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Thread: The genesis to Peter Falcone (peterdc) in this community

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    The genesis to Peter Falcone (peterdc) in this community

    For those of you that don't know, Peter Falcone -- aka peterdc, actionjunkie (2+2), and apparently recently limpcallcallfold on 2+2, is a big-time sportsbetting scammer. He has nailed victims in both the poker community and outside the poker community for 4, 5, and 6-figure sums.

    Peter's victims are extremely diverse. He has scammed people in poker -- both big names and small. He committed a "romance scam" against a really rich woman who basically invented the 900/976 phone sex industry. He even is rumored to have scammed comedian Louie Anderson.

    And as I've mentioned before, I was the one who indirectly caused Peter Falcone to come to DonkDown. However, he didn't seek me out. The whole situation with me getting to know him was rather coincidental.

    A female friend of Ken Scalir's wanted a driving buddy to Vegas, because she didn't want to drive 300 miles alone. She put an ad on Craigslist (real safe, huh -- girl alone wants guy to drive with in the desert), and Peter responded.

    Not sure what Peter's angle was there. This girl wasn't hot, wasn't rich, and didn't have any influential friends. I think Peter was legitimately lonely and was going to Vegas anyway. She told me that he never tried anything sexually with her.

    Anyway, they did this a few more times, and he also took her out occasionally to nice dinners in LA. After some months had passed, she bragged to him that she knew a professional poker player, and of course Peter got excited, claiming to be a huge poker fan. In reality, I'm sure Peter smelled a new mark.

    She called me and insisted that I talk to Peter. Again, this was her idea, because she wanted to impress him. I talked to him for maybe 30 minutes, and he acted really intrigued by me and wanted to hear every poker story I could tell him. Peter claimed to be a sportsbetting pro.

    At the time, the girl told me the following about Peter:

    - He was a really, really nice guy, and very generous.

    - He lived in a huge, beautiful house by the beach in Malibu. From her description of the house, it sounded like it was worth $10 million or more. She had been to his house and verified he really lived there.

    - He never tried anything sexually with her, and only seemed interested in her company.

    I think this was around October 2009.

    Anyway, at the time, I just dismissed Peter as a rich guy who was a poker fanboy. I never completely believed his "sportsbetting pro" stories. I thought he had probably just inherited a lot of money and wanted people to think he earned it himself.

    The first weird thing occurred in November. Peter called me and offered the following to me:

    - A beautiful suite at the Wynn

    - Food comps for the whole weekend

    - Two tickets to see Garth Brooks' first concert there. These tickets were incredibly hard to get and this was considered a big event in Vegas.

    What did he want in return?

    Absolutely nothing.

    This was so odd, because I had only talked to the guy like 3 or 4 times on the phone, and never met him. Why would he do me this favor?

    I would have taken him up on it, but I already had a vacation planned and paid for, starting the day before the Garth concert. I had to turn it down.

    Sometime around then, he found DonkDown. I never told him about it. He must have googled me. He registered as peterdc, but told me not to tell anyone that I knew him, or that he was a pro sportsbettor. Oddly enough, he eventually revealed both of these things on his own.

    In March, 2010, Peter called me while I was driving. He was pitching some kind of new contest on DonkDown that he wanted to pay for. I told him that I could only talk for about five minutes, as I was on my way to a sports bar to reserve some space in their back room for my upcoming fantasy baseball draft. Peter said, "Oh come on, don't have your fantasy draft in some bar! I'll get you a suite at Bellagio for that!"

    I tried to tell him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted. Finally, I accepted, but was skeptical and booked the sports bar anyway, planning to cancel if Peter came through. (The draft was at 10:00am on a Saturday, so it was highly unlikely the sportsbar would need that back room for anyone else, anyway.)

    The draft came, and Peter wasn't already in Vegas as he had promised. I had a hard time reaching him, and got nervous. Finally, I got him on the phone and he said he was driving with a few buddies from LA to Vegas, and would be there around 1:00am. I met him at around 1:30 at Bellagio, and he helped me bring my stuff up to the suite. Nothing went in my name. I never showed any ID. He gave me a room key, helped me move furniture around to set up a "conference area" in the living room for the expected 12 people, and took me for a meal at the Bellagio Cafe. He paid for that meal, too. I called downstairs and verified that my name was on the list of authorized people to use the room, and they said it was. Peter told me that he was going back to his room, but that he would come meet all the guys at the draft and buy everyone room service lunch.

