Originally Posted by
Dan Druff
The real "election interference" was the bullshit changing of voting rules in 2020, which heavily favored Democrats.
This was done in the name of "COVID" (lol).
These changes included super early voting, automatic registration, automatic mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other "easier to vote" initiatives. That's basically rigging the game. It's important to keep the same sensible voting procedure -- where people have to register to vote manually, then physically show up at a polling place (or alternatively, request an absentee ballot well in advance).
The ballot harvesting was the worst part, as it open up the possibility of mass fraud, as well as cherry picking by the harvesters to only pick up likely D-leaning ballots.
So the right wingers suspecting phantom votes and direct fraud were on the wrong track. They should have focused on the bullshit listed above, which is provable, conceded the 2020 election, but made sure none of this shit happens again in 2024.