JSTAT brought it to my attention a week ago that YouTube "shorts" (all videos less than a minute) were not embedding into PFA properly.

He was correct, and I was aware of this. The auto-embedder I wrote did not have a way to handle that. When I tried to quickly fix it last year, I failed, so I put it aside and forgot about it.

Tonight I took another crack at it, and fixed it. Now you can embed YouTube shorts the exact same way as regular YouTube videos -- just type (or copy/paste) the URL!

For example, take JSTAT's video at URL: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2pHg0NGWlAc

You can either directly copy the URL, or you can use the "share" feature on the video, and then press "Copy". If you use the "share" feature, the URL will look slightly different. but either way works.

So then just paste the URL to your post, and it will auto-embed.

Feel free to try "embedding" YouTube shorts in this thread.