’s presidential nomination when the caucuses and primaries get under way next year. Television debates will start in September.

    Mr. Cruz released an early morning tweet on Monday confirming his announcement.

    Among the Liberty University facilities is a “Creation Hall” designed to teach students the biblically literal idea that God created the world in seven days and that Noah and his flood was an historical event that rescued the animals from which all today’s species are ultimately descended.

    On a visit to Liberty University last year The Telegraph saw displays showing Noah’s ark as a scale model next to a Boeing 747 and the US space shuttle, explaining in detail how all the animals had fitted in.

    One display noted that it was a “strong possibility that horses, zebras and donkeys are all descended from an original pair of horses that were on Noah’s Ark”, while a second argued that the discovery of the coelacanth “fossil-fish” had blown a hole in evolutionary theory.

    The display added that sharks did not – as conventional scientists believe - evolve some 400 million years ago, but were designed 6,000 years ago, declaring: “Sharks are not primitive remnants of pre-hisotory, but are acutely fine-tuned organisms that defy Darwinian evolution.”

    The decision to launch at Liberty University reflects Mr Cruz’s support among the hardcore conservative base of Evangelicals and libertarians who thrill to his anti-government, low-tax, no-compromise rhetoric.

    Mr Cruz has said he expects to raise some $50 million for his campaign and will be relying on donations from the grassroots, many of whom deny evolution.

    According to a 2012 Gallup Poll some 46 per cent of Americans espouse a creationist view of the world in which God created humans in their present form in the last 10,000 years – although other polls have put the figure at around 30 per cent.

    The question of evolution has long been awkward for Republican politicians on the right who need to embrace their core supporters to win the Republican nomination, but then risk ridicule from more moderate, scientifically-minded voters at the General Election.

    In a sign that the issue remains live, last month Scott Walker, the Wisconsin governor a strong Christian who is currently a front-runner for the Republican nomination, refused to answer whether he accepted the science of evolution when questioned during a visit to the UK.

    He later clarified via Twitter that “I think God created the Earth,” adding "I think science and my faith aren't incompatible.”

    Mr. Cruz does not appear to have stated a public position on the issue according to several organisations that track candidates’ positions on the issues.

    Liberty University, which was founded in 1971 by the late televangelist Jerry Falwell, is a potent symbol of financial power on the religious Right, boasting 13,000 students on campus, nearly 100,000 more online and a $1.2 billion endowment.

    Mr. Cruz, a Harvard-educated lawyer who has argued in front of the Supreme Court, shot to prominence in 2013 when he helped shut down the US Federal government in defiance of his party’s more moderate leadership.

    As a standard-bearer on the Right, Mr. Cruz will be jostling for position with Rand Paul, the Libertarian senator from Kentucky, Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor turned TV host and Rick Santorum, a former Pennsylvania Senator and Evangelical Catholic who ran in 2012.

    A university spokesman told The Telegraph at the time that Liberty students learned "both sides" of the evolution debate, with the university officially teaching both conventional science and so-called "young earth creationism".

    Hillary Clinton will announce that she will run for President soon, after she's done peeing her pants laughing at Ted Cruz.

      splitthis: He is prob into kiddie porn

  2. #2
    Bronze John Stamos's Avatar
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    It's amazing how some of these clowns find themselves in office. They simply prey on the hearts of the illogical and give them some sort of hope to grasp onto. The old quote "there are no atheists in foxholes" applies to voters as well. There are a lot of people out there who don't have a lot of hope and thats what most politicians (mostly delusional, sometimes earnest) latch onto.

    I vote mostly democrat even though I think there are a great number of issues with both parties. I try and keep up on the news as best I can and generally know what is going to happen and be said at most of the debates.

    I can honestly say I feel the 2016 presidential election is going to be one of the biggest shit-shows in recent memory - and I am slightly intrigued...mostly afraid.

    Afraid that the candidates I will be watching fumble their words, regurgitate talking points they don't believe, attack intelligent points with unrelated rhetoric, and make false promises, will be doing it all under the guise of serving the American people. In reality they are just serving themselves.

    - Stamos

      LLL: This is your best post ever.
      vegas1369: Good post indeed.
      4Dragons: That was more about obama than cruz
      Jayjami: Yep

  3. #3
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    fuck krypt
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    Yep ,the're all scumbags,this guy is a bigger scumbag than most, thank god he has no chance.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Stamos View Post
    It's amazing how some of these clowns find themselves in office. They simply prey on the hearts of the illogical and give them some sort of hope to grasp onto. The old quote "there are no atheists in foxholes" applies to voters as well. There are a lot of people out there who don't have a lot of hope and thats what most politicians (mostly delusional, sometimes earnest) latch onto.

    I vote mostly democrat even though I think there are a great number of issues with both parties. I try and keep up on the news as best I can and generally know what is going to happen and be said at most of the debates.

    I can honestly say I feel the 2016 presidential election is going to be one of the biggest shit-shows in recent memory - and I am slightly intrigued...mostly afraid.

    Afraid that the candidates I will be watching fumble their words, regurgitate talking points they don't believe, attack intelligent points with unrelated rhetoric, and make false promises, will be doing it all under the guise of serving the American people. In reality they are just serving themselves.

    - Stamos
    yep. is this the best we can do?

  5. #5
    Diamond mulva's Avatar
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    shout out to liberty university. maybe they'll make the ncaa's next year.
    Quote Originally Posted by bottomset_69 View Post
    Johnny Manziel will be the 1st pick in the draft. I truly believe not only will Johnny Manziel be rookie of the year, quite possibly he will be MVP as his style will shock defensive coordinators. Manziel may only be 6 feet tall, but he has size 15 feet. And he has HUGE hands. I know some NFL scouts so I know what I am talking about.

