Someone on Twitter says the solver user is Andrew Esposito. I haven't verified this, but nobody is pushing back on that, so it's likely.

The guy calling him out is named Peter Cross, who has a good reputation and isn't known to start drama over bullshit. As you can see, the guy admits it was "just one hand", so he's not denying using GTOWizard -- just denying he was using it the whole time!

Amazingly, the floor seems more concerned about Cross loudly complaining about it, than the actual cheating going on!

Notice how arrogant this dude is about what he's doing, accusing Cross of "trippin'" and saying "just one hand" as if that makes it okay.

GTOWizard takes inputs regarding stack sizes, position, cards, and opponent action, and recommends a supposedly GTO solution. It does not have any "delay", and thus can be used for real time assistance, which is obviously cheating.

This should be banned from all live tournaments, and there should be strict rules against it, announced at the beginning of the tournament and printed on the structure sheet.

First instance caught using it should be disqualification, and second instance should be a ban.