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Thread: *** OFFICIAL *** Buy a Piece of Dan Druff for 2013 WSOP Thread

  1. #21
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nunbeater View Post
    Can I buy shares with pfa chips? Whatever happened to that yo?
    Just never really materialized, as the poker room is mainly used for radio freerolls now.

  2. #22
    Platinum cmoney's Avatar
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    I would like to purchase the rest of the shares of:

    June 1: Event #6 $1500 NL Holdem "Millionaire Maker" - $18/share
    History: Cashed last year. Best finish was 4th in 2006.
    39 shares available, 1 purchased.
    DutchDoDo - 1

    June 22: Event #40 $1500 NL Holdem - $18/share
    39 shares available, 1 purchased.
    DutchDoDo - 1

    June 25: Event #45 $1500 Ante-Only NL Holdem - $18/share
    History: New event for 2012. Ran deep but did not cash.
    39 shares available, 1 purchased.
    DutchDoDo - 1

    June 26: Event #48 $2500 Limit Holdem 6 Handed - $30/share
    History: Have not cashed in this event since it was created a few years ago
    49 shares available, 1 purchased.
    WillieMcFML - 1

    June 27: Event #49 $1500 NL Holdem - $18/share
    40 shares available, 0 purchased.

    Please add cmoney staked before discount and I will get cashiers check into account if this works for you.

  3. #23
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Uh well, if you're not allowing cmoney to buy that many shares could I get

    3 shares of event 6 - 54
    3 shares of event 37 - 168
    3 shares of event 48 - 90
    3 shares of event 49 - 54

    I lost 393 last year and won nothing so I'm assuming this means I owe 347.7?

    I'll ship . Just confirm whether or not I can do this with cmoney's bid.

  4. #24
    Platinum cmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Uh well, if you're not allowing cmoney to buy that many shares could I get

    3 shares of event 6 - 54
    3 shares of event 37 - 168
    3 shares of event 48 - 90
    3 shares of event 49 - 54

    I lost 393 last year and won nothing so I'm assuming this means I owe 347.7?

    I'll ship. Just confirm whether or not I can do this with cmoney's bid.
    Where did he say he wasnt allowing?

  5. #25
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    In previous years I believe he capped it at 10% per person initially and then allowed sophisticated investors a shot at more shares if there were enough left.

    If Druff was more skilled in mixed games, slapping down enough for him to play the $50k Chip Reece lets cure Super Aids event would be a good spot.
    PFA Rookie of the Year Awards
    2012: The Templar (unknown)
    2013: Jasep $5000+
    2015: Micon's gofundme legal defense $3k begging for 100k:
    2018: 4Dragons
    2019: Dutch Boyd: Mike Postle
    2020: Covid19
    2021: SMIFlorida and some sort of shit coins for $50k
    2023: 22nd Feb 4th Dec Youtube channels removed
    2024: Dustin Morgan wins Chrissy's $1000 contest: May 3rd another channel gone.
    2025 Chrissy loses his FB page in mid January.

  6. #26
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmoney View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Uh well, if you're not allowing cmoney to buy that many shares could I get

    3 shares of event 6 - 54
    3 shares of event 37 - 168
    3 shares of event 48 - 90
    3 shares of event 49 - 54

    I lost 393 last year and won nothing so I'm assuming this means I owe 347.7?

    I'll ship. Just confirm whether or not I can do this with cmoney's bid.
    Where did he say he wasnt allowing?
    I didn't say he wasn't, but it's honestly a dick move and wouldn't be surprised if he allowed more time, especially for people who lost money last year, to purchase more shares.

  7. #27
    Platinum cmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by cmoney View Post

    Where did he say he wasnt allowing?
    I didn't say he wasn't, but it's honestly a dick move and wouldn't be surprised if he allowed more time, especially for people who lost money last year, to purchase more shares.
    That makes sense. Didnt think of that. But at same time, I am pretty sure I lost more last year than everyone combined.

  8. #28
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    snake_in_the_ass bought 1% across the board. Money received.

