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Thread: blackwater/xe/whatever name they've changed to footage

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    blackwater/xe/whatever name they've changed to footage

    whats your guys thought on them?

  2. #2
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    a politically necessity imo.

    good post btw.

  3. #3
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    i seriously cant even watch these videos after watching the first one.

    its seriously too depressing. yokelfags like these directly weaken america's security with these antics.

  4. #4
    Gold Suicide King's Avatar
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    that's my problem with them. To us they are hillbilly lunatics mercs, to Iraqi civilians they are American soldiers.

  5. #5
    Gold 408Mike's Avatar
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    ROFL you guys....ever heard of SAMPLE SIZE???

    Let's break this down- there are tens of THOUSANDS of special forces on foreign soil, and you get a few selected retards beaming into your living room and you actually have an OPINION about special forces IN GENERAL?

    No, to iraqi's those aren't "American Soldiers", they are "A bunch of inbred idiots" the same to them as they are to us.

    SO SORRY, you guys and your liberal anti-us soldier rhetoric are barking up the wrong tree.

    If you feel the need, I have several friends who are special forces, USMC SWCC etc etc, feel free to talk to them. Some have done three tours, a handful are heading out for their fourth..Iraq Afganistan etc etc These are the bravest most honest people you arm-chair captain america's have EVER known or had the privilege of meeting in your entire life. How dare any of you pass judgement because of some videos championed by the liberal anti-miitary bullshit media complex aimed at destabilization of american society and faith in Her fighting force??? Iraqi's and whomever know better, you think some yokel's can wash away years of being around our best and brightest? Just like that????

    For shame, some of you...

  6. #6
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    OH HOHOHO looks like SOMEONE doesn't like hearing the truth!!!



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    Gold Steve-O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    ROFL you guys....ever heard of SAMPLE SIZE???

    Let's break this down- there are tens of THOUSANDS of special forces on foreign soil, and you get a few selected retards beaming into your living room and you actually have an OPINION about special forces IN GENERAL?

    No, to iraqi's those aren't "American Soldiers", they are "A bunch of inbred idiots" the same to them as they are to us.

    SO SORRY, you guys and your liberal anti-us soldier rhetoric are barking up the wrong tree.

    If you feel the need, I have several friends who are special forces, USMC SWCC etc etc, feel free to talk to them. Some have done three tours, a handful are heading out for their fourth..Iraq Afganistan etc etc These are the bravest most honest people you arm-chair captain america's have EVER known or had the privilege of meeting in your entire life. How dare any of you pass judgement because of some videos championed by the liberal anti-miitary bullshit media complex aimed at destabilization of american society and faith in Her fighting force??? Iraqi's and whomever know better, you think some yokel's can wash away years of being around our best and brightest? Just like that????

    For shame, some of you...
    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Blackwater a private security firm, basically mercanaries for hire. I'm pretty certian they aren't affiliated with any special forces or even the military
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    I'd rather be rollin in stealth with Blackwater AINEC than be some sitting duck in a Hummer. Military makes you a couple bucks, Blackwater makes bricks of cash.

    If you don't like Blackwater then you shouldn't of elected and re-elected bonafied, provable war profiteers and oil company shills to be President /Vice President/ most SR positions of the entire United States. Enjoy your fucking unwinnable, perpetual war,$4+ gas, massive defense budget and massive debt. You voted for it, and even re-elected them and they delivered as promised, enjoy.

    Even Condoleeza Rice had a oil tanker named after her. The information was available to everyone. You deserve nothing less than $10 a gallon gas/poverty/ and perpetual war if you voted Republican.

  9. #9
    Gold 408Mike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-O View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    ROFL you guys....ever heard of SAMPLE SIZE???

    Let's break this down- there are tens of THOUSANDS of special forces on foreign soil, and you get a few selected retards beaming into your living room and you actually have an OPINION about special forces IN GENERAL?

    No, to iraqi's those aren't "American Soldiers", they are "A bunch of inbred idiots" the same to them as they are to us.

