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Thread: A Real-Life Demon Possession in Indiana - kids walking on ceilings and shit...

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    A Real-Life Demon Possession in Indiana - kids walking on ceilings and shit...

    Of course some of you don't believe in this kind of stuff, but this one sounds pretty damn(pun intended) convincing
    A Real-Life Demon Possession Is Being Reported in Indiana – The Details Are Almost Too Horrifying to Believe

    A terrified mother claims she watched in horror as her demon-possessed 9-year-old son walked backwards up a wall and ceiling. Her claims would be easy to dismiss if a child services case worker and a nurse weren’t reportedly there to witness it all.
    Latoya Ammons claims all three of her children showed signs of being possessed, including “evil” smiles and strangely deep voices, the Indianapolis Star reports. The mother says she also witnessed her 12-year-old daughter levitating in their Gary, Ind., home.

    Strangely enough, the scary-sounding incident is outlined in official documents. Further, Gary police Capt. Charles Austin told the Star that he is a “believer” after making several visits to the home and interviewing witnesses. He first thought the family was making stories up as part of a get-rich-quick scheme.

    Ammons’ home was “exorcized” by a catholic priest in a number of ceremonies that were reportedly authorized by the Diocese of Gary. The story apparently became so believable that officers with the police department said they were too scared to stay at the house and some city officials wouldn’t even step foot on the property.

    The 32-year-old mother says the spirits that haunted her family’s house were only vanquished after she moved away and underwent several exorcisms. The unbelievable story has come to light after the Indianapolis Star obtained hundreds of pages of official documents relating to the case.

    The Ammons family moved into the rental house on Carolina Street in Gary, Ind., back in November 2011. They soon noticed strange occurrences, including swarms of flies around the house, footsteps in the basement and wet footprints streaking across the living room floor.

    But what happened next made those incidents seem pleasant.

    In March 2012, Ammons claims she rushed to check on her 12-year-old daughter after hearing her screams. When she entered the bedroom, she says she witnessed her daughter levitating above her bed unconscious.

    The family and some of the guests they were hosting prayed over the girl until she returned back to the bed. The girl reportedly didn’t remember anything about it.

    The torment reportedly continued and the family wasn’t in a position financially to flee the home. So the family contacted churches and clairvoyants for help, but they received little relief. The clairvoyants allegedly told the family their house was haunted by more than 200 demons.

    Ammons claims her childrens’ eyes bulged and they regularly sported evil smiles, effects of their possession. Her youngest child would reportedly sit in a closet and talk to an invisible child that no one could see. She also claims he was once thrown from the bathroom when no one was even near him.

    Most of Ammons’ allegations are backed up by her mother, Rosa Campbell, who also lived in the house.

    In 2012, child protective services in Indiana was contacted to investigate the mother for possible child abuse or mental illness. A psychiatrist reportedly evaluated Ammons and determined she was not mentally ill.

    A family case manager reportedly interviewed the family and witnessed a number of strange occurrences. Valerie Washington confirmed that she witnessed the youngest boy growling before his eyes rolled back in his head.

    Washington also claimed she saw the 9-year-old boy flash a “weird grin” and then walk backward up a wall to the ceiling. Her account was corroborated by a nurse.

    “There’s no way he could’ve done that,” the nurse told the Star.

    After being sent to investigate Ammons, Washington concluded that an “evil influence” might be affecting the family.

    Do you believe the family’s story?


    another article: alot of the same info though

    A nine-year-old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons, according to official reports.

    The unlikely-sounding event was detailed in official documents after a child services case worker and a nurse both said they saw the boy 'glide' backwards on the floor, wall and ceiling.

    Both were shocked to see the boy apparently float after their mother had been subject to months of scepticism when she claimed her home in Gary, Indiana, was haunted and all three of her children were possessed by demons.

    Latoya Ammons said her 12-year-old daughter also levitated in the home, and all three of her children showed signs of being possessed including 'evil' smiles and unnaturally deep voices, according to the Indianapolis Star.

    Miss Ammons' home was officially exorcised by a catholic priest who said the ceremonies were officially authorized by the Diocese of Gary.

    Police also observed strange goings on at the house and a captain of the city's force has said he 'is a true believer' that the house is haunted.

    After a string of apparent paranormal events at the house hardened police officers - including the local captain - even declared themselves too frightened to stay there after nightfall and numerous city officials refused to go to the property.

    Mother-of-three Ms Ammons, 32, said she was only rid of the spirits that haunted her family's home in Gary after she moved away and underwent multiple exorcisms and police dug under the house to check for graves.

    The Indianapolis Star obtained hundreds of pages of official documents and carried out more than a dozen interviews with police, the Department of Child Services, psychologists, relatives and a priest to uncover the bizarre details - which seem like something straight out of a horror movie.
    Eerie: Cops and child protection workers were also spooked during visits to the home in Gary, Indiana (pictured). In this image, a figure appears in a window, right, although no one was home

    Eerie: Cops and child protection workers were also spooked during visits to the home in Gary, Indiana (pictured). In this image, a figure appears in a window, right, although no one was home

    What is it? A close-up of the image shows the cloudy white figure in the window of the home

    What is it? A close-up of the image shows the cloudy white figure in the window of the home

    Gary Police Captain Charles Austin told the paper that he had initially be skeptical of the family's claims, but after conducting interviews and visiting the home, he now admits: 'I am a believer.'