    Needless to say, I canceled the sports bar, and the guys at the draft were really impressed by everything. When it came time for lunch, however, I couldn't reach Peter. He was MIA the whole day. I left him several messages. I finally told the guys at the draft that the guy who got me the suite also promised to pay for lunch, but that I couldn't reach him. I told them that we would have to pay for it on our own, and that I would refund them the money if Peter came through with his promise later on. Everyone agreed. Near the end of the meal, I got another strange call from Peter. He had "business" and had to abruptly leave Vegas -- just 10 hours or so after he arrived. He was already out of town. However, he said he arranged that our lunch would be covered by his comp.

    I called the front desk, and indeed a "cash credit" of $400 was placed on the room.

    None of the guys had to pay for their lunch, but about $100 was left over. I never used a "cash credit" before, so I didn't know how it worked. If it was going to fall off and disappear if I didn't use it, I was going to make sure to use it. Preferably, I wanted it to just go back to Peter's comp account. I called Peter, and he surprisingly told me just to keep the $100 for myself. I told him I didn't want to do that, as he had already done enough! I told him I would find a way to get it back, but he insisted that I should keep it. When I checked out, Bellagio told me that this was not a comp, but rather $400 in cash that Peter left at the front desk! This really made me suspicious, because I had been led to believe that all of this was paid for by comps, which Peter earned from his heavy action at Bellagio. Now I really suspected that Peter was just a rich guy who wanted desperately to make friends. I told them to mail the $100 to Peter, which they agreed.

    Anyway, that was my only in-person encounter with Peter.

    Micon said last night on radio that I "semi-vouched" for him, but that's not true. I always thought something might be "off" with him, but I never thought scammer. It appeared much more to be a lonely rich guy who liked to pretend he earned the money he actually inherited. I didn't see a reason to turn down all of the free things he was offering DonkDown because he was asking for nothing in return, and as far as I could see, wasn't setting up any scams. It should also be noted that Micon and Martha went out with Peter for several nice meals, and they both had glowing things to say about him on the boards. (Micon likes to portray it nowadays that he was the one suspicious of Peter and that I was bamboozled by him, which simply isn't true. We both thought pretty much the same things about the guy -- kind of a cautious optimism.)

    In early December, 2010, I was moving from one secret location to another. I also had a 6-week-old baby, and had just gotten over shingles. Needless to say, it was a busy time, and an especially busy day, as the move was actually occurring. I got a frantic call from Micon that a guy had contacted him about Peter being a scammer, and that the guy wanted desperately to talk to me. It was not one of our users, but rather a 2+2 guy who knew Peter as "actionjunkie" there. I called the guy and heard the story, which sounded very legit. It appeared that Peter was most likely a sportsbetting scammer, but I had a problem. The guy (who later came public under the screen name ramboftw) was owed 70k by Peter, and was still holding out hope of getting paid if he kept quiet. He made me SWEAR not to make the story public if he told me, so I made him that promise. If I didn't make the promise, he would have refused to tell me the story.

    At this point, I was torn between the decision of warning all of our users (and betraying the trust of ramboftw) or keeping it quiet (and potentially endangering our users). It was an EXTREMELY tough decision, as I felt I might be hurting someone either way. I discussed it with Micon, and we chose a middle ground -- contacting people privately that we knew Peter had been in contact with, telling them not to deal with him, and also making those people promise not to say anything for the moment. That's exactly what we did, but it wasn't long until ramboftw himself came forward on DD, and the whole story came out, anyway.

    Anyway, as soon as the ramboftw stuff came out, Peter never contacted me again. He kept in contact with people like Chinamaniac, CMONEY, and Brandon, but stopped talking to me. I think my reputation of being someone who aggressively presses for the truth (and doesn't accept BS excuses) probably scared him away from wanting to talk to me -- figuring it would only do more harm than good. I thought Peter might try to call me and ask me to take down the thread or vouch for him (neither of which I would have done), but he never did. To this day, he hasn't contacted me, nor has he contacted the girl that originally introduced me to him.

