Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Down to 10100 in what has been an extremely streaky event for me #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Down to 10100 in what has been an extremely streaky event for me #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Picked up a small one to break the losing streak. Up to 12400. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Just lost top 2 pair to a straight, big pot, down to 7900 and hurting again. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
I believe I have done this -- had near the chip lead in mid day 1 of this event and not cashed -- for a few consec yrs now. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Missed a straight draw. Now just 4900, #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
For the second time tonight I mis-raised and it cost me the pot. Ugly. Have 2400 now. Not sure what's wrong w/me #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Won 88 all in next hand, up to 6800. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost AK to JJ final hand, go into day 2 with laughable 3300. See you at 2pm. #pfa10
One of the weirdest days of poker I ever played.
I got AA four times and won them all (though one was only a blind steal). Twice the AA was up against KK.
I got JJ four times and lost them all, including a very safe-looking J53 flop.
I lost set over set TWICE, including an overplayed AA hand which spiked the ace on the river, and the other one QQQ versus AAA held by the maniac.
Speaking of the maniac, he was torturing me and almost ended my day very early, but then he was a large reason I chipped up from a tournament-low 925 to 14,000, when I busted him.
I made not one but TWO mental-lapse mistakes where I didn't raise properly and it cost me the pot. I accidentally put out 400 chips instead of 600 to raise KK, making it just a call. This allowed a guy with 67 to come in from the SB, and he flopped a straight. Very late in the tournament, I had 77, meant to three-bet, but only put out 1200 instead of 1500, again just making it a call. I ended up letting in a K4, and I actually got bet off the winning hand on a Q94 flop, which likely wouldn't have happened if it was just me and one other person. The K4 won. I was best the whole way and in fact would have rivered a set.
I had that crazy hand where I had QsJs against three shortstacks, and we all got it in on the turn with a jack-high board with two spades. Turned out I was against AQ (gutshot), JJ (top set), and TT (middle set). The 7s hit the river to win me the whole pot and bust 3 people -- a first for me.
It was all downhill after that hand, where I hit a high of 24,400.
I came back from break and lost AQ to QJ on the turn, and then lost pretty much every hand.
I did bring myself back from 2400 to 7100 after winning an all-in with 88 from the BB, but lost much of that back on the final hand of the night, where I had AK against JJ on a flop of JTx. (I folded the river, he flashed the JJ.)
I finished with just 3300 in chips, one of the smallest stacks in the tournament.
The guy who had the JJ on the final hand was as hot in the final 2 hours as I was cold, and I believe is the chip leader with around 42k.
We return at 2pm. There are something like 182 left out of 645. Average stack is about 16k. Needless to say, I need a lot of luck to cash.
Do you think you would be less likely to make those mistakes if you had backers in this one?
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Here I go. 3300 in day 2 of $1500 Limit. Might be a very short day. 177 remain out of 645. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Easy come, easy go: Win all in AJ vs A9, lose next hand top pair jacks to KK. 3600. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
That's all folks. KT spades on flop K63, opponent has aces. In 20 minutes I ran into KK and AA, both with top pair. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Despite a lifetime profit in this event of over $98k, I have bricked it 9 straight times. #pfa10
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
I will now take a 16 day break from the WSOP and return to action on June 20. It's safe to follow me again. #pfa10
Running into both KK and AA (2 separate hands) with top pair both times wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
Here were my 4 hands:
We're playing 600-1200 limit with 300-600 blinds.
1) Steal blinds with QJ. Up to 4200.
2) Get AJ on SB. Button raises, I 3-bet, we re-raise each other until I'm all in. He shows A9. Board flops a jack, hand pretty much over. Up to 8200.
3) Folded to me on button the very next hand. Have J9o. Raise, guy in his 50s 3-bets me from BB, which is bad news. Call. Flop is JTT with two hearts. He bets, I raise, he calls. I am planning to fold if he shows any more aggression. Turn is 5h. He checks, I bet, he thinks (which I'm hoping means he has 88/99/AQ/AK), he calls. River is Q. He checks, I check. He shows KK. Down to 3600.
4) KsTs in middle position. I raise, folds to button (an older woman), who calls. Blinds fold. Flop K63. Obviously I know I'm getting it in. I bet, she calls. Turn another 3. I bet, she raises me, which I know is bad news. I call my final 500. She turns over aces. River 3.
Tweet from: chipporn (Chip Porn )
RT @ToddWitteles: Wow!! One of the sickest hands ever, I bust 3 people including 2 sets! Up to 23400. #pfa10 See photo…
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