    SO SORRY, you guys and your liberal anti-us soldier rhetoric are barking up the wrong tree.

    If you feel the need, I have several friends who are special forces, USMC SWCC etc etc, feel free to talk to them. Some have done three tours, a handful are heading out for their fourth..Iraq Afganistan etc etc These are the bravest most honest people you arm-chair captain america's have EVER known or had the privilege of meeting in your entire life. How dare any of you pass judgement because of some videos championed by the liberal anti-miitary bullshit media complex aimed at destabilization of american society and faith in Her fighting force??? Iraqi's and whomever know better, you think some yokel's can wash away years of being around our best and brightest? Just like that????

    For shame, some of you...
    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Blackwater a private security firm, basically mercanaries for hire. I'm pretty certian they aren't affiliated with any special forces or even the military
    You are basically correct but 99.9% of the blackwater types are former special forces guys (some are regular army or marines but typically special forces) so in essence trash talking them is no different than trashing our normal fighting guys. Also it's pretty much gotten to the point where the military is pretty hamstrung so a lot of jobs are "outsourced" to the mercenaries to avoid red tape and such.

    I don't nec like blackwater, but they do a ton of very scary shit and they do it pretty damn well. For example, a guy I know was making over 150k a year (well he was about 3 years ago, no clue if he's even alive now tbh) working for blackwater and that was his first year, some guys were making upwards of 400k annually. You'd think WOW how on earth are they making such a crazy salary??? Well, he'd be the first to tell you they get sent places with NO BACKUP. Meaning, the us military may call on them to do a job or get on some mission and from there on it's ONLY THEM, blackwater might protect themselves but the us military won't get involved to help out. So if they have to protect a high value US target, and they get ambushed, guess what, no hummers or air support are a radio call away, these guys get killed all the damn time and you NEVER hear about it.

    So what does that sort of situation do to a man? You can guess. Better yet, what kind of person signs up for that kind of thing in the first place? Yeah, you get your crazies here and there, but being a mercenary is no joke. When shit needs to get done, and the red tape holds "us" back from doing it, then you can guess some hotshots will come forward and take on the challenge.

    Now, that's not to say ALL mercs are crazy and badass, basically our occupying force is turning away from the military and more to private firms so while you hear about a "troop pullout" that's by and large a bunch of bullshit, we still have a LOT of people over there, they just aren't wearing our stripes per se, there are a lot of mercenaries being left to keep a handle on things.

    The one thing I don't get 100%, is how they get funded. I think the way it works is blackwater is guaranteed certain defense contacts (worth billions) and these contracts come out of the defense spending bills, which we taxpayers foot the bill on. So essentially, you can think of blackwater as a portion of our military not constrained by so much red tape, but thats just my interpretation. Thus your comment of them being a "private security firm" is somewhat off base. They might be "private" but still us taxpayer funded, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also to "fps russia" kid WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD. Voting democrat doesn't mean shit, the people pulling the strings don't give a rats ass about political parties that's just fluff to keep the mouth breathing masses occupied. The truth is politics today are BULLSHIT, and it's very short sighted of you to say something like "oh you deserve one thing or another, BECAUSE YOU VOTED REPUBLICAN" you are either too stupid to realize how dumb you really are or you are BADLY misinformed OR you are about 14 years old. Which is it? I'd like to think you are just misinformed, and I highly recommend you learn to take in information from unbiased sources and reach your own conclusions. You sound like a mouth piece for some moron repping san francisco as the next holy site for liberal dogma, aka you sound like an idiot. Get a clue friend, NO ONE deserves $10 a gallon gas and certainly not the hard working men and women of my great country and for DAMN SURE the "republicans" aren't to blame, the problem is much more deeply rooted than that.

    More going on in the world than what cnn has to tell you, try opening your eyes, big world out there to see.
    Last edited by 408Mike; 04-13-2012 at 12:04 PM.

