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Thread: New to the forum -- Roulette player

  1. #1
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    New to the forum -- Roulette player

    Hi there, not a poker player but a roulette player, just thought i'd join in and see what's going on, i've just come across the piss Mitchel scammer thread so i think i'm in the right place.

    Have you got a roulette board i can post in ?

    joe 'I win roulette' croupier

  2. #2
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Hi there, not a poker player but a roulette player, just thought i'd join in and see what's going on, i've just come across the piss Mitchel scammer thread so i think i'm in the right place.

    Have you got a roulette board i can post in ?

    joe 'I win roulette' croupier
    The people here are generally too smart to play roulette (big house advantage). Except for sloppy Joe and sonatine. They’re Yuuuuuuge roulette degens. But I haven’t read them in quite awhile as I keep them on ignore these days. Their shit is to stupid for me to waste time on it. Neither knows Jack shit about gambling which means the dumasses fit right in with roulette players.

    Or you can try Gambling Forums. They have lots of degen roulette players with their own sub forum.

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Hi there, not a poker player but a roulette player, just thought i'd join in and see what's going on, i've just come across the piss Mitchel scammer thread so i think i'm in the right place.

    Have you got a roulette board i can post in ?

    joe 'I win roulette' croupier
    Congrats for being the only recent registrant to this forum who wasn't a Russian spammer.

    Seriously... I verified you and deleted about 30 others.

    This isn't much of a general gambling forum. It's more about poker, sports, politics, and general topics.

    If you want to post a roulette question, you can post in the Casinos & Las Vegas subforum. You might also want to check out our sister forum (also owned by me), Vegas Casino Talk, which has more of a casino focus.

  4. #4
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Hi there, not a poker player but a roulette player, just thought i'd join in and see what's going on, i've just come across the piss Mitchel scammer thread so i think i'm in the right place.

    Have you got a roulette board i can post in ?

    joe 'I win roulette' croupier
    Congrats for being the only recent registrant to this forum who wasn't a Russian spammer.

    Seriously... I verified you and deleted about 30 others.

    This isn't much of a general gambling forum. It's more about poker, sports, politics, and general topics.

    If you want to post a roulette question, you can post in the Casinos & Las Vegas subforum. You might also want to check out our sister forum (also owned by me), Vegas Casino Talk, which has more of a casino focus.
    Yea ok that's cool to hear thxs, i'll check the other subforum out, My father was one of the best Russian roulette players in the world years ago, he only lost once.

    Anyways thxs for the warm welcome, i have a lot to talk about roulette and i'll most definitely get the haters with it lol


  5. #5
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    Roulette is one of my favorite casino games. When I am in the pits I generally play those exotic poker games, but after a few hours, winning or losing I always make my way to the roulette table. I generally play corners where you get 4 numbers. a hundred chip gets you 8 back in return. Definitely a momentum play for sure. Obviously the game is not beatable long term, but a hot run can get you even pretty quick on the night. I got the same corner one night 4 consecutive rolls. Of course the opposite has also happened many of times. Fun game.

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    I always like the story of the guys who beat roulette using a homemade computer in their shoe…super clever

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Hi there, not a poker player but a roulette player, just thought i'd join in and see what's going on, i've just come across the piss Mitchel scammer thread so i think i'm in the right place.

    Have you got a roulette board i can post in ?

    joe 'I win roulette' croupier
    The people here are generally too smart to play roulette (big house advantage). Except for sloppy Joe and sonatine. They’re Yuuuuuuge roulette degens. But I haven’t read them in quite awhile as I keep them on ignore these days. Their shit is to stupid for me to waste time on it. Neither knows Jack shit about gambling which means the dumasses fit right in with roulette players.

    Or you can try Gambling Forums. They have lots of degen roulette players with their own sub forum.
    Yes, Joe, please tell us all how you win at roulette. I haven't played the game in 10+ years. I used to play craps a lot but went on a cold spell a few years back and haven't played since. I'm exclusively poker, occasional blackjack and usually a few $ in the mystery of the lamp on the way out the door.

  9. #9
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    You can’t beat roulette on the square. Over 5% house advantage. But you can beat biased wheels. But you won’t get away with it for long. The pit is used to watching people quickly lose their money on roulette, and leave. Anyone consistently hitting numbers and hanging around longer than normal sticks out like a sore thumb. It tells them their wheel is biased.

