Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost 2 consecutive hands, down to 14k #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost 2 consecutive hands, down to 14k #pfa37
Good luck Todd.
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Two good Commerce players showed up, overall I would say table draw is a little worse than average for this event. #pfa37
Tweet from: AsianSpa (TruthSpeaker)
RT @ToddWitteles: Lost 2 consecutive hands, down to 14k #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Fired AK all the way hoping to get fold, river K, opponent had TT plus str draw. Up to 16600 #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Now up to 115 in field. I predict 140 total, down from 166 last year. #pfa37 #dyinggame
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Had 88 vs A5, flop A83, but was against passive player, won hand obv. Then won next hand too, up to 20300. #pfa37
Tweet from: AsianSpa (TruthSpeaker)
@ToddWitteles this is your game, keep building your stack! #GoodJuJu #pfa37
Tweet from: SirBobOrr (M Orr)
RT @AsianSpa: @ToddWitteles this is your game, keep building your stack! #GoodJuJu #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost good sized pot on the river. Nassif's bluff raise at least saved me river call (3rd guy won). Down to 19k. #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
2-outed on river for decent sized pot. Down to 17800. Andy Bloch joined table. #pfa37
Tweet from: CursedDiamonds (Brendan)
@DougLeePoker Couple days away from that job. June 26: Event #48 $2500 Limit Holdem 6 Handed - $30/share. We're at #PFA37 tonight.
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
After falling to 15300, up to 17700 after turning 2 pair on final hand before break. Return to 300-600 shortly #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
141 players signed up so far #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost 2 hands right at beginning of level, down to 14800 #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Won good pot with set of Ks over set of 4s on very scary board of KcJc4cQcTs. Tied big hand thru bad river. 19300 #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
77, flop of A97, opponent had 86, got action, won. Up to 24600 #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Justin "Boosted J" Smith was the one playing backgammon earlier, btw. Should have recognized the hair from behind. #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Sadly this table, which I have grown to like, is next to break. I'm sitting on 25600. #pfa37
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Lost QQ to KK, then lost another hand right after. Down to 20500. #pfa37
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