  10. #10
    Gold Steve-O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-O View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Blackwater a private security firm, basically mercanaries for hire. I'm pretty certian they aren't affiliated with any special forces or even the military
    You are basically correct but 99.9% of the blackwater types are former special forces guys (some are regular army or marines but typically special forces) so in essence trash talking them is no different than trashing our normal fighting guys. Also it's pretty much gotten to the point where the military is pretty hamstrung so a lot of jobs are "outsourced" to the mercenaries to avoid red tape and such.

    I don't nec like blackwater, but they do a ton of very scary shit and they do it pretty damn well. For example, a guy I know was making over 150k a year (well he was about 3 years ago, no clue if he's even alive now tbh) working for blackwater and you'd think WOW how on earth are they making such a crazy salary??? Well, he'd be the first to tell you they get sent places with NO BACKUP. Meaning, the us military may call on them to do a job or get on some mission and from there on it's ONLY THEM, blackwater might protect themselves but the us military won't get involved to help out.

    So what does that sort of situation do to a man? You can guess. Better yet, what kind of person signs up for that kind of thing in the first place? Yeah, you get your crazies here and there, but being a mercenary is no joke. When shit needs to get done, and the red tape holds "us" back from doing it, then you can guess some hotshots will come forward and take on the challenge.

    Now, that's not to say ALL mercs are crazy and badass, basically our occupying force is turning away from the military and more to private firms so while you hear about a "troop pullout" that's by and large a bunch of bullshit, we still have a LOT of people over there, they just aren't wearing our stripes per se, there are a lot of mercenaries being left to keep a handle on things.

    The one thing I don't get, is how they get funded, I think the way it works is blackwater is guaranteed certain defense contacts (worth billions) and these contracts come out of the defense spending bills, which we taxpayers foot the bill on. So essentially, you can think of blackwater as a portion of our military not constrained by so much red tape, but thats just my interpretation.
    I was under the impression that the higher up were ex-seals and such, but that the Blackwater grunts were just military rejects/weekend warriors? Don't know which is true, so it's probably a good mix of both
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    i love band of brothers too.

    9/11 is for faggots, aut.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    ROFL you guys....ever heard of SAMPLE SIZE???

    Let's break this down- there are tens of THOUSANDS of special forces on foreign soil, and you get a few selected retards beaming into your living room and you actually have an OPINION about special forces IN GENERAL?

    No, to iraqi's those aren't "American Soldiers", they are "A bunch of inbred idiots" the same to them as they are to us.

    SO SORRY, you guys and your liberal anti-us soldier rhetoric are barking up the wrong tree.

    If you feel the need, I have several friends who are special forces, USMC SWCC etc etc, feel free to talk to them. Some have done three tours, a handful are heading out for their fourth..Iraq Afganistan etc etc These are the bravest most honest people you arm-chair captain america's have EVER known or had the privilege of meeting in your entire life. How dare any of you pass judgement because of some videos championed by the liberal anti-miitary bullshit media complex aimed at destabilization of american society and faith in Her fighting force??? Iraqi's and whomever know better, you think some yokel's can wash away years of being around our best and brightest? Just like that????

    For shame, some of you...

    1. Mike, absolutely no special forces/armed forces at all should be behaving like this. It is pure brutality/abuse of power.

    2. You really think the Iraqi people distinguish between anyone representing America/UK. Give me a fucking break. We are educated enough to realise that it's a few radicals within Muslim society that cause all the trouble not the majority. For most of Iraq their only impression of US/UK people is aggressive armed forces.

    3. I am 100% behind our armed forces too. I have friends who have served and are currently serving in both Afghanistan and Iraq. You making this out like it's a bunch of hippy liberal army haters is just way off base.

    4. I have no idea why I engaged you here, as you really are a complete fucking moron who thinks because some guy he once spoke to 5 years ago told him something he is now the fountain of all knowledge.

    5. Hopefully Iraq nukes your house.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-O View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post

    You are basically correct but 99.9% of the blackwater types are former special forces guys (some are regular army or marines but typically special forces) so in essence trash talking them is no different than trashing our normal fighting guys. Also it's pretty much gotten to the point where the military is pretty hamstrung so a lot of jobs are "outsourced" to the mercenaries to avoid red tape and such.

