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Thread: Another tranny shooter, this time at a church, of course msm calls him a woman.

  1. #41
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I went to the Daily Mail, as they tend to give no shits and publish the full story:

    However, they did not indicate Mashenka is trans, so perhaps she's just a lesbian and/or very masculine.

    Here's a family picture (with the dad she killed), where she looks a little bit more like a girl:

    Still not convinced that's really a girl though.
    This is what I have trouble understanding:

    The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

    Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the'd also give you something to talk about.

    And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

    My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

    The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

    How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?

      1marley1: You act like you don’t know they’re fucking retards
      Sloppy Joe: Pleased as punch
      Serial Fail: Spot on
      mickeycrimm: Conservatives being thrilled by shootings is a false narrative
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

  2. #42
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I went to the Daily Mail, as they tend to give no shits and publish the full story:

    However, they did not indicate Mashenka is trans, so perhaps she's just a lesbian and/or very masculine.

    Here's a family picture (with the dad she killed), where she looks a little bit more like a girl:

    Still not convinced that's really a girl though.
    This is what I have trouble understanding:

    The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

    Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the'd also give you something to talk about.

    And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

    My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

    The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

    How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?
    They've had all the humanity squeezed out of them, now just monkeys conditioned to be angry.

    Fear and rage are the only things these monkeys respond to, watch conservative media for 5 min.

    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  3. #43
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    I guess let’s get back on track now means I better jump in here and deflect from qanon granny and her scooter simp embarrassing themselves for the thousandth time

      Sloppy Joe: Scooter simp
      mickeycrimm: BCR, Sloppy wants to know the date of your next butt-fuck party.

  4. #44
    Bronze Serial Fail's Avatar
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    It's hilarious how often the "We can always tell" crowd gets it wrong.

  5. #45
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    This is what I have trouble understanding:

    The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

    Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the'd also give you something to talk about.

    And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

    My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

    The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

    How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?
    I'll help you understand then.

    Conservatives are not "thrilled" if a transgender person commits a mass shooting.

    When this occurs, conservatives note two things, both of which are serious matters which are worth discussing:

    1) The mainstream media goes out of their way to hide the fact that the shooter was transgender.

    2) There is a much higher incidence of mental illness within the transgender community than the general population. The left has hand waved this away as simply a PTSD-type reaction to years of intolerance and discrimination, but I don't think that's correct. There have been (and currently are) many highly oppressed groups in world history, yet these groups did not suffer from a higher degree of mental illness. The problem is that the left is terrified that people will come to see transgenderism as a form of mental illness, and thus they shut down any discussion of why mental illness is so prevalent in that community.

    In general, it bothers me when the media tries to suppress details of a story (or suppress the story itself) because it might cause people to think the "wrong" thing.

    If the killer here really was transgender, this should be part of the article. We shouldn't have to wonder and guess about it. That's what's become so sad about today's media. We know that whether the killer was transgender or a biological female, it won't be mentioned in the articles.

    Remember the Turpin case, where a white, Christian, heterosexual couple starved, beat, chained up, and abused their 12 children, and were finally caught? That was a major national news story, and rightfully so.

    However, a similar but worse story occurred shortly afterwards -- also in California. A liberal activist lesbian couple adopted six black children from various bad situations, paraded them around social media so the women could get kudos from all their left wing followers, and then were secretly beating and starving the children behind closed doors. They kept moving every time people in the neighborhood began to suspect things and report them to CPS. Furthermore, notoriously left-leaning CPS dropped the ball in multiple states, giving the women the benefit of the doubt multiple times (despite the kids clearly being malnourished and tiny for their age, while being genetically unrelated), because the women were liberal and lesbian. Finally, with the hammer about to come down, they drugged the kids, and intentionally drove everyone off a cliff, killing themselves and all 6 kids. This should have also been a huge story, but it got little airtime. Why? Because the media didn't want people to get the "wrong" idea about gay people adopting children, nor make you think too much about the hypocrisy of many left wing social media activists, so the story was hardly covered.

    In short, my wondering about the shooter being transgender was criticism of the media, and not transgender people as a whole.

      1marley1: Stupid fucking retard
      Mission146: Offset. It was a good counter argument.

  6. #46
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    And when they're white incel males like most are, you get Druff's hits on America being historically violent and how mass killings only up a tiny %, plus look at Chicago and Democrat cities omg.

    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  7. #47
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    This is what I have trouble understanding:

    The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

    Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the'd also give you something to talk about.

    And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

    My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

    The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

    How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?
    I'll help you understand then.

    Conservatives are not "thrilled" if a transgender person commits a mass shooting.

    When this occurs, conservatives note two things, both of which are serious matters which are worth discussing:

    1) The mainstream media goes out of their way to hide the fact that the shooter was transgender.

