Quote Originally Posted by Crowe Diddly View Post
Dude gets beat to death by cops on camera and this thread turns into inconveniencing people after cops have killed people. Killing black dudes is bad but blocking highways is unconscionable!!!
That's not what I said, and you know it. In fact, if you look at my posts, I address both the murder (and how to fix the situation going forward) AND the hoodlums who block highways and cause mayhem because they can.

When you have a country of 330 million people with a lot of violence, shitty things will happen every day, including at the hands of police. That doesn't mean we have a systemic racism problem, or that the solution is more permissive policing.

The goal should be to honestly determine the cause of the problem (not just what sounds good on woke Twitter), and then fix the problem as well as possible without breaking something else worse.

The left seems very fond of "fixing" problems while creating an even bigger problem as a side effect. That's because they are too concerned about symbolism (police bad, fighting racism good!) and not enough about substance (victims of violent crime in the US are disproportionately black or Hispanic).

I would love to see an honest discussion about police accountability regarding bad apples in their ranks. I still don't feel that problem has been sufficiently addressed. Instead, what I've been seeing for the past 9 years has been condemnation and restrictions upon ALL police, and you've seen that reflected in our crime rates.

Would you rather walk around at night in 2013 NYC or 2023 NYC?

Were there any "autonomous zones" in 2013?

How often were roads getting blocked and buildings being burned down during protests in 2013?

In 2013, how often were gangs of hoodlums strolling into convenience stores, stealing at will, and not being charged because each person stole less than $900?

How often were we kicking violent criminals loose without bail in 2013, when they were likely to reoffend and/or split town?

So we can either honestly focus on the shit above (and realize much of it largely harms black and brown people), or we can pretend the police are the big problem every time some outlier violent cops are caught in acts of brutality.