  9. #29
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmoney View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post

    I didn't say he wasn't, but it's honestly a dick move and wouldn't be surprised if he allowed more time, especially for people who lost money last year, to purchase more shares.
    That makes sense. Didnt think of that. But at same time, I am pretty sure I lost more last year than everyone combined.
    Actually I think you are remembering 2011. My records show that you didn't buy last year. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I do agree you lost the most in 2011.

  10. #30
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Anyway cmoney, I do want to let the community get in on this so everyone who wants something to sweat can do so. If you want, I can put you down for a minimum of 15% on all 6 events, and then also give you whatever goes unpurchased.

    Let me know.

  11. #31
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    KlownBuster bought 1% of everything and paid.

  12. #32
    Platinum cmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by cmoney View Post

    That makes sense. Didnt think of that. But at same time, I am pretty sure I lost more last year than everyone combined.
    Actually I think you are remembering 2011. My records show that you didn't buy last year. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I do agree you lost the most in 2011.
    Times flies. I think you are right it must have been 2011. Sorry about that.

  13. #33
    Platinum cmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Anyway cmoney, I do want to let the community get in on this so everyone who wants something to sweat can do so. If you want, I can put you down for a minimum of 15% on all 6 events, and then also give you whatever goes unpurchased.

    Let me know.

    I understand. I will do the 15 percent for now. Can you let me know how much it is and I can ship ? We can figure out the rest if anything remains. ty

  14. #34
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    should be a sweet 7.5% for those who donated two years in a row and 5% for last year only....druff fpp's.

  15. #35
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texter View Post
    should be a sweet 7.5% for those who donated two years in a row and 5% for last year only....druff fpp's.
    If I have a shitty year again this year, I will institute something like this for 2014.

  16. #36
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    cool...i have no idea what i lost last year but will stake again this year.

  17. #37
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    I'll make this a little easier for people

    This is the share break down for last year:

    Event #14 June 6 $1500 NL Holdem Shootout - $18/share * -- NOT AVAILABLE
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    PLOL - 2
    belly buster - 1
    *** Will miss this event, do not buy more pieces ***

    Event #20 June 9 $5000 Limit Holdem - $56/share -- DID NOT CASH (Bubbled!)
    ShadyJ - 1
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    Sandwich - 1
    Hockey Guy - 2
    PLOL - 3
    belly buster - 2
    VegasJim - 1
    texter - 1

    Event #21 June 10 $1000 NL Holdem - $12/share -- WILL NOT PLAY, MADE DAY 2 ABOVE
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    Detroit - 5
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    Anonamoose - 5
    PLOL - 4
    belly buster - 1
    Steve-O - 2
    VegasJim - 3
    Beebs9Dizzle - 1
    texter - 1

    Event #25 June 12 $1500 Limit Holdem Shootout - NOT SELLING

    Event #35 June 18 $2500 Mixed Holdem - $32/share -- DID NOT CASH
    Mad Dad - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    jsearles22 - 1
    Ricky - 1
    Hockey Guy - 5
    PLOL - 4
    belly buster - 1.375 (0.375 rolled from event #21)
    hotshott74 - 1
    Crowe Diddly - 1
    VegasJim - 1
    pavoe - 1.09375 (received as a prize, hence the fraction)
    texter - 1
    anonamoose - 1.875 (rolled from event #21)
    muzras - 1
    crazyeights - 3

    Event #40 June 21 $2500 Limit Holdem 6-handed - $30/share -- DID NOT CASH
    crazyeights - 3
    Mad Dad - 2 (0.6 rolled from event #14, 0.4 rolled from event #21)
    Fergie72 - 2 (0.6 rolled from event #14, 0.4 rolled from event #21)
    Detroit - 4 (2 rolled from event #21)
    tony bagadonuts - 2 (0.6 rolled from event #14, 0.4 rolled from event #21)
    subhuman - 1
    jsearles22 - 1
    Ricky - 2 (0.6 rolled from event #14, 0.4 rolled from event #21)
    Shizzmoney - 3
    Sandwich - 1
    PLOL - 6.8 (1.2 rolled from event #14, 1.6 rolled from event #21)
    belly buster - 1
    VegasJim - 1
    Crowe Diddly - 1
    Steve-O - 1
    Anonamoose - 5
    texter - 1
    deal - 1.167 (won freeroll on 6/5)
    muzras - 1

