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Thread: New owners of 2+2 also own ACR?

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    Silver circuitp's Avatar
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    New owners of 2+2 also own ACR?

    I'm fairly certain that the same folks who own ACR , purchased 2p2 . and that ACR is a money laundering / theft vehicle for the khazarian mafia , based in ukraine. the khazarian mafia has direct ties to the democratic party, harry reid and preet bharara. right now at 2p2 there are spam threads for donations , the flag colors displayed and any type of questioning gets shamed or deleted as off topic etc. there are so many red flags that joey ingram made content and then weirdly went silent about it. maybe those ghouls of the underworld told him to back off? no matter what, the timeline of this company, the mystery surrounding it and the general history of cheating across the board in online poker should give us all a reason to look closer at these guys and expose them.

  2. #2
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    I'm fairly certain that the same folks who own ACR , purchased 2p2 . and that ACR is a money laundering / theft vehicle for the khazarian mafia , based in ukraine. the khazarian mafia has direct ties to the democratic party, harry reid and preet bharara. right now at 2p2 there are spam threads for donations , the flag colors displayed and any type of questioning gets shamed or deleted as off topic etc. there are so many red flags that joey ingram made content and then weirdly went silent about it. maybe those ghouls of the underworld told him to back off? no matter what, the timeline of this company, the mystery surrounding it and the general history of cheating across the board in online poker should give us all a reason to look closer at these guys and expose them.
    I mean, this is a pretty strong conspiracy theory, so we're going to need to see some evidence to back this up.

    The Ukranian donation thread on 2+2 is because the two (relatively young) guys who bought it are Ukranian. I call them "the Russians" because it's funny to think about staunch anti-communist Mason Malmuth selling out to Russians, and indeed at least one of them went to college in Russia. But I believe they're both Ukranian. If I had to guess, I'd say they are crypto-rich and decided to buy 2+2 on a whim, and offered Mason so much money for a dying forum that he couldn't refuse.

    Joey Ingram is a different matter altogether. He vanished long after his crusades against ACR. Some theorized that the Postle lawsuit broke him, because that's when he started to vanish from social media for long periods of time, but I don't believe that, either. He was never even served, and that lawsuit was dropped 11 months ago. I think Joey just has his own personal issues, and decided to live his life away from social media.

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    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    I'm fairly certain that the same folks who own ACR , purchased 2p2 . and that ACR is a money laundering / theft vehicle for the khazarian mafia , based in ukraine. the khazarian mafia has direct ties to the democratic party, harry reid and preet bharara. right now at 2p2 there are spam threads for donations , the flag colors displayed and any type of questioning gets shamed or deleted as off topic etc. there are so many red flags that joey ingram made content and then weirdly went silent about it. maybe those ghouls of the underworld told him to back off? no matter what, the timeline of this company, the mystery surrounding it and the general history of cheating across the board in online poker should give us all a reason to look closer at these guys and expose them.
    I mean, this is a pretty strong conspiracy theory, so we're going to need to see some evidence to back this up.

    The Ukranian donation thread on 2+2 is because the two (relatively young) guys who bought it are Ukranian. I call them "the Russians" because it's funny to think about staunch anti-communist Mason Malmuth selling out to Russians, and indeed at least one of them went to college in Russia. But I believe they're both Ukranian. If I had to guess, I'd say they are crypto-rich and decided to buy 2+2 on a whim, and offered Mason so much money for a dying forum that he couldn't refuse.

    Joey Ingram is a different matter altogether. He vanished long after his crusades against ACR. Some theorized that the Postle lawsuit broke him, because that's when he started to vanish from social media for long periods of time, but I don't believe that, either. He was never even served, and that lawsuit was dropped 11 months ago. I think Joey just has his own personal issues, and decided to live his life away from social media.

    If I had to guess, this is simply a case of ACR having to hire questionable people to work for them (due to their location and illegality in the US), and some of these people see opportunities to steal with little consequence. Since ACR is probably making a ton of money, they probably just reimburse people and eat the cost as part of doing business. Remember, in 2010, a payment processor stole $100 million from Pokerstars and Full Tilt, and both companies just elected to quietly eat the losses.

    I’ve been out of touch with poker & randomly read this post.

    There is a ton of supposition in the above three paragraphs but my interest in a poker fraud is now lit and it’s been a while since I’ve felt that way.

    Also, Joey Ingram went dark? I need more.

    everyone is guessing at this point so I’ll lean crummy infosec vs inside job. ACR is the outfit that made DDOS synonymous with online poker. We all mucked around on there years ago but the IT issues became too much. Hardly, the cutting edge of IT which is ironic cause that’s all they really offer. They ran servers with ancient single purpose software and did it poorly.

