1) An announcement the FBI will be disassembled. The headquarters in Washington needs to be closed and turned into a museum of the deep state, an artifact. It's not that we don't need a federal presence, we do. But it needs to be decentralized into regional offices reporting directly to the White House
2) Closure of the Department of Education. Let the states govern their own schools, what works in New York does not work in Oklahoma
3) General Milley needs to be recalled from retirement and court-martialed in a televised military tribunal
4) Immediate drilling and fracking on federal lands for oil and natural gas. We need to exercise our world wide dominance of energy, we are light years ahead as far as technology and we have plenty of real estate
5) Mass deportations of illegal criminals. I really don't care about the guy who has been here for 20 years minding his business, but I want any illegal alien north of a traffic ticket crime deported without hesitation
Feel free to add to the list.