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Thread: Hamas hits Israel in unprecedented attack.

  1. #801
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    Looking like Kalam is our first gay muslim rape bang survivor (trip report/male erotica ship it crucial). He's rightfully very biased on these issues but quite cogent on any other. No hard feelings sir I come here only for mature and well reasoned debate.
    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  2. #802
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    Quote Originally Posted by OK2 View Post
    Looking like Kalam is our first gay muslim rape bang survivor (trip report/male erotica ship it crucial). He's rightfully very biased on these issues but quite cogent on any other. No hard feelings sir I come here only for mature and well reasoned debate.
    Israel/Palestine is only a problem because the Muslim Arabs got their shit pushed in so many times by the Yahood and their pride cant take it, and they make it a problem, and we humor their 80 year temper tantrum because of liberal white guilt and of course the oil. In the big scheme of things there is nothing special about one group continually losing wars to another group over a small piece of land and being forced to move on. It has happened thousands of times and continues to happen as we speak. The Arabs themselves colonized 1/4 of the world in much more brutal fashion than anything going on in Israel (Arab ethnic cleansing and colonization still ongoing).

    But Arabs have their wounded pride and the Western World has its white guilt, so here we are.

      OK2: nh

  3. #803
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    The Muslim Arabs had a good run with the Jihad, colonization and ethnic cleansing. They conquered half the Christian World and wiped Christianity and most of the native languages/cultures off the map in Middle East and North Africa. They razed Alexandria and Constantinople, no small feats by any means.

    They are just going to have to accept that like Spain and Persia, Israel is a lost colony. Time to move on.

      Tellafriend: not their strong suit
      OK2: yeah they play too much. I'm a big sucker for an arab strongman dictator

  4. #804
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalam View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post

    Our support & mere presence in the region creates chaos.

    We have no plan nor endgame - we never do.

    However, there is so much money sloshing around and to be made - involvement is irresistible

    House Speaker Johnson makes me feel better about government. Has to be said. Making Israel a stand-alone issue is blowing my mind. That sort of thing just isn’t how the game is played.
    I think you guys all have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the US is doing with respect to Israel. The US isn't getting involved to protect Israel from the Arabs. It is the other way around. The Arabs think it is the Year 700 and they are just going to march in, murder all the Jewish men and make all the women their sex slaves. However, Israel isn't playing that game.

    If you look at the actual US history in the region, most of US aid/influence with respect to Israel has actually been pressuring Israel to give back land it won in wars, and bribing it with weapons (most of them defensive Iron Dome) to stop kicking Arab ass so much.

    The US has basically spent the last several decades bribing Israel not to put the Arabs in their place. Because the US values stability in the region, and access/control over Arab oil. What is going on in Gaza is a small taste of what will happen to the Arabs if/when US influence over Israel ever actually goes away, unless the Arabs dont stop their 7th century bullshit.

    If the Arabs keep up their Stone Age bullshit, and the US isn't there to pressure Israel to stand down, Arabs will die in the millions and the entire region will be thrown into chaos. I think many rationale Arab state actors realize what the endgame is for them if/when the US empire falls and Israel gets tired of the bullshit; which is why they are trying to make their peace.

    However, mainly because of their horrible, racist, supremacist religion most of the Arab people themselves support being anti-semitic and antagonizing Israel; so the more rationale actors have to play a tightrope walk making peace with Israel and appeasing their racist people.
    This was a fun romp. You have a skill for turning this issue on its ear and getting me to think.

    If I had the energy (lol) to review Arab oil interests I’d start with 1973 - The Arab Oil Embargo and the birth of the petrodollar. Instead I’ll leave this from Mr 1973 himself.

    There are those who rightly describe the oil region as Western Asia. One of the biggest oil importer is China and I’m sure you know of oil being traded with the digital yuan and heard of BRICS.

    Israel attacking the Arabs. Ok. They’d be nuked into next week by everyone

    Mad respect for the post though. It stuck with me and I will always read your stuff.

      Tellafriend: outstanding clip
      OK2: Kalam gave me a beat down

  5. #805
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    Israel admits to killing another hostage. I believe that is at least 4 they have killed. Other than the hostage exchange, Israel has freed 0 hostages. Hamas might be losing on the battlefield but they are winning in public opinion. More and more people hate Israel.