    2) There is a much higher incidence of mental illness within the transgender community than the general population. The left has hand waved this away as simply a PTSD-type reaction to years of intolerance and discrimination, but I don't think that's correct. There have been (and currently are) many highly oppressed groups in world history, yet these groups did not suffer from a higher degree of mental illness. The problem is that the left is terrified that people will come to see transgenderism as a form of mental illness, and thus they shut down any discussion of why mental illness is so prevalent in that community.

    In general, it bothers me when the media tries to suppress details of a story (or suppress the story itself) because it might cause people to think the "wrong" thing.

    If the killer here really was transgender, this should be part of the article. We shouldn't have to wonder and guess about it. That's what's become so sad about today's media. We know that whether the killer was transgender or a biological female, it won't be mentioned in the articles.

    Remember the Turpin case, where a white, Christian, heterosexual couple starved, beat, chained up, and abused their 12 children, and were finally caught? That was a major national news story, and rightfully so.

    However, a similar but worse story occurred shortly afterwards -- also in California. A liberal activist lesbian couple adopted six black children from various bad situations, paraded them around social media so the women could get kudos from all their left wing followers, and then were secretly beating and starving the children behind closed doors. They kept moving every time people in the neighborhood began to suspect things and report them to CPS. Furthermore, notoriously left-leaning CPS dropped the ball in multiple states, giving the women the benefit of the doubt multiple times (despite the kids clearly being malnourished and tiny for their age, while being genetically unrelated), because the women were liberal and lesbian. Finally, with the hammer about to come down, they drugged the kids, and intentionally drove everyone off a cliff, killing themselves and all 6 kids. This should have also been a huge story, but it got little airtime. Why? Because the media didn't want people to get the "wrong" idea about gay people adopting children, nor make you think too much about the hypocrisy of many left wing social media activists, so the story was hardly covered.

    In short, my wondering about the shooter being transgender was criticism of the media, and not transgender people as a whole.
    First of all, not all conservatives, but some are legitimately thrilled to bits when things like this happen.

    Beyond that, rank-and-file Conservatives are fucking terrible at messaging and even career politicians aren't that great at it. I'd almost suggest that you should run for public office, but I wouldn't wish actually winning on someone I hated. Unless you drink. Do you drink? I hear the booze is fucking awesome and flows freely, which is to say, for $0.00. Lobbyists and unions and shit; it gets reflected in end consumer prices, of course.

    Seriously, you'd do well. A rehearsed national Conservative politician is less eloquent than that post that you probably fired off with edits only for typos.

    It looks like this thread's opening post did such a great job noting that the news didn't report the shooter as a male-to-female transgender because the shooter was, in fact, female. I think that's a good reason for the news not to report that person as transgender. You guys are so paranoid that you forget that males and females who are not transexuals are still in a huge majority.

    I mean, isn't it properly called, "Gender dysphoria?" Holy shit! In a world where people wear mental illnesses that they often don't have as a badge of fucking honor, often for social media engagement, I can't imagine where the problem would be. As far as why there is a higher percentage of mental illness among transgendered people...I'm honestly not going to hazard a guess at the cause-effect relationship. I can say, for people who are legitimately transgendered, the fact that just under half of the country seems to absolutely hate them can't possibly be helpful to their mental health. Of course, spending too much time online isn't good for anyone's mental health; I should imagine that most transgendered folks have perfectly normal encounters with others in the meat realm, even with Christians...well, mostly.

    Anyway, would I want to be a person in a category that gets the most political attention? Not at all. Of course, I'm not really that big on wanting a lot of attention paid to me.

    I actually didn't know about either of those stories. Following the news (other than keeping an eye on gambling news) gives me a fucking headache. I'm pretty sure the average mental state of anyone who pays a ton of attention to news these days is, "Certifiably fucking nuts." Of course, I have to admit, being sane by comparison is a new and fun experience for me.
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I went to the Daily Mail, as they tend to give no shits and publish the full story:

    However, they did not indicate Mashenka is trans, so perhaps she's just a lesbian and/or very masculine.

    Here's a family picture (with the dad she killed), where she looks a little bit more like a girl:

    Still not convinced that's really a girl though.
    This is what I have trouble understanding:

    The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

    Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the'd also give you something to talk about.

    And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

    My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

    The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

    How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?
    So because this girl looked like a tomboy toddler assumed she was trans? lol

    Also, anytime toddler uses the " well I don't believe", or "I'm still not convinced " you can be sure he's wrong but he just can't admit it.

  9. #49
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  10. #50
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichardBrodiesCombover. View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    This is what I have trouble understanding:

    The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

    Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the'd also give you something to talk about.

    And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

    My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

    The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

    How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?
    So because this girl looked like a tomboy toddler assumed she was trans? lol

    Also, anytime toddler uses the " well I don't believe", or "I'm still not convinced " you can be sure he's wrong but he just can't admit it.
    First pic looked like a dude's facial structure, not just a tomboy.

    Second picture I found later looked somewhat like a tomboy, at which point I started to walk back the belief she was trans.

    Since the media won't reveal it either way, there's no way to tell. That's my point. The media should just state all the facts in these cases, and then we wouldn't have to wonder.

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