    I don't nec like blackwater, but they do a ton of very scary shit and they do it pretty damn well. For example, a guy I know was making over 150k a year (well he was about 3 years ago, no clue if he's even alive now tbh) working for blackwater and you'd think WOW how on earth are they making such a crazy salary??? Well, he'd be the first to tell you they get sent places with NO BACKUP. Meaning, the us military may call on them to do a job or get on some mission and from there on it's ONLY THEM, blackwater might protect themselves but the us military won't get involved to help out.

    So what does that sort of situation do to a man? You can guess. Better yet, what kind of person signs up for that kind of thing in the first place? Yeah, you get your crazies here and there, but being a mercenary is no joke. When shit needs to get done, and the red tape holds "us" back from doing it, then you can guess some hotshots will come forward and take on the challenge.

    Now, that's not to say ALL mercs are crazy and badass, basically our occupying force is turning away from the military and more to private firms so while you hear about a "troop pullout" that's by and large a bunch of bullshit, we still have a LOT of people over there, they just aren't wearing our stripes per se, there are a lot of mercenaries being left to keep a handle on things.

    The one thing I don't get, is how they get funded, I think the way it works is blackwater is guaranteed certain defense contacts (worth billions) and these contracts come out of the defense spending bills, which we taxpayers foot the bill on. So essentially, you can think of blackwater as a portion of our military not constrained by so much red tape, but thats just my interpretation.
    I was under the impression that the higher up were ex-seals and such, but that the Blackwater grunts were just military rejects/weekend warriors? Don't know which is true, so it's probably a good mix of both
    Hmm no blackwater is dishing out MAJOR cash, you can be sure they have their pick of soldiers and if you take a look at the scene now and of the last couple years, you quickly realize thousands and thousands of troops, special forces and otherwise, are heading home with zero job prospects. This distills itself down to one thing- thousands of soldiers ALL vying for the lucrative blackwater contracts.

    Now, things are VERY different not than they were say immediately post 9/11. At that time sure blackwater had a smaller presence and yes it was known for being a hotbed of jokers, but over time and a dead economy the years have really been rough on retiring servicemen, there aren't many jobs out there for the vast majority and so 150k and year and up contracts are mouth watering for tens of thousands. What I'm getting at is, blackwater is comprised of mostly the best of the best now, it's not a bunch of crumbumbs is all I'm saying.

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    408Mike don't play that "both parties are the same" bullshit with someone as informed as me. You go pull that shit on the Alex Jones/ Ron Paul/911 Truther/ Birther bunch, we clear? There is a political war going on, the stakes are high and we're more divided than ever and it's not because both parties are the same atleast not yet. No fucking way John Kerry would make up Nigerian Yellow Cake stories w/ forged documents and sketches of non existent mobile Bio weopons labs and little vials of a non existent poison to start a war.

    That both parties are the same crap is for people who are to lazy to look.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 04-13-2012 at 12:27 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeamRazor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    ROFL you guys....ever heard of SAMPLE SIZE???

    Let's break this down- there are tens of THOUSANDS of special forces on foreign soil, and you get a few selected retards beaming into your living room and you actually have an OPINION about special forces IN GENERAL?

    No, to iraqi's those aren't "American Soldiers", they are "A bunch of inbred idiots" the same to them as they are to us.

    SO SORRY, you guys and your liberal anti-us soldier rhetoric are barking up the wrong tree.

    If you feel the need, I have several friends who are special forces, USMC SWCC etc etc, feel free to talk to them. Some have done three tours, a handful are heading out for their fourth..Iraq Afganistan etc etc These are the bravest most honest people you arm-chair captain america's have EVER known or had the privilege of meeting in your entire life. How dare any of you pass judgement because of some videos championed by the liberal anti-miitary bullshit media complex aimed at destabilization of american society and faith in Her fighting force??? Iraqi's and whomever know better, you think some yokel's can wash away years of being around our best and brightest? Just like that????