    So that's my story of my encounters with Peter Falcone. Turned out that the beautiful Malibu home he "owned" was really the property of his 50-something girlfriend, the aforementioned queen of the '80s phone sex industry. He also apparently charged my Bellagio suite on her credit card. His "comps" were mostly nonexistent. Most of that was actually paid for by this woman's credit card.

    The one thing I still haven't figured out is what motivates him. Is he a degenerate gambler? Is he a sociopath? Is he lonely and does this as some sort of sick way to make temporary friendships with people?

    Hard to tell. He seems to always be broke unless he has money that he has recently scammed, so I really think he sinks all of the scam money into a combination of gambling and generously spending on people he wants to impress. If he were just a simple, run-of-the-mill scammer, he wouldn't have befriended that girl I knew, as he literally got nothing out of the whole thing, and the fact that she knew a poker player (which he only realized months into the friendship) was a coincidence.

    I don't think he's strictly in it for the money, because that phone sex lady was in love with him, and he could have easily married her and had access to tens of millions of dollars. He didn't do that. Instead, he scammed her for hundreds of thousands of dollars before she finally accepted the truth and booted his ass out.

      Sanlmar: Well told tale rep

  2. #2
    Bronze vpplayer's Avatar
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    I think we all have a common goal to stop this man but I found it a minimum annoying and at most suspicious that ramboftw stood my friend up for a meeting when he was in Marina Del Rey on a fact finding mission.
    Last edited by vpplayer; 04-05-2012 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Silver TheTemplar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpplayer View Post
    I think we all have a common goal to stop this man but I found it a minimum annoying and at most suspicious that ramboftw stood my friend up for a meeting meeting when he was in Marina Del Rey on a fact finding mission.
    Vpp, Thanks for coming on the radio show last night. I have a couple questions for you, I will pm you.

  4. #4
    King of the Carts BUBBLES's Avatar
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    Micon is over at the ghost town quoting how Druff vouched for Peterdc.

  5. #5
    Gold Shizzmoney's Avatar
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    Fascinating shit.

    I won $50 off the guys' free NFL pick 'em pool lol.

    If Jack Black ever wanted to play a Con Man role, he's got his script

  6. #6
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    Looks like that site created by the Ramboftw guy has now expired. I think it was Anybody know how to re-activate it? I would be willing to contribute to keeping it open. I think anything that keeps this out in the open is in the public good.

  7. #7
    Gold 408Mike's Avatar
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    "The one thing I still haven't figured out is what motivates him. Is he a degenerate gambler? Is he a sociopath? Is he lonely and does this as some sort of sick way to make temporary friendships with people? Hard to tell."


    "When it came time for lunch, however, I couldn't reach Peter. He was MIA the whole day."

    ^^^ Stinks like a drug addict to me. I am/was one, so speaking from experience (I might be wrong) it's highly possible he binges on coke crack or crystal and socially withdraws when he's high. Would fit in with his need to make new friends as he is probably lonely and/or depressed and he needs the big scams to fund his binges. It's unlikely he can stay clean long enough to hold a regular job and friends walk away if they get close and learn the truth thus he keeps people at a distance and is always hunting for new friends to replace the ones he has lost.

    The addicted personality type also fits in with his desire to scam instead of marry the big money as he's addicted to the adrenalin/rush of the scam itself. Doubt he does this willfully to hurt people, he just can't control himself. He's gotta get the rush or he feels nothing day to day...

    If true, I think that's very sad, but again I am just offering an outsiders opinion...

  8. #8
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    The PeterDC saga is like Gatsby meets The Talented Mr. Ripley mixed with insecurity and some type of psychological need to connect with people. It was intriguing as hell to watch go down for anyone who didn't get fucked.

    Question Druff, the last scam was just straight up over the internet, but what is the dude like in person? Charismatic? he is a very average-looking dude, so he isn't conning hot millionaire cougars(Betsy wasn't much to look at iirc) on the reg, but he seems to have mixed into all different groups and scammed people, so he has to be relatively intelligent, or charismatic as hell. Disarming at a minimum. Yet, from what you said, he sounds more sad, and it's pretty hard to be charismatic and sad.

