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Thread: Writer Jen - Leaving the Industry?

  1. #1
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    Writer Jen - Leaving the Industry?

    Jealous of Hawk Tuah girl, doesn’t understand why she was invited to play poker tournament. She claims to be looking for an exit. Her X (Twitter) is private.

    Kessler questioned her and said he thought she was already out. She says is independent.

    Anyway she’s a miserable old cunt. And I think she has Druff blocked.

    No one will miss her, if she leaves.

  2. #2
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    Jen who?


  3. #3
    Platinum garrett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dive_Bar_Dave View Post
    Jen who?

  4. #4
    Cubic Zirconia
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    While I know that many on this forum don't agree with her politics, I have had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she has provided incredible coverage of issues that surround the poker community for years. I personally found her writing style enjoyable, and appreciate all she has contributed.

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    Bro if this was your podcast and it came from Reddit;

    Lucinda is jealous of all young women. Lucinda is dried up and needs some dick.

    Quote Originally Posted by brutal_thinker View Post
    While I know that many on this forum don't agree with her politics, I have had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she has provided incredible coverage of issues that surround the poker community for years. I personally found her writing style enjoyable, and appreciate all she has contributed.

  6. #6
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I got to know Jennifer in the 2000s.

    She has always been very liberal politically, but we got along okay. We were never friends, but for awhile I would describe her as a friendly acquaintance.

    Her poker articles were usually good, provided they were staying away from political/social issues. In 2007, when the WSOP stupidly made people play bracelet events in the "poker tent" (which got up to 100 degrees inside), she saw me arguing with Jack Effel about it, and offered to write an article about the matter. I did a short interview with her and she put out a very well written piece. This, among other things, helped get the tent removed for 2008. I appreciated it.

    Over a decade later, she took an interest in the Postle situation, and produced some great articles about that matter. She gave frequent updates on the then-ongoing (frivolous) defamation case Postle filed against me, Veronica Brill, and 10 others. That's how my attorney Eric B (brutal_thinker in this thread) got to know her, as Eric would give her case updates. Jennifer and Haley Hintze were the only two poker journalists who were closely (and accurately) covering that story beyond its initial blow up.

    Jennifer and I had a lot of direct messages back and forth regarding the Postle matter. At one point, when a poker company publicly asked on Twitter for freelance writers, I replied and recommended both Jennifer and Haley, indicating that they were two excellent longtime poker journalists. Jennifer thanked me for doing this, and I recommended them because I truly believed they had done great work.

    Yet, as mentioned earlier in this thread, Jennifer has me blocked. How could this be? Was it my conservative politics? Actually, no.

    In early 2023, Jami Lafay, a poker player with a history of shady and dishonest behavior, posted a "cancer" Gofundme seeking $50k. I was not the first to question it, but I then noticed some direct lies in her Gofundme, including "live" hospital updates (including pics) after she had already gone home. I called out these lies, and a shitstorm ensued, as some of you probably remember. Most people agreed with me that the whole thing looked suspect, while a very vocal minority were insisting I was simply "attacking" Jami because she was female.

    One of the most vicious attackers on Twitter against me? Jennifer Newell. This shocked me because not only did I have a very good relationship with Jennifer at the time, but I knew her to be an intelligent woman with strong critical thinking skills. She saw right through all of Postle's lies. She reported on many other shady people in poker over the years, and correctly broke down their bullshit. So why was she such a staunch advocate of Jami's? From what I could see, the two of them weren't even friends.

    I tried to talk to Jennifer in DM, and reason with her. I brought up all the lies Jami was telling. I gave Jennifer simple ways to verify my claims. I begged her to look at this neutrally and rationally as she typically does, and she would come up with the truth.

    But she wouldn't. Jennifer had been on a longtime "advocate for women in poker" kick, which by itself is fine, but to her that meant blindly defending women in controversy, no matter what the circumstances. Jennifer brags on her Twitter profile that she's "woke", and indeed she saw this Jami controversy through the lens of pure sexism, rather than simply a scammer happening to be female. Once you inject identity politics into analyzing scam allegations, you've taken your eye off the ball, but Jennifer just wasn't getting it.

    I pleaded with her to stop bashing me publicly. I told her to look at my history over the prior two decades. I asked her to consider whether I ever alleged scams against people due to their identity. I asked why I would have gone after so many males for scamming/cheating (including Postle, who sued me), if I was only interested in bashing women. I asked why I would have recommended her and Haley -- both female -- for that freelance job, if I were a sexist. After all, most poker journalists are male, yet here I was suggesting two females. She had no answer, other than to repeat that she "knew" Jami and she was telling the truth, and that I was clearly motivated by sexism. However, Jennifer agreed for the moment to quit going after me, even if she was going to defend Jami.

