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Thread: Mystery and controversy surrounds Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old "nonbinary" girl who got in a fight at school, then died the next day

  1. #21
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Also zero tolerance for bullying is literally impossible to enforce. Even defining bullying is extremely difficult and the conflict is often not entirely one sided. Sure once in awhile you have a classic bullying situation where it can be done but it is far from the norm.
    PokerfraudAlert acknowledges that our message board is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of who's presence stretches back to that of Neverwinpoker and the Lithuanians. As such we acknowledge the great role that Tony G, Jewdonk, any many other Lithuanians have contributed to our community.

  2. #22
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Turned out it actually was suicide:

    Social media libs have egg on their face, after insisting this was a targeted murder or brutal beating of a trans teen.

    Some more information has since come out about this situation:

    - The girls who fought with Nex were actually freshmen, thus were younger than her, not older.

    - Nex did not know these girls. While in the bathroom, she perceived that they were laughing at her, so she threw water on them, thus starting the altercation.

    So it looks like these girls were not habitual bullies, and they weren't at fault for any of this.

    Nex did complain about routine bullying at the school, and parents at the school have complained that in general school officials have ignored or poorly handled past bullying complaints. I actually believe all of that.

    Here's a little secret about school bullying in modern times:

    The left wants you to believe that they're the ones actively fighting bullies, whereas the cold, callous right just wants kids to harden up and deal with it.

    But that's not what's actually happening. "Restorative justice" is an idiotic, permissive left wing methodology, dealing with crime and punishment. However, it has made it into many school districts in recent years. Restorative justice in schools eschews punishment in favor of making kids understand why they misbehaved.

    As you can imagine, this approach completely fails in a school setting. This is because kids lack maturity, and they simply equate lack of punishment with the ability to get away with more. If you know that beating up a kid you hate will get you suspended, you might think twice about it. If you know that you'll simply be brought into the office to talk about your feelings, you probably won't hesitate to beat up that kid.

    Modern public schools taking the restorative justice approach like to talk tough about "zero tolerance bullying policies", but it's all bullshit. Their restorative justice shit is the opposite of zero tolerance, and the kids learn this quickly.

    Of course, as with many left wing ideologies, there ends up with conflict and hypocrisy. Lefty school administrators want a restorative justice system of discipline, but at the same time, they want LGTBQ students protected. The problem is that you can't have both at the same time. The same permissive restorative justice system which gives endless chances to bad kids with no punishment also enables no-consequence bullying against "different" kids -- including those who are LGBTQ.

    I have no idea if this particular school has restorative justice policies. But if they do, it's very believable that Nex's parents complained about her being bullied, and nothing was done. Perhaps she felt helpless to stop it, and committed suicide after that last fight. If that's the case, school administrators should be blamed, and the school's policies regarding handling bullying complaints should be examined.
    Most alt right accounts been saying "overdose" but not mentioning suicide. If they were being bullied heavily and killed themselves the next day after being attacked that doesn't really invalidate much... I mean really is your point "haha they didn't die of being attacked but instead killed themselves over ongoing harassment and a current political client that constantly makes them out to be mentally deranged and child predators?"

    also Druff your take was completely wrong but have no problem calling out the left here. quote below

    "So what killed her, if it wasn't related to the fight?

    My guess is that she had a bad reaction to the "shot in the butt" she got at the ER for her pain. It might have reacted with an allergy she didn't know she had, or brought on some other issue, such as an undiagnosed heart condition.

    I don't think suicide is likely, because she seemed to be in semi-good spirits when texting the friend, aside from feeling sick.

    If it's not a reaction to the shot, another possibility is that she self-medicated the pain, and had an accidental OD.

    No charges have been filed, and probably won't be, as the girls hitting Nex after having water thrown on them would not be considered a crime.
    Yes, my guess was incorrect.

    But that's why I called it a GUESS.

    I made it clear that I had no clue what happened, but based upon the info at the time, it was unlikely she died from injuries sustained in the bathroom fight.

