Originally Posted by
to stop wars:
all children of age of congress people, regardless of anything save real disability, must serve in the war zone.
to stop deficit spending:
if budget isn't balanced or spending more than gdp, you get the point, they must all resign or lose some significant % of their pensions.
problems solved.
I'm not saying Trump is the end of all problems big and small or even any problems but what I do have is some hope that he will solve some problems. With Harris I know at least some things will get a lot worse. Because I only had TDS for a very short time I am capable of independent thought still.
I still don't like Trump for very valid reasons. I don't hate him though and as I see it he is so far the only person offering hope to end the fighting which then of course ends the spending.
Future senators and reps. won't have to worry about their kids marching through any jungle or desert to sacrifice themselves for the country. I think those days are over for us. Its satellites, airplanes, drones and robots from here on out. The 82nd airborne may one day just drop a few thousand robots on some faraway land instead of the outdated human GI's while the controls are handled by a kid in Langley or more likely just total AI warfare.
Some high up Russian said recently that we are like children playing with matches. Anyone speaking in favor of these wars has no f'ing clue how dangerous today's world is. The US is no longer protected by the oceans because our enemies can wreak havoc on us without ever stepping foot on the ground.
It gives me no pleasure to say that Trump is the only hope we have to get tf out of these very bad predicaments we collectively find ourselves in, whether we realize it or not.
Tulsi got it right.