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Thread: Peter Jetten, Haralabos Voulgaris call out Tom Dwan for stiffing them out of big money

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Peter Jetten, Haralabos Voulgaris call out Tom Dwan for stiffing them out of big money

    This is an extremely confusing situation. I have decided to go through the statements of all of the involved parties (Tom Dwan, Peter Jetten, Haralabob Voulgaris, and Jungleman), and come up with a Cliffs Notes for this entire situation.

    NOTE: The below is a summary of statements I have read, and not direct/official statements from these individuals. It is possible my interpretation is not 100% correct, but I think I'm at least pretty close.


    Tom Dwan vs. Peter Jetten

    Peter claims:

    - Tom bought a 50% direct piece of him in the 2020 Aussie Millions, but did so on credit, planning to pay later.

    - Peter lost at the Aussie Millions, leaving Tom on the hook for $246k for his 50% piece.

    - Peter can prove with receipts that he really did enter all of these events, and that Tom really owes $246k from his 50% piece.

    - Prior to this, in 2019, Tom also directly staked Peter, in a deal with makeup. Peter lost here, as well. Peter bought out of the deal at some point for a percentage of the makeup (amount he was down in the stake).

    - The above makeup buyout situation was completely separate from the Aussie Millions thing, and they went into the Aussie Millions deal completely square with one another.

    - Peter felt confident letting Tom buy the 50% piece of the Aussie Millions on credit, because the next stop was the Triton, where Tom had friends such as Paul Phua who would likely cover the money if Tom couldn't pay. However, then COVID hit, and the Triton 2020 never occurred.

    - Tom has been dodging him for 4 years regarding paying the $246k, despite repeatedly agreeing he owed it.

    - Tom finally paid $20k, bringing the total down to $226k. However, he has also made numerous promises that he'd pay "next week", "next tournament", etc, and never kept to them.

    - After posting the story on Twitter in mid-February 2024, Tom coughed up another $30k, bringing the total down to $196k.

    - On March 9, 2024, Tom paid an additional $100k, bringing the total down to $96k.

    - Peter is willing to do arbitration about this matter, but only if Tom posts the money in escrow.

    Tom claims:

    - Tom and Peter have been friends for a very long time, and he repeatedly helped Peter out of tough financial spots.

    - Peter had a second backer, Ike Haxton, who had the other 50% of the Aussie Millions. Haxton fronted Tom's 50%, so Peter could enter. Tom claims he only wishes to deal with Haxton, even if Peter paid Haxton back for Tom's part that was never sent. (It's also not 100% clear if Haxton really had the other 50% of Peter, or if he was simply fronting money from Tom.)

    - Peter would never send a full accounting of the $246k Tom owes. Every time Tom asked for it, Peter didn't send it, so Tom refused to send money until he got it. Tom does not seem to suspect he was cheated, but wants to see the full accounting.

    - Peter lost in the other ("makeup") backing deal, and was down well over a million dollars of Tom's money.

    - At some point, the stake was ended by Peter buying out of the makeup for a discount, which Dwan agreed to, and thus being able to play on his own dime again. This reset everything.

    - Peter was a jerk by bringing this entire matter to public Twitter, and "lying" about him. For that reason, Tom is retroactively revoking the favor of letting Peter buy out of makeup for a discount, and wants some of that subtracted from any money he still owes to Peter.

    - Peter is broke and desperate, and trying to use Twitter to squeeze undeserved funds out of Tom via public pressure.

    - Tom will only do arbitration if the 2019 makeup matter is also part of it. He also won't post any funds in escrow.

    I'll do Haralabob's situation in the next post.

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Tom Dwan vs. Haralabob Voulgaris

    Haralabob claims:

    - In 2010, Haralabob used Tom as a "beard" to get action with a sportsbook or bookie. This is because Haralabob was a known top sportsbettor, and Dwan was known as a degenerate gambler, so Dwan would get action from the books which would be denied to Haralabob. Dwan used Haralabob's money to bet at a certain book, using Haralabob's picks. Dwan was to get 25% of any profits made, but would not be responsible for any losses, making this a freeroll for him.

    - The bearding was extremely successful, winning "high seven figures"

    - Unfortunately, Tom was doing the same bearding deal with another sportsbetting group, using the same account. Those picks lost, and this mostly drained the winnings in the account, unbeknownst to Haralabob. (It is unclear why this other group didn't cover those losses with their money -- perhaps they went busto.)

    - Tom admitted this occurred and said he was willing to pay Haralabob back the stolen funds from the account. However, he never did.

    - Haralabob outed the situation on a Joey Ingram podcast in 2016. Tom did not act outwardly bitter about this at the time, and in fact acted fairly friendly to Haralabob on both the Robbi/J4 discussion streams in 2022 and the Hustler Casino Live games they played together.

    - Tom owed "mid 7 figures" to Haralabob for many years, due to this matter. However, Haralabob found a mutual friend who happened to owe Tom millions of dollars through some kind of poker staking venture, and convinced the guy to pay him directly instead of Tom.

    - The above still left Haralabob short $350k regarding what Tom owed him. To this day, Tom has refused to pay.