    For shame, some of you...

    1. Mike, absolutely no special forces/armed forces at all should be behaving like this. It is pure brutality/abuse of power.

    2. You really think the Iraqi people distinguish between anyone representing America/UK. Give me a fucking break. We are educated enough to realise that it's a few radicals within Muslim society that cause all the trouble not the majority. For most of Iraq their only impression of US/UK people is aggressive armed forces.

    3. I am 100% behind our armed forces too. I have friends who have served and are currently serving in both Afghanistan and Iraq. You making this out like it's a bunch of hippy liberal army haters is just way off base.

    4. I have no idea why I engaged you here, as you really are a complete fucking moron who thinks because some guy he once spoke to 5 years ago told him something he is now the fountain of all knowledge.

    5. Hopefully Iraq nukes your house.
    First and foremost #1 is accurate, I play devils advocate because I have good friends who are right now special forces and let me tell you, they walk the razors edge with regard to sanity. It's just the nature of what they do, maybe it's the training as well I can't be 100%, but I can say for sure these guys MUST be asked to do a LOT. I don't ask much, and I get very little when I do. They keep it inside, by and large, I can't say it's always comfortable having friends around that I also fear, but it is what it is. So while I am not making excuses for anyone, I am pointing out the REALITY of the situation, you put people under immense stress some outliers will crack and act like buffoons. Ok, weed them out, but let's not jump to conclusions about special forces in general.

    #2-Yes, the iraqi people by and large do know better as they have been dealing with our and your troops for over a decade now. A decade of involvement is not going to be washed away instantly by some morons with a machine gun.

    #3- You have a valid point, but I am a bit gun shy with regard to this sort of thing, I've been hearing it from years many times from arm chair quarterbacks like sonatine who have nothing better to do and no real say in the whole thing. Nothing positive anyway...Just running their mouths about nonsense and knocking our troops every chance they get while spitting on the memory of those who have fallen for the sake that we might even have this conversation in the first place.

    #4- Sorry, I have at minimum a dozen friends serving now, several (i won't say how many) are special forces now and I see and talk to them regularly. I get knocked from THEM enough because I am around the military so much without serving, I don't really need to hear it from you. Am I active military NO I AM NOT, but that doesn't invalidate my opinion.

    #5-likewise and enjoy the haggis you sick bastard.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    408Mike don't play that "both parties are the same" bullshit with someone as informed as me. You go pull that shit on the Alex Jones/ Ron Paul/911 Truther/ Birther bunch, we clear? There is a political war going on, the stakes are high and we're more divided than ever and it's not because both parties are the same atleast not yet. No fucking way John Kerry would make up Nigerian Yellow Cake stories and sketches of non existent mobile Bio weopons labs and little vials of a non existent poison to start a war.

    That both parties are the same crap is for people who are to lazy to look.
    Ok, since congress funds war and without congressional support the president can not declare war (past 60 days anyway) so of the democrats in office when bush declared war on iraq, HOW MANY AND WHICH ONES rejected his call to war? What I mean is, did the democrats in congress (the real powers with regard to declarations of war) support or reject war mongering george bush?

    Think carefully now.....

    And fwiw, obama is supposedly your saving grace, WHAT HAS HE DONE SINCE TAKING OFFICE? Has he really been the champion you were sold on 3 years ago? Oh yes, he is 100% anti-war and all that fluff and lovey dovey bullshit you claim. OK,