    Just strange, I've met that dude a million times, the guy who needs to buy every round, etc., and there is like a loneliness/insecurity mix that you can't put your finger on, and I'm always left wondering how it developed. Definitely psychotic is in the ballpark, but I don't know that there is a name to it that I've ever heard. You just always have the feeling that wherever he's at, whoever he's with, he probably always feels like he's on the outside looking in, and that a lot of what comes after is from trying to not feel like that. There is a surreal element to being a gambler in a crowd, yet disconnected, and to a degree, I think a lot of us always have that looking in feeling, which is likely why gamblers intrigued him, rather than simply becoming a Ponzi schemer or just married the wealthy older lady. Dude's looking for something, and he doesn't seem to be able to get what he needs.

    He should have never left this community, because strangely, while he would have gotten fucked with, we've always kind of loved our scammers here, and while acceptance isn't the right word, he certainly wouldn't have been ostracized. Would love to meet this guy eventually and try and figure out what makes him tick.
    Last edited by BCR; 04-06-2012 at 12:14 AM.

  9. #9
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    The PeterDC saga is like Gatsby meets The Talented Mr. Ripley mixed with insecurity and some type of psychological need to connect with people. It was intriguing as hell to watch go down for anyone who didn't get fucked.

    Question Druff, the last scam was just straight up over the internet, but what is the dude like in person? Charismatic? he is a very average-looking dude, so he isn't conning hot millionaire cougars(Betsy wasn't much to look at iirc) on the reg, but he seems to have mixed into all different groups and scammed people, so he has to be relatively intelligent, or charismatic as hell. Disarming at a minimum. Yet, from what you said, he sounds more sad, and it's pretty hard to be charismatic and sad.

    Just strange, I've met that dude a million times, the guy who needs to buy every round, etc., and there is like a loneliness/insecurity mix that you can't put your finger on, and I'm always left wondering how it developed. Definitely psychotic is in the ballpark, but I don't know that there is a name to it that I've ever heard. You just always have the feeling that wherever he's at, whoever he's with, he probably always feels like he's on the outside looking in, and that a lot of what comes after is from trying to not feel like that. There is a surreal element to being a gambler in a crowd, yet disconnected, and to a degree, I think a lot of us always have that looking in feeling, which is likely why gamblers intrigued him, rather than simply becoming a Ponzi schemer or just married the wealthy older lady. Dude's looking for something, and he doesn't seem to be able to get what he needs.

    He should have never left this community, because strangely, while he would have gotten fucked with, we've always kind of loved our scammers here, and while acceptance isn't the right word, he certainly wouldn't have been ostracized. Would love to meet this guy eventually and try and figure out what makes him tick.
    In person, he came off as a nice and helpful everyman type.

    Not super charismatic, but very upbeat and always wanting to help and listen to you.

    I think that's where he had his appeal.

    Instead of being a really good looking or intimidating rich guy, he came off as the average dude who just happened to have money. Made him easier to trust because he seemed down to earth and relatable.

  10. #10
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    He is just a degen gambler that needs to be in action and he finds a way , when he runs up sports bets he hits the high stakes slots and racks up comps and he lives off the casinos and uses them to bait in more people to scam. Any angle he can find he will use. In the end he wants to have high action on games

  11. #11
    Silver Sandwich's Avatar
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    What are the details of these alleged "scams"?

  12. #12
    Silver TheTemplar's Avatar
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    @ Sandwich, there are so many huge scams. If you ask someone who really knows, they probably wouldn't know where to start. The number he has scammed right now has to be well over a Million.

  13. #13
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    Ok then... How about some examples of the TYPES of scams he has been pulling?

    Isn't that one of the purposes of this site -- to provide DETAILS about various frauds relating to the poker world?

  14. #14
    Silver TheTemplar's Avatar
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    From the three that I have heard, they are all sports betting related. He wines and dines you, gives out a couple bucks here and there to show he is balling. Never asks for anything in return. He will bet with you, and pay off small amounts to gain your trust. Then on your credit, he will ask you to put in bets for him. Of course the bets start out small, and gradually get bigger. Before you know it, in your name you owe 100k in bets, and he is MIA.