  10. #10
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Yes, Joe, please tell us all how you win at roulette. I haven't played the game in 10+ years. I used to play craps a lot but went on a cold spell a few years back and haven't played since. I'm exclusively poker, occasional blackjack and usually a few $ in the mystery of the lamp on the way out the door.
    I don't believe in luck and work with laws of averages etc etc, I don't believe in gambles fallacy, and I don't believe that getting 70 reds in a row the odds of a black is still 50/50

    That's how i win roulette

  11. #11
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board, I think you’ll fit right in. I try to post serious stuff here and make the place informative and useful. We do have a few trolls here that are annoying.


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    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Yes, Joe, please tell us all how you win at roulette. I haven't played the game in 10+ years. I used to play craps a lot but went on a cold spell a few years back and haven't played since. I'm exclusively poker, occasional blackjack and usually a few $ in the mystery of the lamp on the way out the door.
    I don't believe in luck and work with laws of averages etc etc, I don't believe in gambles fallacy, and I don't believe that getting 70 reds in a row the odds of a black is still 50/50

    That's how i win roulette
    You didn't actually tell us anything about how you win at roulette. What are your specific strategies/plays?

  13. #13
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post

    You didn't actually tell us anything about how you win at roulette. What are your specific strategies/plays?
    I don't do strategies as such, I just read the table where the dolly lands and read the history board for patterns etc etc, Most of my methods are based on what will happen next and what has happened that is rare to see like chops of dozens.

    I look at how long streaks last in all bets, not just 1/1's and figure out when they're mostly likely to end.

    There is such thing as a due bet, Neil deGrasse Tyson was wrong

    It get's complicated.

  14. #14
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I'm mixed on whether or not this guy is a gimmick account.

    And I don't mean a dupe of former Finnish poster "gimmick", who I wish would come back despite our differing politics.

      BCR: Put me down for a gimmick.
      country978: gimmick
      zealanddonk: Free Fluffer
      Jayjami: Free Fluffer!

  15. #15
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I'm mixed on whether or not this guy is a gimmick account.

    And I don't mean a dupe of former Finnish poster "gimmick", who I wish would come back despite our differing politics.
    Why ? and what's a gimmick account sorry lol

  16. #16
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    Roulette is one of my favorite casino games. When I am in the pits I generally play those exotic poker games, but after a few hours, winning or losing I always make my way to the roulette table. I generally play corners where you get 4 numbers. a hundred chip gets you 8 back in return. Definitely a momentum play for sure. Obviously the game is not beatable long term, but a hot run can get you even pretty quick on the night. I got the same corner one night 4 consecutive rolls. Of course the opposite has also happened many of times. Fun game.
    I grew up with this dude who always felt like he came from a wealthy family when I was a kid. His dad was just 40 or so when he was born and they felt older and rich to a bunch of kids who had dads working in factories and only mid-twenties when we were all playing coach pitch baseball at 5 or whatever age you start that.

    Went to a different high school and we reconnected when we were 19 and he was at Ohio State when I was there and he felt like he never went to class. Dude just played foosball in some BW3 or local pub all day. Being a part time go to class and find some smart chick who takes good notes guy myself, I started to hang out with him. No one could beat this guy at foosball. Must have had a table growing up, but regardless of who would put their quarters up, no one was beating this dude. So you can play yourself or with 2 guys, and we knew each other, so he starts teaching me foosball. Many a day I woke up intent going to class and ended up drinking from like 10am and I'd stumble home for a nap six hours later. He was the star, but I got really good at playing the goal. No one could beat him ever, but eventually no one could ever beat us either. It got to where we never had anyone who could give us even a scare. So he just registers us for some foosball word championships in Texas without even asking. I am a slacker, but foosball world championships in Texas, really? But I went. We took 7th as a team. He took 3rd iirc solo.

    So eventually I get serious and finish school after a freshmen year of slacking. I probably didn't play for 10 years, but occasionally I'd be in some bar and see a bunch of dudes who thought they were good, or someone had a table for some odd reason and I would play a few games against them and smoke them. I could still play 2 guys by myself and blank them. I had basically been trained by the Belichick of foosball and for whatever reason I could still beat anyone 15 years later. It was like the muscle memory kicked in and it was like I had played yesterday. Foosball probably cost me an extra quarter back then when we were on quarter system.

    He, of course, drops out eventually and I don't see the dude for another 20 years. So about 15 years ago I am back here in town and I am in a plaza one day and see some foosball place. It's pool and other shit, but I can tell its primarily foosball. I am like wtf? Who plays foosball anymore? I walk in, and it's of course his place. No difference except now he's 40, balding, and playing against 19 year olds all day. He is thrilled to see me and we play against kids for a few games with him and he seems generally baffled I was like I have to get going and didn't want to come back and play all day going forward. He had some fixing computers business also, but this shit was his passion still. I don't go back. I look a few years later when I am in the same plaza, and of course, it didn't make it. It's now some tattoo shop he's not affiliated with.