    That lasted all of a few days. She then quote-tweeted me and wrote something snide about "white privilege" and "male privilege". I asked her again in DM why she was attacking me, and in response she ranted a lot of nonsense back. It was clear she now hated me and I couldn't reason with her. She ended up blocking me.

    I've basically ignored her over the past 1.5 years.

      Dive_Bar_Dave: Long Saga. In short, she went nuts.

  7. #7
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    Every so often she works herself up into a frenzy, complaining about "sexism" or "misogyny" where it doesn't exist. This Hailey Welch (Hawk Tuah) thing is a good example. Nobody is victimizing Hailey. She went viral due to making a funny comment about blow jobs, and she's trying to capitalize on the brief fame, which is smart. Rather than give Welch respect for pushing AWAY from the sexualization which got her famous (Welch's public appearances have been very wholesome and sweet), Jennifer is ranting that she was put on PokerGo due to "misogyny". Jennifer was also mad that Poker Go and referred to her as the "Hawk Tuah Girl", which she also felt was sexist.

    Say what?

    Her argument was that Welch was brought onto Poker Go simply because men liked the fact that she graphically discussed sex in the viral video.

    But that's a nonsense argument. Welch sexualized herself initially on that video, so there was nobody taking advantage of her. And she (smartly) capitalized upon the sudden fame from this, which led to her appearance on Poker Go. She calls HERSELF the "Hawk Tuah" girl (and even has a podcast now called "Talk Tuah"), because that's how everyone knows her. At the same time, Poker Go did not sexualize her at all (beyond the Hawk Tuah nickname, which she herself uses), and she was treated very respectfully.

    LOL @ Jennifer creating false outrage over this, and saying she is going to exit the industry due to it.

    Oooooooooooookay. See ya!

  8. #8
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Every so often she works herself up into a frenzy, complaining about "sexism" or "misogyny" where it doesn't exist. This Hailey Welch (Hawk Tuah) thing is a good example. Nobody is victimizing Hailey. She went viral due to making a funny comment about blow jobs, and she's trying to capitalize on the brief fame, which is smart. Rather than give Welch respect for pushing AWAY from the sexualization which got her famous (Welch's public appearances have been very wholesome and sweet), Jennifer is ranting that she was put on PokerGo due to "misogyny". Jennifer was also mad that Poker Go and referred to her as the "Hawk Tuah Girl", which she also felt was sexist.

    Say what?

    Her argument was that Welch was brought onto Poker Go simply because men liked the fact that she graphically discussed sex in the viral video.

    But that's a nonsense argument. Welch sexualized herself initially on that video, so there was nobody taking advantage of her. And she (smartly) capitalized upon the sudden fame from this, which led to her appearance on Poker Go. She calls HERSELF the "Hawk Tuah" girl (and even has a podcast now called "Talk Tuah"), because that's how everyone knows her. At the same time, Poker Go did not sexualize her at all (beyond the Hawk Tuah nickname, which she herself uses), and she was treated very respectfully.

    LOL @ Jennifer creating false outrage over this, and saying she is going to exit the industry due to it.

    Oooooooooooookay. See ya!
    Her twitter profile:

    I love Italy. Black lives matter. Love is love. No human is illegal. LGBTQIA+ ally. Woke. She/her.

    On her twitter she says she is looking for a house for about $25,000 Euros in Italy. Which obviously would be a massive dump. She is a freelance writer, which is you know anything about that business (I do casually), it probably is the worst paying position you could achieve. My guess is she just hates life, you find that with people who are struggling in life and they then wrap themselves around socially driven issues. I am surprised climate change is not listed as a core issue for her, I am sure it is, just surprised its not front and center.

    I always laugh when people make a big deal, like she is about leaving effectively a useless profession. Like anyone cares. I learned this when I left my first job, age 25 or so. I had an exit interview, and I asked the Director of HR if everything would be ok with me leaving, I was a big contributor after all. He laughed and joked next time I am at the Atlantic Ocean throw a rock in the ocean and see what it does to the tide, that is the impact of me leaving. He wasn't trying to be a prick, just letting me know nobody cares people come and go all the time. Seems Jennifer feels people are going to miss her lightly read poker articles. My guess is she was not getting steady work and needed to find something else to make ends meet, but that is tough to admit, so you blame societal wrongs and of course eventually Trump.

      Sheesfaced: Not a bad take honestly
      splitthis: Toodles to tds bitch

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