You sound well rested for WSOP and dodgers on a tear...have a good summer...perhaps will stop you and say 'Hi" Shipping 3 shares now ...GLGL PainlessWon
You sound well rested for WSOP and dodgers on a tear...have a good summer...perhaps will stop you and say 'Hi" Shipping 3 shares now ...GLGL PainlessWon
opppss...i sent 1.5 shares...math wizz...thats good for now....
lol ok 3 hares =1.5% math wizz at work
I'll take 4 shares. $$$ sent to Druff. Thank you.
Interesting trend.
Of the 53 shares sold so far, 29 of them were purchased by people who primarily listen to the radio and don't pahticipate on the forum much (or at all).
Edit: NVM. I still just feel weird about this set up.
Last edited by anonamoose; 04-25-2015 at 04:20 AM.
I'm in for one piece...cheapskate that I am.
Only 12 shares left. First payment received, first served.
Anything I get past that will be refunded.
Now reducing maximum shares to 3 for remaining purchases, as we are down to 7.
I'll buy 2 shares. Sending now.
Good luck!
Down to 4 left.
Only allowing purchases of 1 or 2 at this point.
Thanks for everyone's interest.
If you bought pieces and are somehow not listed below, PLEASE let me know immediately!
MispronouncedArchive: 4
system.out.println: 4
cmoney 8
gut 3
Shizzmoney 1
trdhrsky 2
Charham 8
CarlB 5
KlownBuster 2
belly buster 2
Tellafriend 8
snowtracks 1
BrandonR 1
DaGreek23 4
mulhs82 1
anonamoose 8
ToughPuppy 2
MarketingSlime 1
Vintage_One 4
cleatus 1
DutchDoDo 2
hishga 1
MrEWubbz 1
JW 2
I was in Hawaii when this went down. When I miss out, that tends to bode well for Todd. I feel a good year coming....
Just some small clarification regarding tax forms.
I will only issue you a tax form if your NET WIN is $600 or more. That is, cashes minus the amount you spent to buy pieces of me.
I just realized that the Millionaire Maker Day 2 can easily interfere with the $3k 6-Handed Limit Holdem.
Therefore, if I miss the $3k 6-handed Limit Holdem, it will NOT get rolled into the other events I play. Instead, you will receive a refund of $18/share (which is what you paid for this event).
Same with the $10k Limit Holdem, where you will receive a refund of $60/share if I don't play (that one was already announced).
With everything else, missed events will "roll back" into bigger pieces of the other events, as already described in the original post.
Bricked Event 11 ($1500 Limit Holdem).
Next will be Friday's $1500 Millionaire Maker (Event 16), at 10am.
Okay, so I missed two events. Here is the scorecard so far, involving the 8 events I sold:
June 2 Event 11 $1500 Limit Holdem- DID NOT CASH
June 5 Event 16A $1500 Millionaire Maker NL Holdem - DID NOT CASH
June 7 Event 19 $3000 Six-Handed Limit Holdem - DID NOT CASH
June 8 Event 20 $1500 NL Holdem - DID NOT PLAY
June 20 Event 42 $1500 Extended Play NL Holdem - 145TH PLACE, $3178
June 22 Event 45 $1500 NL Holdem - DID NOT PLAY
Coming up we still have:
June 24 Event 50 $10,000 Limit Holdem Championship
June 27 Event 55 $1500 50/50 NL Holdem
According to the initial post in the thread, you do not get refunds for missed $1500 events. Instead, your equity in me goes up, even retroactively.
Originally each share was $132 for 0.5% of $22,000 worth of buyins, listed above.
However, as I missed two $1500 NL events, these buyins were only $19,000.
As the markup is 20%, this mean a share (0.5%) is $95 x 1.2 = $114.
So each $132 you spent (per share) is now worth 1.1579 shares.
Simply put, your payout for the Extended Play is: $3178 * 0.5% * 1.1579 = $18.40 per share
Look at post #1 as to how many shares I have confirmed for you, multiply that by $18.40, and that's how much I owe you.
However, I will not be paying anyone until AFTER Event #55.
And in case you're wondering, this means I have now sold 46.316% of myself for the WSOP, which I didn't really mean to do. I didn't think about how quickly that would rise if I miss events.
So if I do hit one of the next two events (especially the 10k Limit), you guys will do well.
And just to remind you, if I do miss the $10k Limit (for example, if this cold I have gets worse and I don't feel up to playing), your shares will NOT increase, and instead I will simply refund you $60 per share.
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