I am officially out; it's been borderline unwatchable for awhile but last night's....just fuck.

Things I remember:

-Duck from 'Mad Men' successfully tailing a CIA agent and stealing some pics undetected. No big deal though, she went all by herself of course. We're in tits or gtfo mode with Farrah/Amirah, whatever by now. Cool American accent though. Also tits or gtfo with ISI terror lady.

-Drone technology is apparently so advanced that we can make out individual facial grimaces from the sky. Saul's distress grimace was LOL.

-Quinn's apparent recovery from PTSD has turned him from a once good character to a completely horrible one.

-Once terrorist guy shoots brown kid in the head, Carrie loses her mind and wants to blow up Bohemian looking terrorist, Saul be damned.