    The story began when the Ammons family - Latoya, her mother, Rosa Campbell, and three children - moved into the rental house on Carolina Street in November 2011.


    Soon after, they began noticing odd incidents, such as flies swarming the house throughout December, footsteps in the basement and wet bootprints across the living room floor, Ammons said.

    But the terror stepped up on March 10, 2012 when the family had friends visiting late into the night. Ammons got up to check on her 12-year-old daughter.
    Activity: Most of the problems at the home were around the basement stairs, pictured. Police dug a four foot hole under the stairs to look for graves

    Activity: Most of the problems at the home were around the basement stairs, pictured. Police dug a four foot hole under the stairs to look for graves

    On hearing Ammons' screams, Campbell ran to the room and saw the girl was levitating above the bed, unconscious, she said.

    'I thought, "What's going on?"' Campbell said. "'Why is this happening?"'

    The group prayed until the girl eventually moved back down on to the bed - but she could not remember anything about the incident. The visiting friends refused to return to the home.

    Ammons said that she was not financially in a position to move so instead had to endure the terror.

    The family contacted churches and clairvoyants - and while most would not listen, others gave them advice to wash the children's hands with oil, make an altar in the basement and burn sage and sulfur throughout the house.

    The clairvoyants warned that the home was haunted by more than 200 demons, Ammons said.

    Despite their efforts, they still felt the demons in the house and the children showed increasing signs of being possessed, Ammons and Campbell said.

    The children's eyes bulged, wore evil smiles and deepened when they were taken over by the demons, they said. The youngest boy would sit in a closet and talk to a child no one could see, and on one occasion, he was thrown from the bathroom, Campbell said.

    Ammons would also be taken over and said she felt weak and warm, and her body would shake.

    When Ammons went to their doctor, Dr. Geoffrey Onyeukwu, he went with medical staff and child services personnel to meet the children - who cursed at him in low voices, Campbell said.

    During the visit, a DCS report said the youngest child was 'lifted and thrown into the wall with nobody touching him'. The boys were taken to hospital.

    Before the incident, someone had called the DCS and asked the agency to investigate Ammons for possible child abuse or neglect, speculating she might have a mental illness.

    While in the hospital, a psychiatrist evaluated Ammons and concluded that she was of 'sound mind'.

    DCS family case manager Valerie Washington also interviewed the family while they were at the hospital and said the youngest boy began growling and his eyes rolled back in his head.

    Washington added in her DCS report - which was corroborated by a nurse - that the nine-year-old boy displayed a 'weird grin' and then walked backward up a wall to the ceiling.
    Ritual: Ammons went through 3 exorcisms, as famously depicted by the 1973 movie, The Exorcist, pictured

    Ritual: Ammons went through 3 exorcisms, as famously depicted by the 1973 movie, The Exorcist, pictured

    He then flipped over his grandmother and landed on his feet, while never letting go of his grandmother's hand.

    Exorcism is the practice of ridding a person of demons or other spiritual entities that they have been possessed by.

    According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, signs of demonic possession include superhuman strength, aversion to holy water, being able to speak in unknown languages, spitting and cursing.

    Most religions claim that humans can be possessed by demonic spirits and even though it might seem archaic, exorcisms continue to be performed.

    In Ammons case, the Catholic exorcism involved prayers, statements and appeals to cast out demons. The priest praised God and condemned the devil and pressed a crucifix against Ammons' head as he spoke. The priest noticed her convulsing and said that was a sign that the demons were strong. After she fell to sleep, he gave a prayer of Thanksgiving.

    But exorcisms can have deadly consequences. In 2003, an autistic 8-year-old boy in Milwaukee, was killed during an exorcism by church members who blamed thought a demon was to blame for his disability. In 2005, a nun in Romania died after a priest bound her to a cross during an exorcism, gagged her and left her for days without food or water.

    'There's no way he could've done that,' the nurse told the Star.

    Washington said in a police report that she believed an 'evil influence' could be affecting the family.

    And when asked if the boy had walked up the ceiling in an acrobatic maneuver, she said it was in fact a slow glide that could not have been performed naturally.

    The children were taken into custody by child services after workers found Ammons was neglecting their education; she said it was because the ghoulish activity kept them up all night.

    But records from clinical psychologists also indicate that the younger boy acted possessed when he was asked questions he didn't like.

    Later, Washington went to the home to check on its condition and was joined by three police officers.

    During the visit, one of their recorders malfunctioned and another recorded audio in which a voice whispered 'hey', according to police records.

    They also took photos of the house and when these were looked at later, it appeared as if cloudy faces were in the images.

    The police chief added that, after he left the house, the radio in his car malfunctioned and that his garage later refused to open.

    Even more chillingly, Austin said the driver's seat in his other car started moving backward and forward on its own - which could have caused an accident, according to his mechanic.

