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Thread: Event #37 June 20 $5000 Limit Holdem

  1. #321
    Cubic Zirconia Moral Fiber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Any other questions?
    Druff, did you have someone sending you hole card information from the stream with the 30 minute delay? Did it help and/or how did you adjust with the added information?

  2. #322
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    While I appreciate people complaining to the WSOP about Baker, he isn't an employee, and just volunteered to do the commentary.

    He is not likely to be back this year, anyway, due to the fact that there aren't any more limit events scheduled for ESPN 3.

    Moral Fiber, I had people on the rail telling me about the holecards after they appeared on the 30 minute delay. Most others at the table also had friends on the rail that they consulted about this. The only two who didn't appear to have friends on the rail feeding them holecards were Brian Aleksa and eventual winner Michael Moore, and that's just because they're from out of town and didn't have any friends/family in Vegas to watch them live.

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moral Fiber View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vintage_one View Post
    ODB stands for "Old Douche Bag " He was wrong and a ass wipe . If you're in the booth you need to leave all personal shit out of it . Total un profesh
    In one hand, Druff is actually asking the other player how many chips he's playing behind before making his decision. 'Ol Douchey jumps in and remarks how ludicrous it is for Druff not to make an instant decision..."any good limit holdem player would know right away what do to and do it without hesitation."

    Ironically, later in the broadcast, 'Ol Douchey changes his tune and advises people in limit tournaments to always take their time so as to avoid making rash, impulsive decisions. What a complete piece of garbage. I agree, totally unprofessional and he should not be allowed into the booth ever again.

    Where do we start the petition?
    And yeah, that's one of many hypocritical/contradictory things he said about me.

    He also criticized me for deciding too quickly to check when a terrible scare hard hit the river on my KJ vs K7 hand versus Aleska, but then made several snide remarks about me occasionally taking 5 seconds to fold postflop when I totally missed. So according to Baker, thinking and acting quickly is somehow bad (even if you made a very reasonable decision), but so is spending 5 seconds to disguise the weakness of your hands when you're going to fold.

    He also loved pointing out when he felt I made a mistake and kept saying I "played those hands badly", but when his friends like Dom made a mistake, he would excuse it as him being "caught up in the moment" or something like that.

    Keep in mind I'm not criticizing Dom or any of the other limit pros at the table. These guys were good players, and they played well. But LOL at the completely transparent double-standards of criticism to which I was held, clearly for personal reasons.

  4. #324
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    Event #37 June 20 $5000 Limit Holdem

    Tweet from: chipporn (Chip Porn )

    RT @ToddWitteles: @Fredsworth Sure. Don't normally like doing this, but :whynot #pfa37

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