    ACR seemed to always suffer from outside attacks.

    Lol, the thought that Malmuth was so principled that he would turn down a large offer for his forum. Who are you Druff? Taps glass.
    Last edited by Sanlmar; 03-31-2022 at 10:26 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    I'm fairly certain that the same folks who own ACR , purchased 2p2 . and that ACR is a money laundering / theft vehicle for the khazarian mafia , based in ukraine. the khazarian mafia has direct ties to the democratic party, harry reid and preet bharara. right now at 2p2 there are spam threads for donations , the flag colors displayed and any type of questioning gets shamed or deleted as off topic etc. there are so many red flags that joey ingram made content and then weirdly went silent about it. maybe those ghouls of the underworld told him to back off? no matter what, the timeline of this company, the mystery surrounding it and the general history of cheating across the board in online poker should give us all a reason to look closer at these guys and expose them.
    I mean, this is a pretty strong conspiracy theory, so we're going to need to see some evidence to back this up.

    The Ukranian donation thread on 2+2 is because the two (relatively young) guys who bought it are Ukranian. I call them "the Russians" because it's funny to think about staunch anti-communist Mason Malmuth selling out to Russians, and indeed at least one of them went to college in Russia. But I believe they're both Ukranian. If I had to guess, I'd say they are crypto-rich and decided to buy 2+2 on a whim, and offered Mason so much money for a dying forum that he couldn't refuse.

    Joey Ingram is a different matter altogether. He vanished long after his crusades against ACR. Some theorized that the Postle lawsuit broke him, because that's when he started to vanish from social media for long periods of time, but I don't believe that, either. He was never even served, and that lawsuit was dropped 11 months ago. I think Joey just has his own personal issues, and decided to live his life away from social media.

    you are right, that is a strong theory Dan- First . let me give some background to myself - I exposed the UCARE cancer tournament scam in 2011- smelled something off and was right- 2p2 NVG went nuts on the guy and exposed everything- I KNEW that there was something wrong there, and proved it.

    Also , Dan , we have met at the WSOP- either 2012/2013. I railed you early in the main , we had a brief conversation about my respect for you from the old days.

    that being said, I just want to put it out there, that i'm not smoking meth or some pissed off weirdo seeing ghosts. I'm really really smelling ROTTEN fumes from that camp and it got stronger the second I realized someone in Ukraine had bought 2p2 recently. spider senses on 5000% percent now

    OK - where do we start?

    let's by listing facts and move out from there-
    2005 Ukraine weapons proliferation with USA

    black friday 2011 - politicians in office - Obama, Harry reid , preet bharara

    2013 Ukraine - george soros finances a color revolution in Ukraine overthrowing poroshenko
    detailed here in this banned film

    from 2013 until now, Ukraine has been the proxy of the USA- there are about 40 US funded biolabs in Ukraine that have been weaponizing bioweapons to use with migratory birds to poison the Russian population. USA has about 150 of these labs worldwide using nato as the front-

    You have the hunter biden laptop which has been entered into the congressional record this week , detailing the corrupt oil and gas deals made by the crooks in government. many years or millions of dollars either being stolen , laundered and wasted.

    we see a ton of corruption there. and that's just what is on the surface level- now lets go further back in history

    The Tribe of Dan- one of the original 13 tribes of Israel - settled in Khazaria which is current day Ukraine- they were BAAL worshipers, and their claim to fame back then was being called " the name stealers" - they roamed Ukraine, meeting travelers, befriending them and then murdering them , taking their name and then going to assume their lives. long documented thru history and really well explained by Clif High right here--

    these Khazarians were confronted by other societies about their ways and had to either adopt a religioj or be destroyed- they chose Judaism because their neighbors were christians and muslims- they needed their space to continuie ball worship and child sacrifices- i shit you not

    so here we are with a country full of name stealers who hijacked Judaism , concocted a secret version of Judaism which hides itself in the formal religion- and they used their stolen wealth to amass more power. They took the name Rothschild , which meant " red shield" , as they hung a red shield over their door in Germany when they went " legit" as bankers. the red actually means blood -

    this family slithered their way into the banking systems of Europe, installed central banking and then used that leverage to start wars, crasah economies and throttle thriving nations-

    in 890 Khazar fell to what is now modern day Russia- they swore revenge and ONE THOUSAND YEARS LATER in 1917 they invaded Russia and killed the Monarch and his whole family-

    every Monarchy in Europe fell to the name stealers- Portugal, France and England.

