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Thread: Job well done

  1. #1
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Job well done

    Son handed notice to store he was working in. Worked there a little over a year. I tried to get him in basketball, it was like pulling teeth he just hated it. Past year he did theater set up and choir. Last few months he worked friday thru Sunday . Worked full shift on weekends was in a union and got extra dollar an hour , it all adds up. He went to a few parties wants to have more of a social life. Its not easy being a cashier on your legs all day.

    He got his drivers license on first try a lot of people failed theirs. His firt day driving I hear a crash outside. The car had accelerated all by itself, he went in drive but the car revved up in reverse and smashed into a tree. Have a fairly bussy road out of driveway the tree stopped him and broke out rear window. Called dealership where they told me they would check the black box, never heard of such a thing in the car. Three months later said black box revealed nothing wrong with the car. Have the subaru Crosstrek. Fucking horrible. Wife went away on business last week he drove himself to and throw , no accidents. Still waiting 3 months for car. He is getting the rav as his new car selling the death trap.

    Another story, few years ago hear a banging on the door. Figured it was Jehovas, Fracking, or political drive. Let my wife answer. She comes back in and said it was a movie director looking to put porto potties on driveway. We have huge driveway so wife said to knock himself out. Took all our info and thought that was that. Following week get the porto pottie which is a big trailer with 3 bathrooms delivered on our driveay. The day or so previously got a document stating the 3 days porto potties put down along with contract for 3k. They removed it as stated. They didn't want all extras using the bathroom. Wonder if actor had bathroom privlidges. What was funny was that wife didn't know who he was. Wonder if star peed on our driveway.

  2. #2
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANKRIZZO View Post
    Son handed notice to store he was working in. Worked there a little over a year. I tried to get him in basketball, it was like pulling teeth he just hated it. Past year he did theater set up and choir. Last few months he worked friday thru Sunday . Worked full shift on weekends was in a union and got extra dollar an hour , it all adds up. He went to a few parties wants to have more of a social life. Its not easy being a cashier on your legs all day.

    He got his drivers license on first try a lot of people failed theirs. His firt day driving I hear a crash outside. The car had accelerated all by itself, he went in drive but the car revved up in reverse and smashed into a tree. Have a fairly bussy road out of driveway the tree stopped him and broke out rear window. Called dealership where they told me they would check the black box, never heard of such a thing in the car. Three months later said black box revealed nothing wrong with the car. Have the subaru Crosstrek. Fucking horrible. Wife went away on business last week he drove himself to and throw , no accidents. Still waiting 3 months for car. He is getting the rav as his new car selling the death trap.

    Another story, few years ago hear a banging on the door. Figured it was Jehovas, Fracking, or political drive. Let my wife answer. She comes back in and said it was a movie director looking to put porto potties on driveway. We have huge driveway so wife said to knock himself out. Took all our info and thought that was that. Following week get the porto pottie which is a big trailer with 3 bathrooms delivered on our driveay. The day or so previously got a document stating the 3 days porto potties put down along with contract for 3k. They removed it as stated. They didn't want all extras using the bathroom. Wonder if actor had bathroom privlidges. What was funny was that wife didn't know who he was. Wonder if star peed on our driveway.
    Funny thing is your son has worked more the last month than that DJ Chaps.

      splitthis: Lol

  3. #3
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Yeah he earned a nice sum will be spending it on car. We gave him credit card whenever he needed. His 3 friends he reccommended blew through all their savings. One of his friends blew a lot of it on the pot. He made a nice sum my son. Will be going back during summer They told him he is able to come back any time , the door is always open.

      Baron Von Strucker: FR knows how to parent

  4. #4
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    I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure your son isn't being truthful about that crash. Cars don't just go into reverse and then rev uncontrollably into a tree while they're in drive. He sounds like a great kid deserving of your pride in him but that crash makes no sense.

  5. #5
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure your son isn't being truthful about that crash. Cars don't just go into reverse and then rev uncontrollably into a tree while they're in drive. He sounds like a great kid deserving of your pride in him but that crash makes no sense.
    I believe thats what happened car was in d (drive) I was driving him somewhere and all of the sudden car violently accelerated violently into drive. I had to deploy hand brake car got under control but I went in the other lane luckily no traffic on other side. It was only 40 feet to where he accelerated into tree which lends credence to the story. I also though this was a huge anomaly but this happened to me as well. Also cop called and took picture of the car which was in drive. How do you explain the rate of speed ? He would have had to slam hard on the gas pedal.

      country978: if true then the car is definitely a death trap

  6. #6
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    Your son is gay and cars don’t go backwards for no reason.
    But well done on the 3k for turning your pride and joy into a toilet …
    cmoney :It would be nice if Mexico could simply get human feces out of its drinking water

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANKRIZZO View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure your son isn't being truthful about that crash. Cars don't just go into reverse and then rev uncontrollably into a tree while they're in drive. He sounds like a great kid deserving of your pride in him but that crash makes no sense.
    I believe thats what happened car was in d (drive) I was driving him somewhere and all of the sudden car violently accelerated violently into drive. I had to deploy hand brake car got under control but I went in the other lane luckily no traffic on other side. It was only 40 feet to where he accelerated into tree which lends credence to the story. I also though this was a huge anomaly but this happened to me as well. Also cop called and took picture of the car which was in drive. How do you explain the rate of speed ? He would have had to slam hard on the gas pedal.
    I dont know about going in to reverse when I’m drive but…..the BMW I bought has a feature that I hate. When you come to a stop the engine kicks off supposedly to save you on gas. As soon as you take your foot off the brake it restarts automatically. When I first got the car I pulled into my drive after a very long day, the engine turned off and I sat there for a moment. Forgot I hadn’t actually turned it off. Went to get out of the car. It restarted and I slammed into my porch. Did $10K of damage to the house and barely a scratch to the car. Now I manually turn that feature off as soon as I start the car.

      OK2: schizer
      Starbucks Spunk Bucket: stop/start sucks ass

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