Chrissy and I kept talking. She told me she was 18, and lived in Bakersfield. The latter was very disappointing to find out. I had initially assumed that she was from Santa Barbara, like me, but Bakersfield was 160 miles away. I thought it might have been because, despite their distance, Bakersfield and Santa Barbara shared (at the time) the 805 area code. However, she told me that she had recently lived in Santa Barbara, and had just moved back to Bakersfield.
Chrissy had a really sexy voice. It was one of the best voices I had ever heard, though my years of experience of meeting girls from computer bulletin boards taught me that meant nothing. Some of the best voices were connected to hideous creatures on the other end of the line. In 1992, there was no Facebook or anything else where you could easily see a picture. Meeting girls over the phone in those days was a complete leap of faith.
Still, her voice was really nice to listen to, and despite not being particularly smart or sophisticated, she had a fun personality and could hold a conversation well. I quickly forgot about my temporary depression regarding Presdient-elect Clinton, and was cracking jokes and very upbeat throughout the call.
We had talked for about 2 hours or so, when she mentioned that she left Santa Barbara because of a bad breakup with an ex-boyfriend. I could tell she was still very affected by the whole thing, even though it had been several months. I asked if he was a UCSB student, and she said that he was.
"Well, it's a huge school, but there's still a small chance I might know him. What was his name?"
"His name is Nick Granber, and he's an arrogant asshole."
(* Nick Granber isn't his real name, but I changed it so he doesn't find this if he ever googles himself.)
I knew a Nick Granber. Except it wasn't from UCSB. It was from high school!
Yes, Nick sat next to me in English class during my junior year. I never had any major altercations with the guy, but he was just generally a dick to me for no reason. I felt that "arrogant asshole" was a perfect description of him, and memories from four years beforehand came rushing back. It's not like he did anything really bad to me, but I always thought to myself, "Wow, that guy is an arrogant prick" whenever I interacted with him. I had completely forgotten about him until she said his name.
I thought it was probably the same guy, because his name was uncommon, and I had heard that Nick did indeed go on to attend UCSB like me. I asked her a few more questions about him (what he looked like, what his interests were, etc) and determined with certainty that he was the same guy.
She went on to tell me a story about how she was living with Nick, and then one day he just got sick of her and kicked her out of the house. No reason, no fight... he just told her to leave and that was that, after telling her that he loved her just a week before. Or at least that was her story. Knowing the guy, I actually believed it.
"You want to do something to fuck with him? To really piss him off?", I asked.
"Yeah, I'd love that, but I have no idea what I could do."
"Give me his phone number. I'll take it from there. Just make sure you either mute your phone or keep quiet in the background."
"Okay, his number is.... XXX-XXXX"
I three-wayed on Nick, knowing exactly the perfect prank to pull on him. He answered the phone, already sounding annoyed.
"Hello, can I speak to Nick Granber please?", I asked in a lower-pitch, gravelly voice that I figured would best pass for that of a cop.
"Yeah, this is Nick. Who is this?"
"This is Detective Eric Thomas from the Santa Barbara Police Department, I have a few questions I need to ask you."
"What? The police? Um, okay, what do you need?"
"We have received a number of reports regarding obscene phone calls to women in the area over the past two months, and after a thorough investigation, we have traced them to this phone number."
"Obscene phone calls?! I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't done anything like that!"
"Our equipment logged 47 different calls during September and October, and all of it traces back to you. You're going to need to answer some questions about this."
"What?! No I don't. I don't have to talk to you. This is bullshit. I didn't do anything. I'm hanging up."
"That's fine, sir. You are not legally obligated to stay on this phone call. You can hang up at any time, and we'll just send a few black-and-white units to take you to the station for some more formal questioning."
"Wait.... wait! No, I don't want that. Okay, what do you need to know?"
"I need you to tell me what you were doing on the nights of Septmeber 15th, September 18th, September 24th, September 26th, October 3rd, October 8th, October 11th, October 17th, October 22nd, and October 24th."
"Huh?? I don't know. I was just doing whatever. How am I supposed to remember what I was doing every night?"
"So you have no alibi. That's what I figured." (typing sound in the background, which was actually just me banging on my keyboard)
"WAIT! I didn't say I have no alibi. Hey, what are you typing? Don't write that!"
"I'm sorry, but I have to make this report very clear and very complete. So you are unable to tell me what you were doing on any of the nights where the obscene calls were traced to your line. I'm sure you see how this looks."
"I didn't make any fucking obscene phone calls! This is a load of crap!"
"Hang on... (typing sound)... a.. load...of... crap. Got it."
"NO! Don't put that in the report! Come on man, this is bullshit!"
"(typing sound) Come... on... man... this... is.... bullshit..."