    Another scam he has pulled is by dressing up like an old man. He did this to pretend he was his father. Well I don't know all the details, but he ended up selling his parents home for 400k.

    Recently he has scammed over 100k on 2+2 in the Sports betting thread. He won a pool, don't know which sport, but he had his winnings kept in escrow. Simply so he could start his sports betting scam on that site.

    In his early days VPPplayer says that he used to wine and dine women, they rob them blind. Steal there credit cards, debit cards, what have you.

    This is just the gist of what I know.
    Last edited by TheTemplar; 04-15-2012 at 05:49 PM. Reason: rebuddle

  15. #15
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    Just listened to DD broadcast about Peter with interview, and it was interesting, and I thought Micon did a good job. Obviously he's much better at conning women than I thought he was from the interview. Dude is slick, and it's amazing he isn't dead yet. Conning poker 20-somethings is one thing, but that guy implied Peter has taken some serious people for money.

    Question, who were they referring to when they talked about a female poker player who overdosed, who had introduced Peter to various people? First I had heard of that, and possibly I heard it incorrectly?

  16. #16
    Bronze vpplayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Just listened to DD broadcast about Peter with interview, and it was interesting, and I thought Micon did a good job. Obviously he's much better at conning women than I thought he was from the interview. Dude is slick, and it's amazing he isn't dead yet. Conning poker 20-somethings is one thing, but that guy implied Peter has taken some serious people for money.

    Question, who were they referring to when they talked about a female poker player who overdosed, who had introduced Peter to various people? First I had heard of that, and possibly I heard it incorrectly?
    I never mentioned an overdose. She is a very wealthy woman well known in Southern California poker rooms. With Peter living in her home it gave him credibility because of the mansion he was actually living in.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpplayer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Just listened to DD broadcast about Peter with interview, and it was interesting, and I thought Micon did a good job. Obviously he's much better at conning women than I thought he was from the interview. Dude is slick, and it's amazing he isn't dead yet. Conning poker 20-somethings is one thing, but that guy implied Peter has taken some serious people for money.

    Question, who were they referring to when they talked about a female poker player who overdosed, who had introduced Peter to various people? First I had heard of that, and possibly I heard it incorrectly?
    I never mentioned an overdose. She is a very wealthy woman well known in Southern California poker rooms. With Peter living in her home it gave him credibility because of the mansion he was actually living in.

    Ah,ok. I know who you mean then. I thought I heard OD, but the audio is a bit sketchy, and it confused me. Great interview VPP, hopefully we'll hear more from you in the future.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sandwich View Post
    Ok then... How about some examples of the TYPES of scams he has been pulling?

    Isn't that one of the purposes of this site -- to provide DETAILS about various frauds relating to the poker world?
    Here is the main thread on Peter. It was in the HOF of DD but Micon opened it up again after the latest Peter scam on 2+2:

  19. #19
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    I've been intrigued by Peterdc even before he was revealed as a degenerate scammer. Even from never having met him and having no involvement in the Vegas scene, something about his generosity and forthcoming nature seemed disingenuous. If he was just playing the long game in setting up a con a lot of his behavior seemed arbitrary and/or superfluous. Perhaps that was part of his game.

    The pathology of this guy is also intriguing. It seems weird that he embarks on these cons SOLELY to have heavy action on games. Labeling him a sociopath seems too simplistic. I would love to know what makes this ugly man tick.

  20. #20
    Platinum JimmyG_415's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    I've been intrigued by Peterdc even before he was revealed as a degenerate scammer. Even from never having met him and having no involvement in the Vegas scene, something about his generosity and forthcoming nature seemed disingenuous. If he was just playing the long game in setting up a con a lot of his behavior seemed arbitrary and/or superfluous. Perhaps that was part of his game.

    The pathology of this guy is also intriguing. It seems weird that he embarks on these cons SOLELY to have heavy action on games. Labeling him a sociopath seems too simplistic. I would love to know what makes this ugly man tick.
    Is there any news on this? That thread died, well its going strong, but just w/sport bets.

    The only one I've seen say it is Peter DC on 4, turned out to be cleatus.
    They said his name was Mike Esposito and he has kids.
    Now they did say he had a rich girlfriend who was known in poker world so that must be the one w/ the mansion.

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