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    No. 4: Extend child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes
    No. 16: Increase minority access to capital
    No. 33: Establish a credit card bill of rights
    No. 36: Expand loan programs for small businesses
    No. 37: Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes
    No. 38: Extend the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)
    No. 48: Close the “doughnut hole” in Medicare prescription drug plan
    No. 51: Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions
    No. 53: Give tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums
    No. 55: Require large employers to contribute to a national health plan
    No. 56: Require children to have health insurance coverage
    No. 57: Expand eligibility for Medicaid
    No. 58: Expand eligibility for State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
    No. 63: Require health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care
    No. 65: Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information
    No. 69: In non-competitive markets, force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care
    No. 70: Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans
    No. 93: Reinstate executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years.
    No. 105: Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health
    No. 109: Fully fund the Veterans Administration
    No. 113: Expand the Veterans Administration’s number of “centers of excellence” in specialty care
    No. 121: Fully fund the Violence Against Women Act
    No. 125: Direct military leaders to end war in Iraq
    No. 126: Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq
    No. 132: No permanent bases in Iraq
    No. 161: End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war
    No. 167: Make U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional on anti-terror efforts
    No. 172: Open “America Houses” in Islamic cities around the globe
    No. 182: Allocate Homeland Security funding according to risk
    No. 195: Seek verifiable reductions in nuclear stockpiles
    No. 196: Extend monitoring and verification provisions of the START I Treaty
    No. 197: Stand down nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty
    No. 215: Create a rapid response fund for emerging democracies
    No. 222: Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba
    No. 225: Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
    No. 229: Expand the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers
    No. 239: Release presidential records
    No. 241: Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.
    No. 244: Provide affordable, high-quality child care
    No. 247: Recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession
    No. 259: Reduce subsidies to private student lenders and protect student borrowers
    No. 269: Increase funding for national parks and forests
    No. 275: Expand Pell grants for low-income students
    No. 290: Push for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to include sexual orientation and other factors
    No. 293: Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
    No. 315: Establish ‘Promise Neighborhoods’ for areas of concentrated poverty
    No. 359: Rebuild schools in New Orleans
    No. 371: Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps
    No. 411: Work to overturn Ledbetter vs. Goodyear
    No. 422: Create new financial regulations
    No. 427: Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees
    No. 433: Sign a “universal” health care bill
    No. 435: Create new criminal penalties for mortgage fraud
    No. 449: Raise fuel economy standards
    No. 458: Invest in all types of alternative energy
    No. 483: Invest in public transportation
    No. 495: Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
    No. 500: Increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency
    No. 507: Extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on these benefits
    No. 513: Reverse restrictions on stem cell research
    Again, please keep in mind that this is only a fraction of the promises he has kept. I don’t think there is another president in recent history who could present such a list.

    I'm right, you're wrong, apologize and we'll move on.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 04-13-2012 at 01:05 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TeamRazor View Post
    ROFL we aren't in 5th grade anymore...sorry but no one is owning me here.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    So far you have avoided providing any solid connection between the democratic party and a perceived decrease in fuel costs or a decrease in "war mongering." Where is this $10 per gallon gas coming from? Republicans? Wait, so democrats are helping keep fuel costs low HOW exactly? By not funding war? Um, last chance democrats had on that front was when Bush was asking for funding in the war on iraq, we all know how that panned out. Democrats gave the war many, many thumbs up, did they not?

    OH that's right, THEY DIDN'T DID THEY? Oh hohoho, those awesome democrats voted almost UNANIMOUSLY IN SUPPORT OF THE WAR AGAINST IRAQ, HAVE TO ROOT OUT THOSE PESKY WMD'S AND SUCH. THE ONES THAT NEVER EXISTED YOU KNOW. And you dare accuse me of not knowing the truth, that democrats are sooooo much better than republicans when it comes to war mongering? Please, you haven't even the scent of a clue here pal. You make me laugh tbh.

    You have failed on all points and some pathetic copy and paste job from a liberal website or whatever showing obama's "SUCCESSES" in office is just making you look more and more foolish. Perhaps I should point out the obvious to you, that the majority of the country feels LET DOWN by the man, and by and large obama supporters all hate the guy, calling him a fraud and waste of time. Do please keep randomly copy and pasting though, it's really getting your point across.

    Fwiw, I will probably still vote obama, although it's totally beside the point here. You really have no clue who you are talking to or what you are talking about, please learn to debate like a grown up. You would be fierce competition for the average 7th grader, but past that....not so much.

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  5. Replies: 0
    Last Post: 03-15-2012, 11:53 PM