    The left was screaming about a nonbinary person being murdered by bullies, and circulating false stories of Nex's head being slammed into the floor and/or the paper towel dispenser. This was all false.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Also zero tolerance for bullying is literally impossible to enforce. Even defining bullying is extremely difficult and the conflict is often not entirely one sided. Sure once in awhile you have a classic bullying situation where it can be done but it is far from the norm.
    True zero tolerance is impossible, and in fact it has been tried in the past and implemented poorly, such as schools which auto-suspended kids for physical fighting, regardless of whether one was just defending himself.

    But solving bullying actually isn't all that hard in suburban schools.

    When receiving bullying complaints, you call in (separately) the kids involved. You also ask the victim for witnesses, if any. You get the full story from everyone.

    If it's clear that bullying occurred, you give the bully some kid of moderate punishment like detention, plus contact their parents and make them understand that further instances of this will result in suspension.

    If it's not clear exactly what occurred, you tell the alleged bully to have zero contact with the victim, and never to talk to or about them anywhere on campus, unless directed to do so by a teacher. You then tell the alleged bully that violating this will result in severe consequences.


    This tactic won't work in schools with a lot of gang members or hardened criminals, but it would work great in a suburban school.

    Where it doesn't work is when you start injecting touch-feely "restorative justice" bullshit into the mix, where the focus is placed upon the bully understanding himself, rather than just putting a stop to the harmful behavior.

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    In fact, like many things in schools nowadays, the restorative justice bullshit is a policy that has been quietly woven into district policy, without any transparency or visibility to parents.

    From the outside, it seems that schools have toughened on bullying, trumpeting these BS "zero tolerance" stances, and saying all the right thing about how bullying is taken extremely seriously on campus.

    But once you look inside, you see that the actual policy is quite different. Most people working in school administration are on the political left, and they've learned to hide in plain sight. They say reasonable-sounding things at school board meetings and district communications, but they have a quiet agenda to push left wing propaganda to the students, and to enact left wing policies in governing the schools.

    This was way Glenn Youngkin had the unexpected gubernatorial victory in Virginia. One of these situations was exposed, and it outraged parents when they learned how little control they had, and how districts decided to essentially cut them out of the loop.

    This is also why the left despises accounts like Libs of Tiktok, which routinely expose wrongdoing and cover-ups at schools across the nation.

    I'm not just pulling this shit from right wing social media, though. I recently helped a friend with a bullying situation with their kid. They were running into a wall and being double-talked by the school, while their kid was suffering. Had nothing to do with LGBTQ stuff, just standard school bullying stuff. I was not allowed to be involved in the process, having no relation to the kid, but I helped advise the parents and ghost-wrote emails for them. This was how I learned about the entire restorative justice thing, of which I had no clue existed before. The problem was finally solved, but you'd be shocked the effort it took to get the school to act on what was not a difficult situation to solve. The school wouldn't even contact the main bully's parents!

    Upon further research, I realized this was not just one particularly shitty district or school, but commonplace all over.

    The bullying issue in schools today is a product of the left's delusional policies and failure to take control of the schools they run.


  5. #25
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    so does anyone know how she committed suicide, was that ever released ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    so does anyone know how she committed suicide, was that ever released ?
    Yes, she took pills.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    From watching the video of this girl, I do not believe she was actually trans. Her mannerisms were fairly feminine, and she even retained a mostly feminine look.

    Indeed, she identified as "non-binary", rather than male.

    For the most part, I believe non-binary is a copout, where someone wants to have a trans identity but doesn't want to actually live as the opposite gender.

    We have gotten away from what trans was supposed to be -- switching to the other gender in order to alleviate the deep psychological pain of gender dysphoria.

    This girl does not appear to have had gender dysphoria at all. She was probably just a bit "different" and had a hard time fitting in with other girls, so I'm guessing that's what led her to fall into the trans community.

    Those with gender dysphoria are miserable being their birth gender. They hate their body and their secondary sex characteristics, and wish very badly they had been born the opposite sex. For these people, transitioning can sometimes provide psychological relief, but of course this should be held off until they're adults, as often these feelings resolve themselves by adulthood.

    I think the left is doing incredible damage by validating the idea of 100 genders and bizarre pronouns, as they are simply confusing today's youth into thinking they're trans simply because they're a bit different or gender nonconforming.