    - Tom agreed to a payment plan for the remaining $350k, but then ghosted Haralabob. Tom only became angry about the entire situation when Haralabob got tired of chasing him, and chose to get involved in the Peter matter described above.

    Tom claims:

    - Haralabob acted shady throughout the bearding deal, at one point demanding to place bets over the phone himself, pretending to be Tom.

    - He did indeed owe Haralabob money over what happened, for the reasons Haralabob stated. However, he is furious that Haralabob force-collected the funds through a third party that owed Tom, as this left Tom in a bad spot regarding money he owed to others.

    - Due to Haralabob nosing into the deal with the third party and collecting funds that way, Tom does not feel like paying the other $350k at this point.

    - Tom is also furious that Haralabob announced the entire bearding situation, as he feels this will prevent him from making money in the future on other sportsbooks.

    - Tom is also angry that Haralabob threatened to put Tom in "legal jeopardy" over unrelated matters, if he didn't pay.

    - Tom says Haralabob "may have" gambled on the NBA while working for the Dallas Mavericks, which would be against league policy. He claims he revealed this publicly because Haralabob has posted a lot of his private business, including the bearding.

    Next post, Jungleman...

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    Tom Dwan vs Jungleman

    Jungleman claims:

    - Jungleman had a 2010 heads up poker match with Tom, where they would play a set number of hands, with a bonus for the person who ultimately finishes ahead.

    - Tom quit the match by simply refusing to play over a long period of time, and thus owes the bonus to Jungleman.

    - Tom has never paid this amount, nor explained coherently why he doesn't owe it.

    - Jungleman believes Tom isn't a bad guy, and is "working tirelessly" to pay off his current debts.

    Tom claims:

    - Much of the situation was a misunderstanding, and that both Tom and Jungleman had difficulties dealing with each other.

    - Jungleman has been "100 times better" than Peter and Haralabob in how he dealt with this situation.

    It is unclear why Jungleman and Tom seem to suddenly be getting along right now. Some have suggested maybe Tom is finally starting to pay him.

  4. #4
    Platinum garrett's Avatar
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    Skeletons in the Closet..

  5. #5
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Just another NWP scammer
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    At first I was anti Tom but after Druffs explanation…it’s not so clear.

    Degens all around.

    How do I her a Haralabos beard gig.

  7. #7

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  10. #10
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Did a special PFA Radio last night just about Dwan's interview on Pokernews (the 45 min one), plus went over some more tweets from Peter Jetten:

    Here's the interview itself, without my commentary:

      philosopher: I like how Dwan casually refers to "legal jeopardy spots" like its just another day in the office for these guys.

  11. #11
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    There is currently some question as to when Jetten's "makeup" and "cashout" (buyout) situation occurred.

    This tweet would indicate it was in 2019:

    I took "7 months prior" to mean prior to the Aussie Millions 2020. But maybe not? The tweets below seem to be contradictory.

    The last commenter is correct. Jetten is also somewhat confusing in his explanation of this whole thing, which is contributing to the confusion. We have Dwan who speaks like a space cadet, and Jetten who just isn't clear. Neither is very good at addressing direct questions.

  12. #12
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    Haralobob seems like a very interesting character. He's done some bits with that 30/30 guy and back in the day PokerRoad. Very interesting

  13. #13
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Update: The "other guy" involved here was Ike Haxton.

    However, it is unclear whether Haxton simply fronted the money to Jetten for Dwan's 50%, or if he owned the other 50%. It's also not clear why the money is owed to Dwan regarding Haxton, and not Jetten.

    Furthermore, Viffer tweeted to me today that Jungleman "made $1.4 million off Dwan in that match, out of a maximum $1.5 million possible", and that Dwan made out great given that the match wasn't even half over yet. His point seems to be that Jungleman wasn't as screwed as he appeared to be.

  14. #14

  15. #15

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Lol 30 mil

    Owing poker players is a freeroll as they are nothing but autistic pussies with no recourse.

    He may be in deep with the triad but doubt it's more than a few mil
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  18. #18
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Lol 30 mil

    Owing poker players is a freeroll as they are nothing but autistic pussies with no recourse.

    He may be in deep with the triad but doubt it's more than a few mil

    hah was just talking about this with willie.

    my guess is he had a number of 7 fig creditors who did not know the other creditors existed.

      Sanlmar: knife …
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  19. #19
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Also saw Haralabob tweet about this but bearding his action was a 25% freeroll? Seems astronomically high but what do I know, probably not a lot of Dwans where the books lick their chops at that volume.

    Also saw Haralabob tweet that Dwan had the option of 50% of winnings but would be on the hook for some amount of losses.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  20. #20
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Also saw Haralabob tweet about this but bearding his action was a 25% freeroll? Seems astronomically high but what do I know, probably not a lot of Dwans where the books lick their chops at that volume.

    Also saw Haralabob tweet that Dwan had the option of 50% of winnings but would be on the hook for some amount of losses.
    Yes, the 25% was because getting action was the most difficult part. And Dwan had the perfect image for it.

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