    During a second visit to the home, in May 2012, they were joined by a priest, Reverend Michael Maginot, who had been asked by a hospital chaplain to perform an exorcism on one of the boys.

    While at the home, a DCS family case manager said that she touched liquid she saw in the basement and later suffered finger pain and felt as if she was having a panic attack.
    Scene: Ammons underwent 3 exorcisms performed by a Catholic priest at St. Stephen Martyr Church in Merrillville, pictured, as police officers stood by. She is no longer haunted by the demons

    Scene: Ammons underwent 3 exorcisms performed by a Catholic priest at St. Stephen Martyr Church in Merrillville, pictured, as police officers stood by. She is no longer haunted by the demons

    'We felt like someone was in the room with you, someone breathing down your neck,' she said adding that she later experienced a serious of medical problems, from burns to numerous broke bones.

    After the visit, Maginot performed a minor exorcism on Ammons which consisted of prayers, statements and appeals to cast out demons.

    But after he says he was given the go-ahead by Bishop Dale Melczeck of the Diocese of Gary, he decided to carry out three more powerful exorcisms on Ammons in his church in Merrillville in June 2012. Police officers were present.

    'I was hurting all over from the inside out,' she remembered. 'I'm trying to do my best and be strong.'

    Afterwards, Ammons, who had moved homes to Indianapolis, said that the problems subsided. After six months, she regained custody of her children.

    The house in Gary now has new tenants, but the landlord said there have been no further problems at the address.

    Of the bizarre activity at her former home, Ammons said: 'When you hear something like this, don't assume it's not real because I've lived it. I know it's real.'

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    Last edited by Gordman; 01-27-2014 at 06:02 PM.

  2. #2
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    "You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LLL View Post
    don't be so quick to judge

    id normally be pulling out cosby too, but when you have hospital staff and a child case worker there and witness it, something is up. I guess id like to see more evidence for myself, and apparently there is more...

  4. #4
    Platinum JUSTIFIEDhomicide's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LLL View Post
    don't be so quick to judge

    id normally be pulling out cosby too, but when you have hospital staff and a child case worker there and witness it, something is up. I guess id like to see more evidence for myself, and apparently there is more...

    He might be talking about the fact that I think you copied and pasted like three times, there are a lot of double information lines in there
    "Only God can judge me. So either LOVE ME or LEAVE ME ALONE"

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUSTIFIEDhomicide View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gordman View Post

    don't be so quick to judge

    id normally be pulling out cosby too, but when you have hospital staff and a child case worker there and witness it, something is up. I guess id like to see more evidence for myself, and apparently there is more...

    He might be talking about the fact that I think you copied and pasted like three times, there are a lot of double information lines in there

    Yeah, I posted 2 different articles, I should have just posted the text from one otherwise it does look like a TLDR

  6. #6
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    Juts reading that shit gave me the fucking chills.

  7. #7
    Walking Image Library
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    I guess cameras or phone cameras don't work in Indiana.

      LLL: :this

  8. #8
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordman View Post

    id normally be pulling out cosby too, but when you have hospital staff and a child case worker there and witness it, something is up.
    yes, that's pretty much the 2nd line of the blaze article you posted.

    Her claims would be easy to dismiss if a child services case worker and a nurse weren’t reportedly there to witness it all.
    I find the claims of demon possession extraordinarily easy to dismiss, even (especially?) after reading those articles.

  9. #9
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Its bullshit come on people...

    everyone one of these instances you will find a dozen idiots backing this shit up with eye witness reports.

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    Everyone is free to believe what they want

    Im not going to stake my life on this article being true, nor any others, but I do believe there are other forces at work, both good and bad. Do I think every single story out there is truthful? certainly not.

    I think I spoke about it once a long time ago, but me and my wife were witness to one of those forces a number of years ago (concerning our own flesh and blood). So yes, I do believe there is higher powers at work. Sorry I wasn't there to capture it for you with my camera, it was pretty much the last thought in my mind.

      The_Standard: You simple mother fucker.
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  11. #11
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    Witness accounts are not actually evidence, and the Blaze and Daily Mail are both extraordinarily unreliable sources.

    I can perhaps be convinced that demons are real, but you'll have to do better than that.

  12. #12
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    Common knowledge no black person would stay in a haunted house long enough to become possessed, regardless of their financial situation.

  13. #13
    Bronze The_Standard's Avatar
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    So fucking stupid.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegas1369 View Post

    Common knowledge no black person would stay in a haunted house long enough to become possessed, regardless of their financial situation.
    Gary, Indiana is about as poor as it gets. I'm talking dirt poor ghetto.

  15. #15
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    I'm not reading all that for something that didn't happen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  16. #16
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    But they had people come over and pray and everything! Praying doesn't work now?

  17. #17
    Diamond shortbuspoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegas1369 View Post

    Common knowledge no black person would stay in a haunted house long enough to become possessed, regardless of their financial situation.

  18. #18
    Diamond DRK Star's Avatar
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    In before they start charging people $5/person to come see the kid walk on the ceiling.

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  20. #20
    Plutonium Brittney Griner's Clit's Avatar
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    threads like this should be labeled NSFSBP from now on.

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