    Event #43 June 23 $1500 NL Holdem - $18/share -- DID NOT CASH
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    belly buster - 1
    VegasJim - 2
    PLOL - 2
    Beebs9Dizzle - 1
    texter - 1

    Event #44 June 24 $1000 NL Holdem - $12/share * -- DID NOT CASH
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    smithbk - 1
    Norcal Sports - 1
    belly buster - 1
    Steve-O - 3 (1 share rolled from event #21)
    VegasJim - 1
    PLOL - 2
    texter - 1

    Event #48 June 26 $3000 Limit Holdem - $37/share -- DID NOT CASH
    crazyeights - 3
    Mad Dad -1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    jsearles22 - 1
    Ricky - 1
    Sandwich - 2
    PLOL - 5
    smithbk - 1
    belly buster - 1
    VegasJim - 1
    Crowe Diddly - 1
    Anonamoose - 3
    texter - 1
    subhuman - 0.4865 (rolled from event #14)
    Hockey Guy - 2

    Event #49 June 27 $1500 Ante Only NL Holdem - $18/share -- DID NOT CASH
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    Anonamoose - 4
    belly buster - 1
    VegasJim - 1
    PLOL - 1
    texter - 1

    Event #53 June 30 $1500 NL Holdem - $18/share -- CASHED $4445 105/3166
    Mad Dad - 1 - owed $44.45
    Fergie72 - 1 - owed $44.45
    tony bagadonuts - 1 - owed $44.45
    subhuman - 1 - owed $44.45
    Ricky - 1 - owed $44.45
    Sandwich - 2 - owed $88.90
    belly buster - 1 - owed $44.45
    Crowe Diddly - 1 - owed $44.45
    TheTemplar - 1 - owed $44.45
    VegasJim - 1 - owed $44.45
    PLOL - 2 - owed $88.90
    texter - 1 - owed $44.45
    Detroit - 1 - owed $44.45
    Hockey Guy - 1 - owed $44.45

    Event #54 July 1 $1000 NL Holdem - $12/share * -- DID NOT PLAY, SEE THIS POST:
    Mad Dad - 1
    Fergie72 - 1
    tony bagadonuts - 1
    subhuman - 1
    Ricky - 1
    Hockey Guy - 2
    mtnDew - 2
    belly buster - 1
    VegasJim - 2
    Steve-O - 3 (1 share rolled from event #21)
    PLOL - 2
    texter - 1
    Beebs9Dizzle - 1 (rolled from event #21)

    Event #XX July 6 $560 Bracelet Bounty NL Holdem - CLOSED
    Mad Dad - 1.714 shares (rolled from Event #54)
    Fergie - 1.714 (rolled from Event #54)
    belly buster - 1.714 (rolled from Event #54)
    Steve-O - 5.14 (rolled from Event #54)
    tony bagadonuts - 1.714 shares (rolled from Event #54)
    subhuman - 1.714 shares (rolled from Event #54)

  18. #38
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by cmoney View Post

    Where did he say he wasnt allowing?
    I didn't say he wasn't, but it's honestly a dick move and wouldn't be surprised if he allowed more time, especially for people who lost money last year, to purchase more shares.
    Dick move is a little harsh. Druff is selling shares. Anyone can buy them.

    But I see Druffs point on trying to spread them around

  19. #39
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Two shares for Event #6 bought by limp donk bingo, & paid.

  20. #40
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Okay, so if I buy 1 share of each the total comes out to $158. If I take 5% off because I was definitely a net loser last year it becomes $158.00 - $7.90= $150.10.

    Is this correct?
    Yes, a 1% across-the-board share is $158.

    If you lost at least $158 last year, you can discount the entire $158 in the manner you described above. If you loss less than $158, you can only discount that part 5%.
    I'll do the 1% across the board & I've sent you $150.10.
    According to the post documenting last year, I was a $300+ loser last year.

    I may like to buy some more & pay with cash in envelope when I'm in Vegas in June. If cmoney buys all the shares before that then so be it, at least I'll have my 1% sweat.
    Last edited by Hockey Guy; 05-02-2013 at 07:14 PM.
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

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