    So cut to a couple years ago. I see him on all these locals we grew up with social media hawking his roulette system everywhere. Pictures from casinos all over. I watch one of his vids and really can't figure out what he's even advocating as far as strategy. Despite being a gambler, I have never been a roulette guy, but I am doing the math and probabilities, and it doesn't add up. But he's not some Christopher Mitchell, he's not selling it to people, he is just excited that he thinks he's solved roulette for some reason and sharing it with everyone. I just see this stuff, but I don't have an account with my name on it, just a throwaway to watch a video or whatever, so I don't engage.

    Cut to last summer. I am at Rivers casino in Pittsburgh. I had played poker, bet a few games, and I am just sitting down to play blackjack and kill an hour until my games finish and I can cash out so I don't have to come back. I hear my name, and I turn and see this dude looking like he hasn't slept in 3 days. All red eyed, wrinkled shit. I hadn't seen him since that day 15 years ago in his business, It took me a minute as he's now fully bald and fat. So I say what's up and he launches immediately into, why are you playing blackjack?

    I know where this is going because I saw the videos, but he doesn't know I saw them. I tell him I am just killing time, but now he's sitting down and not playing himself and babbling about roulette and telling me to cash out and come with him there. I say no, that's not my thing, but he persists. I head to the bathroom and text my girlfriend and tell her to start blowing up my phone in 5 minutes because I can't shake this cat, but I don't want to leave and have to drive an hour back to collect my bets. So she calls and I step away from table and talk to her and the dude is literally interrupting my conversation to talk about roulette. He was always a likeable dude, and I have known him since I was like 5, but now he's just pathetic and I realize this cat doesn't want me to come play, he's full on broke and needs me to come play so if I get lucky he can borrow some money. But I wasn't born yesterday, so eventually I just get irritated by him and I am like wtf happened to you dude? He always had nice shit. Nice clothes. Nice cars. Now he looked like some slots grinder.

    He tells me some convoluted story, but my takeaway is his parents had always staked his indulgences, and now they're gone and he's likely blown his inheritance on this roulette shit, but he's still convinced he has a system and he's still not getting why I don't want to come play. I am the crazy one. Eventually I grab my stack of chips and hand him like 3 black chips and say, I got to run to sportsbook, go run that up for us and find me and I'll play with you. He scurries off and I get the fuck out of there. I wanted to tell him I will give you $300 to go home, but he was too far gone, so I basically just chalked the $300 up to he probably saved me a thousand dollars in free beers we'd win off people back in 1989 at foosball and paid him to go away. I have noticed all the videos have disappeared and no more Vegas trips. That's what a "roulette pro" life gets you.

      Dan Druff: great story
      Tellafriend: That's what a "roulette pro" life gets you.
      Tariq Reed: You will think of this guy every December when you walk past the Foosball Table display at Costco. It's probably a Christmas nostalgia gift that people regret making by February when the novelty wears off.

  17. #17
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Joe- Don’t let Druff charge you the $100 entrance fee. I fell for it, but filed a complaint and got a refund.

  18. #18
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Joe- Don’t let Druff charge you the $100 entrance fee. I fell for it, but filed a complaint and got a refund.
    Judgers tho everywhere lol, druff might be a gimmick account in my eyes i dunno that yet.

    I'm not here to be interviewed by social media arm chair detectives lol. I'm 51yrs old, not a child with a pocket full of emojis haha!

  19. #19
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Joe- Don’t let Druff charge you the $100 entrance fee. I fell for it, but filed a complaint and got a refund.
    Judgers tho everywhere lol, druff might be a gimmick account in my eyes i dunno that yet.

    I'm not here to be interviewed by social media arm chair detectives lol. I'm 51yrs old, not a child with a pocket full of emojis haha!
    Would be tough for me to be a gimmick account since this is my forum.

    Everyone here is old, though, with a few exceptions. I'm older than you are, though not by much.

  20. #20
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Joe- Don’t let Druff charge you the $100 entrance fee. I fell for it, but filed a complaint and got a refund.
    Judgers tho everywhere lol, druff might be a gimmick account in my eyes i dunno that yet.

    I'm not here to be interviewed by social media arm chair detectives lol. I'm 51yrs old, not a child with a pocket full of emojis haha!

    youre gonna fit in great dude, just post much, much more.
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