And I’ve been informed you are just another sock of the 5 guys here that talk to each other.
Again go Fuck Yourself along with the other ass clown you seem to be or admire.
And you would love a she boon, that’s certainly not surprising in any way.
Now go back to sucking Marley off fucknut.
And by the way, who would even use a Hispanic name to associate themselves with? Truly the worst of the worst.
Grrrr ^^^
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This thread is like Christopher Mitchell revisited
Who knew a Roulette Fetish thread would be so entertaining?
But if you are selling a system/software you are def barking up the wrong tree here. Roulette is the simplest carnival game to understand. Well I guess maybe besides War. You see bachelorette parties playing it during their break from playing dildo ring toss.
I always see a ton of young people playing. It’s the simplicity and the fact you can play as a group without all the logistics you have to learn about when playing craps. I would imagine it is the first carnival game played inside a casino for the majority of first timers.
I’m sure there is the once in a blue moon biased/defective wheel that a hypothetical super sharp person could exploit. But, c’mon man. At the same time I can see why selling systems could be a somewhat profitable endeavor because you are targeting, young naive people. (See Chrissy thread)
If I am going to fuck around Roulette is not my poison. I much rather sit at the Pai Gow table. I guess I can see the allure in hitting a huge bet on a number or catching a huge hot streak. The last time I played roulette it was actually Canasta in Costa Rica. There it’s ping pong balls and the only reason I played was because a Costa Rican girl preferred it.
Anyways, at least the thread is entertaining. I would say I think it’s a gimmick/grift hybrid, with a much bigger percentage weighted toward the gimmick part.
What does piss me off about Roulette is casinos adding a 3rd and even 4th zero to an already immensely profitable game. If gaming commissions had any semblance of fairness for players they would tell the fucking casinos that two zeroes is enough. Also really distasteful that these high end casinos use their casino insignia as the third 0.
Anyways, I’m sure this thread will keep going for a while. Mr. Croupier seems to be enjoying himself. Not gonna sell a lick here though bud.
Roulette is gay. That is all.
one time when i was in LV i walked by a fairly packed roulette wheel with 2 green zeros on my way to the craps table, black had hit 15 times in a row, i threw 50 bucks on red, black hit again, so i Mitchellgaled that shit... black hit again so i Mitchellgaled that shit again... the pit boss tried to give me the kiss of the death by saying " good luck to whoever has 5 hundred on red " i fuckin rolled my eyes and was steaming... red did hit and i got the hell out of there and went somewhere else to play craps... that's my 1 time roulette story and i am sticking to it...
how in gods name did this thread get to 7 pages?
I am actually a lifetime winner at roulette.
And you guys gamble ha ha ha !!
I've never met a gambler, let alone a group of gamblers that assume so much with the greatest of confidence, No wonder you're all losers at the table ha ha !!
"oo i'm going to bet on black!"
"why jimmy ?"
"because I assume it'll come in"
I win roulette using Free roulette tools and trackers
I win roulette using Free roulette tools and trackers
This is funny Mr. Croupier. You clearly are old hat at this. While I believe there is a social construct that typically applies when using the quote feature to be 100% accurate, obviously an acceptable exception would be obvious parody. Although, I will weakly attempt to get in front of your response
BTW “Joe” I completely agree with you about the 70 Reds in a row meaning that the next roll doesn’t mean it’s going to be black 50% of the time. It will be black 47.4% of the time.
Fuck Keir Starmer.
I win roulette using Free roulette tools and trackers
I win roulette using Free roulette tools and trackers
Hi Joe Croupier:
I have a question -
if you made 1,000 bets on red but you made these bets only after black had come 7 times in a row -
do you believe that red would win more than half of the time_________?
and if your answer is yes, what % do you think red would win______?
the foolish sayings of a rich man are often taken as words of wisdom by the fools around him
I win roulette using Free roulette tools and trackers
I win roulette using Free roulette tools and trackers
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