Druff will be playing in this event.
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Druff will be playing in this event.
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Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Final tourney for me until Main. $1500 NL starting chips 4500. 1484 registered so far. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Can't update my chips now in Mystack app. I have 4525 with basically no eventful hands played yet. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Haven't won any pots other than micropots. 3000. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Still sitting on 3k, very card dead. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Running terrible with seat draws this year. Good/aggressive players always to my left. I have 3475. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Was as low as 2500, but back to starting stack. 4475 #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Picked up 2 pots at the end of level, 6550 at break. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Had to make a big laydown where I thought I was in bad shape. 5750 #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Chopped 2 hands, then won a small one. 6950 #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Back down to 4050. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Beat the guy who just took my chips, 66 on JT6 flop, he made move with T7 virtually dead, turn 4 to clinch. 8400 #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Busted very short stack blind vs blind. Up to 9325. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Lose a pot to fall to 7325. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
8675 at the 100/200/25 level #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
6850 with 10 min til break #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
7125, dinner break. Back around 8:15. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Slipped to 5600 but now have 8150. 2395 entered, 940 remain, avg 11300. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
2525 stack all in pre versus my QQ. He has A7. Flop T64, turn A. Ugly. Down to 4625. #pfa55
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Almost shipped in JTo early but decided not to. Would have tripled with turn trips. Now shipped AQ over 88, 8 flop. Out. #pfa55
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