Druff will be playing in this event.
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Druff will be playing in this event.
You can automatically post in this thread through Twitter by adding hashtag #pfa65 to your tweets.
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Playing the Main tomorrow (Sunday) at 12pm. Anyone in it can post to PFA w/hash tag #pfa65
Tweet from: edwardgvazquez (SEAN VASQUEZ)
RT @ToddWitteles: Playing the Main tomorrow (Sunday) at 12pm. Anyone in it can post to PFA w/hash tag #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Anyway Main Event starting late (because I got here on time), whole tourney area seems muted and under-excited. Weird. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Missed the "feature table" (and maybe sponsorship $?) by one. Damn. I think PFA user "Action" is on it. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Outlasted 83-87% of field 4 years in a row, but didn't cash the last 3. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Start 30k chips, 2 hour levels, first blinds 50-100. Slowest moving structure of any tourney in world. #pfa65
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Caesars fail of today: Featured table was #104 so they moved them for it. Except it was 107 & they sent everyone back. #pfa65
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Looks like my streak of having one really bad middle aged female at my Day 1 table has been broken. #pfa65
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Table full of 10 nobodies thinking they're gonna be on TV and they get their hearts broken. Classic Caesars. #pfa65
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
I think that might be the reason for the delay of this event's start. Amazing. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Don't worry, I won't tweet every pot. Won very first hand dealt, lost next one. Have 30125. #pfa65
Tweet from: BrianWSOP (SoftwareTest)
“@ToddWitteles: Looks like my streak of having one really bad middle aged female at my Day 1 table has been broken. #pfa65” she's playing 1c
Tweet from: edwardgvazquez (SEAN VASQUEZ)
RT @ToddWitteles: Looks like my streak of having one really bad middle aged female at my Day 1 table has been broken. #pfa65
Tweet from: edwardgvazquez (SEAN VASQUEZ)
RT @ToddWitteles: I think that might be the reason for the delay of this event's start. Amazing. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Made tough hero call, shown top pair. Down to 29350. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Lost two sizable pots to slip to 23850. Not a great start so far. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Honestly a bad table draw. Toughest Day 1 Main Event table I've had in my 10 years playing. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Weird hand, AA in BB, 3-bet pre. Flop AQ3 w clubs. I bet, he calls. Turn 5d. I check, he checks. Riv Js. Bet 4k into 3850 pot. Call. #pfa65
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
He sees my AA and is aggravated. Tells friend he had AQ. Shocked he didn't bet turn. Up to 27k but feel like I should've made more. #pfa65
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