"You know what? I'm hanging up. You can't do this to me!"
"As I said, if you would like to continue this at the station, I would have no problem with that. In fact, it will streamline the whole arrest process."
"But yet you can't tell me what you were doing on September 15th."
"How the fuck am I supposed to remember that?!"
"(typing) How... the... fuck.... am... I.... supposed.... to..."
"STOP IT! STOP TYPING! FUCK! Why are you doing this, I didn't make any calls!!"
"Don't worry, the details of this report will only be in a few of the local papers. It probably won't make it to the LA Times."
"Local papers? No, come on, this is some mistake, I swear. Please, officer, I didn't make any dirty calls to anyone!"
"I got all I needed here from this interview. We will be in touch. Don't leave the county."
I hung up, and wondered what Chrissy thought of the whole thing. Nick bought all of this hook, line, and sinker. Not one moment did he think it was a prank call. Normally I wouldn't be this mean on a prank, but it felt good, given my longtime dislike for Nick. But what was Chrissy's reaction? Did she feel bad for Nick? Did she think I was a bit too cruel? Did she find it even slightly amusing?
"You can talk now, he's off the phone," I told her.
"Oh my God," she said, having a hard time getting words out in between laughter. "That was the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life! That was PERFECT! I was laughing so loud the whole time, I was hoping that my mute button was really working. I'm glad it did. That was awesome! When you were typing everything he was saying, I just totally lost it!"
"I enjoyed it. The fact that I already knew him and thought he was a piece of shit made it that much more satisfying. And yeah, I had a hard time keeping from laughing at certain points."
"I know! How did you do that without busting up?"
It was clear that Chrissy LOVED the call. We talked for about another hour, and then I asked if there was anyone else she wanted me to prank.
"Yeah, there is," she replied. "My sister."
"Your sister? Do you hate her, too?"
"No, but she's 10 years older than me, and a lot of time she talks down to me, and it's really annoying. I don't want you to do anything mean, but I'd love to hear you mess with her kinda like you did with me at the beginning, and hear how she reacts."
"You said that she's 28 and talks down to you because you're almost from a different generation, right?"
"Yeah, exactly."
"I got an idea for the call..."
So I called up her sister, and I pretended to be some guy she casually knew -- like a friend of a friend. Chrissy gave me some background information to where I was able to make it somewhat believable. I made the whole theme of the call a long list of complaints about "young people" and how they "just don't get it", with the joke obviously being that I was only 20 myself, and was pretending to be 28 and looking down upon my own actual age group. I mainly stuck to anecdotes from the early-to-mid 1980s, insisting how "kids today" (in 1992) didn't understand the time period.
"I went out wearing my alligator shirt today, and these obnoxious teenagers were staring at me. Like they have no idea how cool this looked in 1984, and I'm thinking, 'Hey punk, take off that stupid looking flannel and get some real style!'"
So I kept up with little quips like that, trying to get more and more ridiculous with each one. I even complained that kids eating M&Ms today "don't realize they're eating the official candy of the 1984 Olympics, and they just don't get the significance of what they're putting in their mouths."
Her sister never caught on, and in fact told me at the end of the call that she "really enjoyed the memories" and that I said "a lot of things that [she] had been thinking for a long time."
I ended the call, and while I thought it was funny, I wasn't sure that Chrissy, already being two years younger than me, appreciated a lot of the cultural references from 8-10 years ago.
But, like the Nick call before that, Chrissy loved it. And it upped her opinion of me even further.
"You're just... amazing. I'm so glad I called the wrong number. That call to Nick... the call to my sister... pretty much everything.... I'm really wet right now."
That last line came out of nowhere. We had been talking for 3 hours, but we hadn't even touched the topic of sex. It was all small talk, humor, and prank calls. In fact, I thought she was just being sarcastic.
"Oh yeah," I countered, "My prank calls make people wet all the time."
"No, I'm serious," she said, in a softer sounding voice. "I've loved everything about this call, everything about you. Those prank calls were so funny, so clever, so perfect. And I just wonder... if you are so perfect with those, what you'd be like in.... other ways."
Keep in mind that this girl had the sexiest voice I had ever heard, and now SHE was the one starting to break out the dirty talk to me. As the call went on, she got more explicit, and started talking dirtier and dirtier to me. I almost felt like I owed her $5.99 per minute for staying on the call.
We talked another three hours before getting off the phone. By the end, we agreed that I would be driving to Bakersfield on Friday.
She had described herself as having blond hair, blue eyes, 5'7", 130 pounds, and having big tits. I had know way of knowing if this was the truth, but I was starting to develop the gut feeling that it was.
I still heard election celebrating coming from the living room. I no longer cared.