  6. #6
    Platinum ToasterOven's Avatar
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    Ted Cruz is running for a prime time Fox News show, not for president.

      LLL: :GetsIt
      big dick: def gets it

  7. #7
    Platinum Krypt's Avatar
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    Jesus Christ... Liberty university is one of the biggest shitholes I've ever been to. I spent a week there living in a "dorm" (more like a fucking barracks) for boys state. It was an absolutely shambolic experience, but at least one of my roommates brought some ganja. Also, boys and girls are separated at this school....


  8. #8
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    I am no longer posting on this has been the first forum I have ever posted at..I will adamantly listen to the podcast on sticher and live where work schedule allows..for grown men of independent thought who are tech savvy have nothing to say about rev Wright yet micro analyze Ted Cruz religious affiliation!! HMMMM...are only concern should not be HYPOCRITES but to regain American sovereignty whether we're democrats or republicans..did you guys make any posts about rev Wright....I think not..I have met nice people on this forum and learned a lot..I'm sorry I can't same the same for you..

      ToasterOven: later fag
      big dick: adios motherfucker
      splitthis: Don't go like reading your stuff

  9. #9
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    death to america.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    Agree with Toaster...... he is easily the most unpopular Republican among their own caucus.....until he gets his Fox gig though he can ride shotgun in the clown car....he was known as being the most arrogant asshole at HLS, which has no shortage of those types.....and lol at doing it at Liberty, he knows better but cant help pandering to the 6000 year Earth crowd......latest example of our political crowd behavior that has the rest of the world wondering what the fuck is going on here

      big dick: arrogant asshole among arrogant assholes

  12. #12
    Platinum ToasterOven's Avatar
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    I'm not sure America is ready for his upside down burning flag logo.

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  13. #13
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    Before you announce that you are running for President of the United your own domain name.

      vegas1369: Holy HOFail

  14. #14
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    File this under "you can't make this up "......Cruz's wife has left her job at Goldman Sachs to help out with his Fox PR run so Cruz will be signing up for Obamacare today.......

  15. #15
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krypt View Post
    Jesus Christ... Liberty university is one of the biggest shitholes I've ever been to. I spent a week there living in a "dorm" (more like a fucking barracks) for boys state. It was an absolutely shambolic experience, but at least one of my roommates brought some ganja. Also, boys and girls are separated at this school....


    My kid just played Libery University baseball team. $3 million dollar field.

    He said there were pool tables in the home team's locker room.

    I asked how the fuck such a shitty school is rolling in the dough. Son pointed out they are the 5th largest online university in the country.

  16. #16
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    The door is wide open for the first woman President and she will rock. Think iron lady Thatcher. Hilary has Bill behind her (figuratively), he already knows where the button is and she'll likely end up running against a Bush. She''s got bigger balls than him.

    One in the hand........

    IF Jeb makes it to office I might move to the Netherlands and watch it play out from there.

    P.S. I'm proud to support THESPARTAN

      4Dragons: dumb bitch couldn't even pull off sec of state
      Hockey Guy: Netherlands rep
      splitthis: Jeb doesn't stand a chance
    "The founding fathers did not like the idea of the tyranny of the majority ruling the country"
    Dan Druff

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  17. #17
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesparten View Post
    I am no longer posting on this has been the first forum I have ever posted at..I will adamantly listen to the podcast on sticher and live where work schedule allows..for grown men of independent thought who are tech savvy have nothing to say about rev Wright yet micro analyze Ted Cruz religious affiliation!! HMMMM...are only concern should not be HYPOCRITES but to regain American sovereignty whether we're democrats or republicans..did you guys make any posts about rev Wright....I think not..I have met nice people on this forum and learned a lot..I'm sorry I can't same the same for you..
    This guy is a fucking clown. He couldn't win a GOP primary vote vs Santorum and Hitler. He has absolutely no shot in a general election. If you are as ardent a conservative as you say you are you should be happy l if he gets slaughtered. The GOP doesn't need this type of distraction if it wants the White House in 16.

  18. #18
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    The door is wide open for the first woman President and she will rock. Think iron lady Thatcher. Hilary has Bill behind her (figuratively), he already knows where the button is and she'll likely end up running against a Bush. She''s got bigger balls than him.

    One in the hand........

    IF Jeb makes it to office I might move to the Netherlands and watch it play out from there.

    P.S. I'm proud to support THESPARTAN

    I'm guessing you're a Republican because "dumb" does not sound like a word normally used to describe her, unlike the infamous George W. or others in a position of power who are looking to change the ever failing status quo.

    I don't follow politics that closely so as far as her track record as Secretary of State I did a quick review, wait for it, on Wikipedia and I saw nothing alarming so why not humor me and point out my oversight.
    "The founding fathers did not like the idea of the tyranny of the majority ruling the country"
    Dan Druff

    “I don't know what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
    Albert Einstein

    "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today if a gift
    and that is why it's called the present"

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  19. #19
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    Repeal every word of Obama care..a friend of mine who came by the restaurant to show me on the exchange he would have to pay 700 month with a 2000 dollar deductible..he makes 63k GROSS!! Maybe the tea party was right..maybe conspiracy theorists were right? My girlfriend who is a big progressive but is hot,Asian,much younger and loves sucking dick was paying 268 dollars a month for a streamlined health insurance before they cancelled it..she is a graduate student who works per diem at a law office(she hasn't passed the bar yet) she qualified for free health insurance through the Medicaid expansion..Wtf!?! Maybe Obama care is what conspiracies said it was or how about this..maybe it is what Mr.Gruber said it is!!! I think Ted Cruz is going to have a lot more traction then "they" would have us believe..
    Last edited by thesparten; 03-28-2015 at 09:46 AM.

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