    You see Roman Abramovich is having to sell Chelsea FC? You see he's being investigated in Portugal ?

    his family is khazar royalty. they used that stolen money to prop themsleves up in yachts, mansions , sports teams- u name it. since DNA is so concrete, it was easy to find out who these people are because they only marry into certain families- they keep these old bloodlines intact by arranging marriages that keep the money and power within the families-

    here are 2 professors detailing the bloodlines and how they impact our world today-

    start at 1:10 for details specifically to Rothschild- it also gets into Fidel Castro being a khazarian !!

    so we have a long , documented history of the khazarians and their ways. we have bloodlines, that can be traced back centuries. we have historical evidence of who their agents were- Napoleon , Winston Churchill , Joseph Stalin , Karl Marx - if you go and look at any of these historical photos , they are usually seen with a hand tucked into the jacket- this is a symbol of masonry-

    masonry , the secret society where there are 33 degrees of leadership- each time a person moves up a degree, they learn more secrets pertaining to masonry and agree to whatever painful death is threatened for revealing their secrets- there are thousands of small mason lodges all over America- most of them have no clue that the really , really important mason lodges , where the money is , are the ones that really count. the pretenders in these small towns just give a look of peace and quiet from the masons with a small lodge with just a few members, none of them holding a high degree , just enough to call themselves a part of the group.

    to be a 33rd degree mason is something like making it to outer space- only a few will have the title- only a few will know all the secrets .you never hear anyone bragging about their degree in masonry-

    another of their secret societies is the "Knights of the cross" and they were the army of the pope, which Rome ties heavily into this- thats the true headquarters of our enemies. that is it's own country- they do whatever they want behind those walls -

    here is a little history of the knights

    So, you see all these groups, all the money and power available and you start to wonder , what havew these people done in the world ? well there are so many roads to look down it would take you years to process it all= I'll give you a few of their historical deeds as a reference

    sinking of the titanic

    all these events had something to do with central banking- as you study history , especially this stuff, you see the people all connect back to one group of people.

    now that you can see what they are capable of, you can see that laundering money thru an offshore gambling site isn't that big a deal for them. buying off preet to ban stars so they could soak up free money is fairly easy to do considering preet has no loyalty here- khazarians put their people in power to make these kinds of decisions for them. if they say shoot linclon, they shoot lincoln. if they say sink the titanic because jacob astor and his boys are on it , they sink it. they use secret societies to recruit agents and appear like a regular group of people. most people drive right by these buildings and never ven think about what they do- even in my state , i look at the police badge and I see masonry symbols and it scares the shit out of me.

    2p2 bought in 7/2021 - by some Ukrainians - who quickly delete informational posts just like this one.
    do any of you find it weird that before this war started , someone from that region bought the site?
    and now heavily censor it?

    there are too many intersections involving ACR and Ukraine , ESPECIALLY since preet was involved. same administrations now as was in 2011. preet was in the DOJ , run by the same administration in 2011-

    when you think of bots on ACR, you think of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine- a region of the world. weird how the bot accounts are from that region of the world. weird how that region of the world bought 2p2 . weird how people in our government connected to that region are only connected to the ukraine side- they hate russia right? russia bad !

    so knowing internet poker has had a lot of problems with cheating and theft, knowing the history of Ukraine and the endlkess corruption tied to the rothschilds and seeing how things have playd out since 2011, the writing is on the wall. ACR is a cover for the khazarian mafia. They use it to steal money either through bots or super usuing in the mid to low stakes mtts -

    if they can sink the titanic, shoot kennedy and fly planes into the WTC, stealing money from a gambler is childs play and not something they would be above doing. the goal of the khazarians is to OWN THE WORLD - for themselves- thats why they kept their bloodlines intact. thats why they have snuck into governments for thousands of years killing them from within-

    kinda like our country right now.

    i know i probably left something out, it's ok there's hundreds of years of evidence laying around. I will update and explain as much as I can to motivate you guys too look as well.

    I do not think we will find the " smoking gun" evidence of a connection , but I do think there is enough circumstantial evidence to convince quite a few of you that there is more to this.

    I love my country, I love poker and I love people who feel the same way. hopefully we solve this !!!

      Sanlmar: How and why was Chicago Joey silenced?
    Last edited by circuitp; 04-01-2022 at 05:19 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    I’ve been out of touch with poker & randomly read this post.

    There is a ton of supposition in the above three paragraphs but my interest in a poker fraud is now lit and it’s been a while since I’ve felt that way.

    Also, Joey Ingram went dark? I need more.

    everyone is guessing at this point so I’ll lean crummy infosec vs inside job. ACR is the outfit that made DDOS synonymous with online poker. We all mucked around on there years ago but the IT issues became too much. Hardly, the cutting edge of IT which is ironic cause that’s all they really offer. They ran servers with ancient single purpose software and did it poorly.

