Druff will be playing in this event.
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Druff will be playing in this event.
You can automatically post in this thread through Twitter by adding hashtag #pfa06 to your tweets.
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Odds that Millionaire Maker WSOP Event #6 will be a clusterfuck? Pretty high. #pfa06
Tweet from: HuffnStapesfan (Huffandstapes Fan)
Arriving in Vegas tonight. Planning to play in Event # 6A tomorrow morning #pfa06 (testing this 'twitter thing'... does it work? lol)
Tweet from: PokerSandwich (Sandwich )
Arriving in Vegas tonight. Planning to play in Event # 6A tomorrow morning #pfa06 (trying this 'twitter thing' out again. lol)
Tweet from: CursedDiamonds (Brendan)
@ToddWitteles Good luck today! Be awesome to start the series with a solid cash to put in this year's folio. TID!! #PFA06 #WSOP06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Put my first bad beat down of the 2013 WSOP, spiked trip 4s on turn to beat JJ, up to 6700 #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Any PokerFraudAlert member can auto-post to the event #6 thread by using the #pfa06 hashtag
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
After bricking almost every flush draw of the 2012 WSOP, I make my first one in 2013, then win 2 more pots. At 7950. #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Almost 4000 people people in this one and still growing. #pfa06
Tweet from: AFFltChief (Joe )
At 5200 from 4500 start slow going. Amazon 386 seat 2 #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
All in QQ on KJT 2 diamond board versus shortstack A7 diamonds. Bricks follow, I win, also win next hand. 11025 #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
At first break with 10850. Great first 2 hrs. Only disappointment was flopping A high flush vs 4 ppl w/ no action. #pfa06
Tweet from: AFFltChief (Joe )
At 7400 on first break... #Pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Had JJ against not just one but TWO AAs! This made it easy to dump preflop and only lose 500. At 10500 #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Totally quiet level. I have 10700, blinds now 75-150. #pfa06
Tweet from: AFFltChief (Joe )
At 9100 on 2nd break... #Pfa06
Tweet from: AsianSpa (TruthSpeaker)
RT @ToddWitteles: Totally quiet level. I have 10700, blinds now 75-150. #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Raise and 2200 all in ahead of me. I fold 55. Flop comes 556. I have 11300 at the moment. #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
I had AA versus AK, held up despite flush draw on turn. Won next hand, up to 19525. #pfa06
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost a hand, down to 17300. #pfa06
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