  6. #806
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    Sanlamar it's ok to be amused by Kalem's posts but never forget they're Hasbara hogwash, pure obsfucation.
    This isn't about simple minded Arabs who can't accept they were defeated.

    This is about 2 million people (mostly women and children) being packed locked in the world's largest open air prison.
    Default sentence of life w no possibility of parole. The sentence can be upgraded to death at anytime.

    This is what people don't get, the people in Gaza can't say ok Israel you won, keep all the shit you stole and just let me move somewhere else far away.
    No they can't leave, they torture and humiliate, test weapons on them.
    They had their fun now Israel needs the land

    Did you hear about the 72 virgins telegram channel? The IDF posted torture and snuff videos of Palestinians for Israeli viewers to enjoy.
    Look it up.
    Quote Haaretz Reversing an earlier denial, Israeli military officials have admitted that the Telegram channel 72 Virgins – Uncensored was operated by members of a department of the Israel Defense Forces'

    Here's an important update on the hostages, incl secret recordings

    Yea lets send $14 them billion we don't have on top of the $4 billion we already sent. As if they're not the wealthiest people on the planet. Fuck that.

      Tellafriend: Yea lets send $14 them billion we don't have on top of the $4 billion we already sent. As if they're not the wealthiest people on the planet. Fuck that.
      OK2: Good points

  7. #807
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    An absolutely blistering attack on Netanyahu and the Israeli response, ABSOLUTELY BLISTERING!
    This may be a turning point, I really don't know how you can watch this and go back to shilling for Netanyahu.
    There's some shocking info and an even more shocking quote fr Netanyahu that I never heard before.
    I'm stunned he said that, Israel shouldn't even bother sending lawyers to the ICJ to defend against genocide charges.
    Speaking of the IJC, I guess the Mossad is threatening that lady fr SA. She's worried about her safety and her family.

      1dollarboxcar: probably the only time i have agreed with Bernie....

  8. #808
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalam View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OK2 View Post
    Looking like Kalam is our first gay muslim rape bang survivor (trip report/male erotica ship it crucial). He's rightfully very biased on these issues but quite cogent on any other. No hard feelings sir I come here only for mature and well reasoned debate.
    Israel/Palestine is only a problem because the Muslim Arabs got their shit pushed in so many times by the Yahood and their pride cant take it, and they make it a problem, and we humor their 80 year temper tantrum because of liberal white guilt and of course the oil. In the big scheme of things there is nothing special about one group continually losing wars to another group over a small piece of land and being forced to move on. It has happened thousands of times and continues to happen as we speak. The Arabs themselves colonized 1/4 of the world in much more brutal fashion than anything going on in Israel (Arab ethnic cleansing and colonization still ongoing).

    But Arabs have their wounded pride and the Western World has its white guilt, so here we are.
    Sorry just reading this, yeah.. good points.

    You definitely understand this quite well I just don't like jews lmao
    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  9. #809
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    Does anyone know why Daniel Negreanu is simping for Israel? Is he Jewish? I believe the gold digging woman he married is a Jew. Maybe she is feeding him lies about the Palestinians while he eats out her hairy asshole.

      OK2: jesus christ the end lol

  10. #810
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    Quote Originally Posted by Small_Banana View Post
    Does anyone know why Daniel Negreanu is simping for Israel? Is he Jewish? I believe the gold digging woman he married is a Jew. Maybe she is feeding him lies about the Palestinians while he eats out her hairy asshole.
    He is Romanian and has mentioned in the past taking his faith in Christianity seriously. Pretty sure his girlfriend isn't Jewish either. There are millions of Christian zionists in this country, way more than the total number of Jews.

  11. #811

    i guess Rafah is too north for the IDF , remember when the narrative was that they should leave northern gaza if civilians dont want to die

  12. #812
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    Check out this phone call.
    The body of six-year-old Hind Rajab has been found decomposing in the car where her family were killed by Israeli gunfire in Gaza City. A few metres away, the ambulance sent to rescue Hind was burnt out with the remains of two medics inside.

    White people are a god damn disgrace, everywhere you look there's some white motherfucker complicit.
    Take your god damn gift card from AIPAC and shove it up your ass.

