On another Website, a Poster said something like,"I was gambling in a Casino when the guy next to me won a $4,000 Jackpot. He begged me to switch seats with him and he would give me $2,000 to claim the Jackpot as my own. I did and he paid me the $2,000, but now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have done that because it was weird that he begged a complete Stranger to claim the Jackpot for $2,000. Why wouldn't he want his entire $4,000?"

A Poster replied something like,"He probably didn't want to claim the $4,000 himself because he could have Alimony Payments. I don't even know what Alimony is, but it sounds awful."

I (Karen Nathan) responded something like,"Alimony is something you pay an ex spouse after divorce. I've always hated the idea of Alimony, especially if the reason for the divorce in the first place is because the paying spouse was cheated on. Why should someone have to financially support another Adult they are no longer legally bonded to especially if the reason for the divorce was because they got cheated on? Why should they pay someone who cheated on them? Hell no!"

Someone else responded,"Alimony is like buying oats for a horse you no longer own " Another Poster said something like," My Friend didn't sign a Prenup and his ex wife cheated on him. He divorced her because of her affair and he has to pay her $2,000 every month." I, Karen Nathan responded,"Alimony sucks! It should be outlawed!"

I soon went to another thread and tried to respond but I couldn't. I assumed it was a glitch. I went back to the Jackpot Thread and an Admin wrote something like,"You have hijacked this thread twice by mentioning Alimony twice. It's about a guy trying to hide his Jackpot and asking a complete Stranger to claim it for him for half the Jackpot, not about Alimony. You have received a two week Suspension for Hijacking."

I(Karen Nathan) was like,"I wonder who got Suspended for making a Alimony hijack. I know it's not me because I haven't done anything wrong." I then saw in horror that it WAS me who got a two week Suspension for Hijacking with Alimony! And the Admin had chosen to only quote MY responses, making it unfairly look like I just brought up Alimony out of nowhere, didn't even include the posts I responded to.

Posters said something like,"Karen Nathan didn't hijack anything. The reason she brought up Alimony twice was because she was responding to two different people who brought it up first. She doesn't deserve a two week Suspension. You've done worse things. If anything, the people who brought up Alimony first should be the ones who get a two week Suspension, not Karen Nathan. You owe Karen Nathan an immediate reinstatement and a full apology for this unfair two week Suspension. "

The unfair two week Suspension still stuck despite multiple Posters protesting the two week Suspension. After I came back after the unfair two week Suspension, Posters were like,"Karen Nathan is a lot stronger than I am. I would have personally permanently left after that unfair two week Alimony Suspension."

I still don't get how I was the only one who got into trouble for the Alimony thing when I was responding to two different people who brought it up first.