    ACR seemed to always suffer from outside attacks.

    Lol, the thought that Malmuth was so principled that he would turn down a large offer for his forum. Who are you Druff? Taps glass.

    Sorry , I forgot to address the Joey topic-I was busy this AM and knew I forgot a lot of stuff.

    I do not know Joey Ingram personally. I know of him, and what he represents in the poker community. He's an astute gamesman , well liked by his peers. He used his great reputation to confront scammers and cheaters and landed some great interviews in situations no one else could. He is a rock star on the surface and no one has spoken ill of him that I have ever heard. I absolutely would trust him with anything and I've never met the guy.

    The last time I seen Joey was his last interview on his channel with Ivey- 9 months ago.

    4 years ago Joey started making content about ACR bots and that story is here

    if you search twitter using "joey ingram acr " u get a ton of tweets in the top column starting in 2018. some as early as march 2022 . so a 4 year ongoing topic related to his questioning of the site.

    Joeys twitter was super active up until July 2021 . then it slows down to a trickle . I assumed he has met a hot woman and one July 2021 tweet mentions moving to Mexico, which would allow him to crush the sites instead of living in Vegas. He has many options being who he is and that's pretty dope.
    on the flip side, at the same time he slowed down on twitter, 2p2 was sold-

    there could be nothing to see here and i want to assume so but knowing what I know about the khazarian mafia and how people sign over their whole business to them to keep their family from being murdered, I have to speculate on their maneuvers .

    so lets say the khazarians ( rothschilds , black stone , vanguard) who own all the media - also owns 2p2 as of 7/2021 - as a control device for the flow of information and to solicit funds for their current war for which the central banks cannot pay for alone anymore - they own all the newspapaers, magazines and tv stations. they control it all - and to protect their money laundering machine , sports betting money printer , poker bot super user accounts acr they gobbled up 2p2 , the one place people were driven to, to find out about internet poker issues- ACR's agents are not as active as they were before the site was bought. I see all the bot complaints on twitter and there are many.

    What if Joey was asked to back off? To stop talking about ACR? He went hard as fuck for a while there and then bam, off radar. I assume these people have ways of saying stfu or else....

    this is speculation on my part but it is an informed speculation. I am considering the enormous monster thats sits behind world domination and I put nothing past that entity. I also consider how many referees they own in the pro leagues and if some of their calls swing enormous amounts of money thru the site. This isnt just your regular mafia guys. these are the oldest families in the world, that you never heard of running the show. they have used murder, blackmail and bribery to get whatever they want. when they can KILL 3 US Presidents and still go on like it's just history can certainly own an offshore gambling site , where they can use their software to do anything they want

    Vanessa Kade was hired to be a spokesperson and walked away with no real given reason. There are a couple dozen twitch streamers that plug the site but I think that is more of a thirst issue than a talent issue. there are a few winners in there but the majority are there trying to become someone instead of already being that person and just showing off.
    they won't notice the nuances of weird shit happening because all of their focus is on the hand and their channel. most of them never heard of ultimate bet or absolute poker.

    they hired randy lew as security consultant and gameplay expert

    I have yet to see him make any major statements about goals or progress made in his position. he is a name to make people feel like they are doing the right thing. just a figure head with no real job. I had a twitter interaction with him and I cornered him so hard he went on a 3 tweet justification and got angry about it too. I ask questions . thats it.

    chris moneymaker- their main spokesman - what else can I say? he's a good dude but we all know he will not turn down any sponsorship deals. he isn't doing any cheating himself and it will never be proved so in this world , he would be a fool not to take the money and then if the shit hits the fan claim ignorance.

    so, in summarization - considering the group of people aligned with Ukraine, ( khazarian mafia, rothschilds, george soros) and their alignment with obama, preet bharara and harry reid- I believe stars was banned so ACR could stay and steal American money - and now they own 2p2 since 7/2021 using it as a donation/propaganda vehicle in the poker community. many years of bot allegations to go along with it.

    there is so much history in the world , with groups and organizations that control so many things we know nothing about. we have to recognize areas they could easily steal from us and investigate until we are sure it's a clean place to play. we all know ACR is not that place. search acr bots on twitter and read the real accounts complaining.

    we never got an answer why stars had to leave. you guys know why now

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    Here is who ACR says owns ACR

    not very informative lol . I really want to find out who the ownership is and who they can be tied to . thats what this will come down to- connections.

    here is a look at the costa rican headquarters

    this is the WPN forum , lots of talk about bots in the fair play subforum

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    Here is who ACR says owns ACR

    not very informative lol . I really want to find out who the ownership is and who they can be tied to . thats what this will come down to- connections.

    here is a look at the costa rican headquarters

    this is the WPN forum , lots of talk about bots in the fair play subforum
    Bot story is old news. Chicago Joey exposed it. Phil Nagy gave a shit for a short while or pretended to.