    Fuck the ICJ and ICC.
    NATO needs to be deployed to halt the genocide and arrest Likud and IDF for
    Nurenberg 2.0 trials.

  13. #813
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orko View Post

    Check out this phone call.
    The body of six-year-old Hind Rajab has been found decomposing in the car where her family were killed by Israeli gunfire in Gaza City. A few metres away, the ambulance sent to rescue Hind was burnt out with the remains of two medics inside.

    White people are a god damn disgrace, everywhere you look there's some white motherfucker complicit.
    Take your god damn gift card from AIPAC and shove it up your ass.

    Fuck the ICJ and ICC.
    NATO needs to be deployed to halt the genocide and arrest Likud and IDF for
    Nurenberg 2.0 trials.

    Oreo, I don’t know why you are trying to convince people on a JEWISH website to side with Islamic assholes. it is a waste of time on your part big time.

    This website and this country will never do that.

      OK2: you'll figure it out- your heart is just retarded on this
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  14. #814
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    Split I decided to look at this from a Christian perspective so I went to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews yt channel.

    Omg I feel so bad, she's such a sweetheart. They just want to celebrate, dress up in costumes and give charity to the poor.
    That's so sweet, run along split you don't want to miss Wolf Blitzer's dramatic update on the two hostages, keep us posted.
    Be sure to pray for them.

      OK2: LOL

  15. #815
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    Interesting news

    Moody's cuts Israel's credit rating for first time ever
    In a major blow to Israel's economy, the international ratings agency has also lowered Israel's outlook to negative, after a review for downgrade initiated after the start of the war.

    Israel slips in world corruption index

    That's ok
    It'll pass eventually, even if the have to cut money that goes to Americans.
    US Senate passes $95 billion foreign aid bill.
    Let the American retards pay for it plus interest.
    That's about $300 from every man woman and child in the USA plus interest.

    The American retards are paying Ukranian govt salaries too.
    Imo it's not to help Ukranians, it's to make sure they can pay rent.
    The lions share of apartments in Ukr. aren't owned by Ukranians.
    After some predatory loans Ameri and Euro retards will be on the hook for paying for Ukraine to be rebuilt and the cost will be astronomical.
    It's actually in the American tax payers interest for Russia to take all of Ukraine. Unfortunately Putin has no interest in conquering all ukr
    and the US gov has no interest in what's best for their citizens.

    Dictator Zelensky announced any Ukranian avoiding conscription will lose whatever money they had in the bank and other assets.
    I wouldn't be surprised if in the future the same will apply to those KIA .

    They have refugee money in this too.. The last bill w "border security' was billions to streamline assylum claims and more refugee resettlement money and more greencards..
    I have to laugh at all the right wingers wanting the border security added.
    All the elected reps act like they don't know the voters want to stop all the immigration.
    They just troll the fuck out the voters. Ok Border's secure now that we can fingerprint them before we wave them in. haha

    Gl finding one single comment in support.

    And lol at all the comments talking about voting them out.
    Sadly the squad may get booted but that's it.

      splitthis: Won’t pass the house

  16. #816
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    David_Usf sent me a video PM clarifying his position.
    Yes he gave me permission to share.
    David_USF At :40 sec. and 2:40 , .

      David USF: LOL DUMBASS

  17. #817
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    What's the argument for Jews not paying reparations to Palestinians?
    Here's a partial list of recent lHolocaust reparations awarded to the Jews.

    AUGUST 16, 2023, 5:05 AM
    Italian Jewish leader says new $67 million Holocaust reparations fund ‘a mockery’

    JUNE 15, 2023, 5:18 AM
    Germany to hike homecare funding for Holocaust survivors by $105 million next year

    NOVEMBER 15, 2022, 8:05 PM
    Lithuania mulls expanding compensation for Jewish property seized in WWII

    AUGUST 2, 2022, 3:00 AM
    Romania to pay pensions of citizens who moved to Israel after surviving Holocaust

    OCTOBER 10, 2021, 6:43 PM
    Latvia grants $46m in Holocaust restitution, but says state wasn’t at fault

    OCTOBER 6, 2021, 8:20 AM
    Holocaust survivors from Leningrad among 6,500 now eligible for German pensions