    The message should be that it's fine to be an effeminate boy or masculine girl, and that people should be accepting of such differences. The message should NOT be that you are "trans" if you're not like everyone else.
    Back in the day we used to call them tomboys

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Also zero tolerance for bullying is literally impossible to enforce. Even defining bullying is extremely difficult and the conflict is often not entirely one sided. Sure once in awhile you have a classic bullying situation where it can be done but it is far from the norm.
    True zero tolerance is impossible, and in fact it has been tried in the past and implemented poorly, such as schools which auto-suspended kids for physical fighting, regardless of whether one was just defending himself.

    But solving bullying actually isn't all that hard in suburban schools.

    When receiving bullying complaints, you call in (separately) the kids involved. You also ask the victim for witnesses, if any. You get the full story from everyone.

    If it's clear that bullying occurred, you give the bully some kid of moderate punishment like detention, plus contact their parents and make them understand that further instances of this will result in suspension.

    If it's not clear exactly what occurred, you tell the alleged bully to have zero contact with the victim, and never to talk to or about them anywhere on campus, unless directed to do so by a teacher. You then tell the alleged bully that violating this will result in severe consequences.


    This tactic won't work in schools with a lot of gang members or hardened criminals, but it would work great in a suburban school.

    Where it doesn't work is when you start injecting touch-feely "restorative justice" bullshit into the mix, where the focus is placed upon the bully understanding himself, rather than just putting a stop to the harmful behavior.
    Without getting into a huge discussion... The 10% of bullying that is physical is really easy to address as its a legal crime. Schools really need to have close to a zero tolerance position for physical assault. I'm more so referring to the 90 percent of bullying which is not physical and typically directed at those with poor social skills, low frustration tolerance, and major anger control issues. I'd actually compare it to trying to solve the bullying issues that go on in this forum. When you actually look at policies that work for that it's more so done at a systemic level and improving environment rather than working with individuals 1-1.
    PokerfraudAlert acknowledges that our message board is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of who's presence stretches back to that of Neverwinpoker and the Lithuanians. As such we acknowledge the great role that Tony G, Jewdonk, any many other Lithuanians have contributed to our community.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by David USF View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    From watching the video of this girl, I do not believe she was actually trans. Her mannerisms were fairly feminine, and she even retained a mostly feminine look.

    Indeed, she identified as "non-binary", rather than male.

    For the most part, I believe non-binary is a copout, where someone wants to have a trans identity but doesn't want to actually live as the opposite gender.

    We have gotten away from what trans was supposed to be -- switching to the other gender in order to alleviate the deep psychological pain of gender dysphoria.

    This girl does not appear to have had gender dysphoria at all. She was probably just a bit "different" and had a hard time fitting in with other girls, so I'm guessing that's what led her to fall into the trans community.

    Those with gender dysphoria are miserable being their birth gender. They hate their body and their secondary sex characteristics, and wish very badly they had been born the opposite sex. For these people, transitioning can sometimes provide psychological relief, but of course this should be held off until they're adults, as often these feelings resolve themselves by adulthood.

    I think the left is doing incredible damage by validating the idea of 100 genders and bizarre pronouns, as they are simply confusing today's youth into thinking they're trans simply because they're a bit different or gender nonconforming.

    The message should be that it's fine to be an effeminate boy or masculine girl, and that people should be accepting of such differences. The message should NOT be that you are "trans" if you're not like everyone else.
    Back in the day we used to call them tomboys
    I agree with you.

    This is more regressive left wing nonsense.

    Rather than the correct message of, "Understand that some boys will be effeminate and some girls will be masculine, and you should be accepting and non-judgmental of them", the left is currently pushing the idea that males and females need to act in rigid, stereotypical fashion, and if they don't, they must not be their birth gender. So a girl with some masculine traits or styles is strongly encouraged to either call herself a boy or identify as "nonbinary", instead of simply a masculine girl. Dumb.

    It's especially dumb because most kids grow out of this, and naturally snap back to more typical gender presentations. Go look up the tomboys you knew back in school in the '80s. You'll see that some of them remained masculine and came out as lesbians, but many others married men and look traditionally feminine. Imagine if those girls were given hormones, sterilized, had their breasts cut off, and told they were boys. Very harmful, and history will indicate that when this stupid craze ends.

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