Target has a confusing and annoying discount program called "Target Circle", where you have to use the app to "activate" offers of extra discounts on things.
It is not at all user-friendly, and often is riddled with bugs and issues.
You are at Target and buying an item which is $7.50/ea, but you get 40% off three or more of them. The $7.50 price sucks, but the 40% off makes the price decent, so you grab 4.
To get Target Circle activated at the register, you need to either enter your phone number registered to your app account or scan a barcode on the app. You choose to enter the phone # because it's easier.
At checkout, Target Circle fails on both this and another item, but works for two others. This proves that the Target Circle was activated, but it's just not working for two of the things you bought. Most notably, the 40% off didn't come off for those 4 items described above.
The cashier fixes the first problem, and then attempts to fix the second one (for the group of 4 items you bought at 40% off), but she miskeys something and the price accidentally goes up. You politely point out where she miskeyed, she apologizes, undoes the mistake, and is 5 seconds away from hitting the button to give you the 40%, when a more senior cashier sees the confusion and interferes. Turns out that this first cashier is a new hire and just learning. You get moved over to another cash register (which they can easily do), so it doesn't hold up the line, and you're fine with that.
Then things start to go awry.
The second cashier -- a male who looks around 30 (the previous one was a young female) asks, "Did you scan the barcode?"
You explain that you did the phone number instead of the barcode, to which he replies, "That won't work. The phone number is just to earn points. You need the barcode."
You reluctantly get on the app to scan the barcode, but it demands the password to verify, which you don't remember because the app always auto logs in otherwise. The barcode can allow you to pay for everything on a linked card, hence the higher security. But you tell this guy that you don't need the barcode to pay, and the phone number should work for Circle discount activation.
Then you're stuck in an endless loop.
The guy tells you to request a forgot password. You explain that you tried that once before, and Target is extremely slow sending those forgotten passwords -- at least to the mail server you use.
He obnoxiously replies, "That's no problem if it's slow. I have all day to wait."
You reply, "But I don't have all day. I have some cold stuff here, plus I need to go do other things. Can you please just fix the price?"
You show him the 40% Circle offer activated in the app, just to prove you're doing everything correctly.
He answers, "I just told you how we can fix it. Show me the barcode on the app to scan."
You reply, "Again, I don't have the password to do that, and the phone number should be fine for this."
He replies, "Then request the password reset, like I just told you."
You reply, "And like I just told you, it will take a long time to do that. Can you please just change the price?"
He replies, "Try resetting it and see what happens."
You are getting really annoyed.
You ask, "Why are you refusing to help me here? I just told you the password reset takes a long time."
He replies, "I am trying to help, but you won't let me."
Tired of this, you say, "So you're refusing to change the price unless I stand here and wait forever for the password to come?"
He replies, "Try requesting the password. That's how I can help you."
You say back, "I keep telling you that won't work and..."
Then you see he's starting to *giggle* at either you or the situation.
The difference is about $12. You really have tried to reset the password in the past for this barcode (for a different reason) and it took like 45 minutes both times you tried it. You are also fairly convinced the barcode isn't even needed, but not 100% sure. All you know is that you've never needed it for a Circle discount, and you see other Circle discounts are already showing from entering the phone number.
What do you do at this point, given this guy's intentional stubbornness and *giggling* at your frustration?
It is later in the evening, and it is unlikely a manager with any real power is at the store, but it's possible whoever is in charge can at least honor the price without all this BS.
FYI this is a Target about 30 miles from where you live, so you don't have history with anyone there.