    JULY 21, 2019, 12:16 AM
    Germany to compensate 8,000 Romanian Holocaust survivors living in Israel

    JULY 2, 2019, 11:40 AM
    Germany extends Holocaust compensation to survivor spouses

    UNE 26, 2019, 8:56 PM
    Dutch railways to compensate Jews transported to Nazi death camps
    Nederlandse Spoorwegen says it’ll pay tens of millions of euros to Holocaust victims for what was a ‘black page in the history of the company’

    JANUARY 16, 2019, 4:05 PM
    DC court says Holocaust survivors can sue Hungary in the US for huge reparations
    Potential multi-billion dollar suit dates back to 2010. Appeals court rules that in pursuit of justice, case can be tried in States. Lawyers say decision could go to Supreme Court

    NOVEMBER 28, 2018, 4:33 AM
    Dutch rail says it will compensate for transporting Jews to Nazi death camps

    JULY 10, 2018, 6:35 PM
    Germany agrees to $88 million more for Holocaust survivors
    Claims Conference says additional government funding brings total compensation for next year to $560 million

    FEBRUARY 8, 2018, 3:42 AM
    Algerian Jews see ‘some justice’ as Germany recognizes their Holocaust suffering
    25,000 elderly survivors who suffered under Vichy’s anti-Semitic laws now eligible for grants

    The unknown story of Moroccan Holocaust survivors
    King Mohammed V stopped the Nazis short of eradicating his Jewish community — but not of imposing anti-Semitic laws. Now Germany pays reparations, even as scholars fill in gaps
    lol sounds legit.

    MARCH 2, 2017, 8:53 PM
    Congress introduces bill to help Holocaust victims reclaim assets.
    You should read some of them omg

    JANUARY 27, 2017, 5:53 AM
    US Holocaust survivors’ requests for help grew by 20% in 2016
    The Blue Card says about one-third of the approximately 100,000 Holocaust survivors in the US are living at or below the poverty line
    Sounds legit.

    Jews are trying to shake down Poland for over a trillion

    Given the context, how can Jews not pay reparations?

  18. #818
    Nova Scotia's #1 Party Rocker!!!!11 DJ_Chaps's Avatar
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    Chaps' 2017-18 NFL $$ Thread

  19. #819
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_Chaps View Post
    I don’t block people cause I’m lazy. Orko def ruins discussion in a very timely thread.

    Just figured out how to put someone on ignore. Nap it out Orko

    What was Orko’s original name? Escapes me atm.

      splitthis: I believe it was Towelhead Faggot
      OK2: ^ i like him but this is gold

  20. #820
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    I have noticed that the Laziest most worthless people in the world live in shit and squaller treat others poorly with little respect even after excessive compensation and attempt to include them in planetary decisions.
    these people are professional victims. crying foul and demanding money and free shit while scheming on how to fuck with others for personal gain.
    the whole area around israel and Palestine is a shit hole with little natural resources.
    Isral has taken the area given to them and made the best with it and by all accounts thrived there. where the palistinans are so jealous they want what the jews have they think the land will help to enrich them but it will just expand the fucking corrupt dump they live in now.
    the jewish people in israel are why the country is modern and for the most part wealthy, they could have been settled anywhere and wold likely have thrived they same as now... where as the palistinans could be settled in fucking a tropical paradise and would turn it into a dictatorship shit hole in very little time and be looking to there neighbours and blaming them for there shitty situation.
    like the Native north americans who were once fierce warriors have turned them selves into the worlds biggest dependents and constantly whine and cry about there shitty situation they are in and expect others to pay for there shit.
    at the end there is very little some one can do when some one is banging the victim drum other than ignore them and carry on as they are not there.
    I recently accidentally bought a audible book i normally wouldn't listen to (space operas are more my speed) called "Alex Fletcher" serous preper book... was kind of entertaining but not my thing. but the thing is at the end of the book................. spoiler the jews end up nuking a few million arabs massing to invade israel and then made it home in time for coffee.

    I really hate false victims who invite violence and when they loose complain unfair fighting.
    palistinans will be stomped into the sand if they persist in there stupid "river to the sea" campaign.

      OK2: you make some good points while ignoring fucking disgraceful jews being jews
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

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