    I don’t Believe the 2+2 guys are involved with ACR no offense. Do you know what is actually involved in running a site and what can be outsourced. I can tell you right now if I had the cash I could put up a site to crush ACR and outsource the IT and such for less then $50k (more games then ACR and even PokerStars) and overhead fixed at minimum $1000 (take share) a month for the IT and server all covered. Even customer service you can outsource for 24/7 coverage 3 reps at under $2k a month. Automate the financials is already built in. I literally could be the face and be the only real employee if I chose to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    Here is who ACR says owns ACR

    not very informative lol . I really want to find out who the ownership is and who they can be tied to . thats what this will come down to- connections.

    here is a look at the costa rican headquarters

    this is the WPN forum , lots of talk about bots in the fair play subforum
    Bot story is old news. Chicago Joey exposed it. Phil Nagy gave a shit for a short while or pretended to.

    I don’t Believe the 2+2 guys are involved with ACR no offense. Do you know what is actually involved in running a site and what can be outsourced. I can tell you right now if I had the cash I could put up a site to crush ACR and outsource the IT and such for less then $50k (more games then ACR and even PokerStars) and overhead fixed at minimum $1000 (take share) a month for the IT and server all covered. Even customer service you can outsource for 24/7 coverage 3 reps at under $2k a month. Automate the financials is already built in. I literally could be the face and be the only real employee if I chose to be.
    In theory, you are right but what legitimate outfit wants any part of ACR? Therein lies the rub.

    Remember The Wire? Omar robbin the drug dealers? That is why ACR is such a lush target to the outsiders.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    Here is who ACR says owns ACR

    not very informative lol . I really want to find out who the ownership is and who they can be tied to . thats what this will come down to- connections.

    here is a look at the costa rican headquarters

    this is the WPN forum , lots of talk about bots in the fair play subforum
    Bot story is old news. Chicago Joey exposed it. Phil Nagy gave a shit for a short while or pretended to.

    I don’t Believe the 2+2 guys are involved with ACR no offense. Do you know what is actually involved in running a site and what can be outsourced. I can tell you right now if I had the cash I could put up a site to crush ACR and outsource the IT and such for less then $50k (more games then ACR and even PokerStars) and overhead fixed at minimum $1000 (take share) a month for the IT and server all covered. Even customer service you can outsource for 24/7 coverage 3 reps at under $2k a month. Automate the financials is already built in. I literally could be the face and be the only real employee if I chose to be.

    I can see your strong point here and I agree somewhat on the math side being doable to run a site by yourself and i'm assuming that you are coming from a place with pure intentions which is the exact opposite of what I believe the people behind ACR and 2p2 are doing.

    We have a real issue here but it will take some real digging to find the true ownership of ACR. With Stars that wasn't a problem , Isai was right there. There was a guy willing to put his face behind the product. Everyone loved and still loves Isai Scheinberg.
    Phil Nagy did not write his code nor does he tell the truth about a years long bot situation on " his " site. He does not get the same respect in the community as Isai and never will .

    with ACR you have poker, casino and sportsbook. All of this is unregulated. and knowing how lucrative this would be , what kind of power in the world it would take to pull strings concerning laws surrounding the industry , i can only deduce one group of people behind it. ACR did not just show up in 2011. They have been around since 2005. How long was stars threatened to leave the country before black friday?

    this has been a long term plan guys. as long as it takes to make that site #1 . Do you not see that WSOP brand has shit software? they have all the best casino software money can buy but their poker software is shit. They arent fighting as hard as I believe they should over a regulated market for the whole country- WE, THEY , EVERYONE- knows poker is a skill game.

    who owns caesars? would it be black rock/ vanguard? the media consolidaters? the people who have cheated since money was invented? because thats who could get stars banned while their site stays and reaps the rewards. they can sit there for YEARS , as they have until people forget about history . which is exactly what is happening. the site is growing and so are the twitter complaints .

    they have no intention of regulating the US market as a whole , as long as ACR is there stealing all the fish money. why have real sites when you can just steal? rememeber- unregulated. invisible ownership.

    2p2 sold in july 2021- To some Canadian Ukrainians is what I believe I read. I seen that had happened but assumed it was Mason getting old or whatever and that free speech was still free speech there. I went into the politics forum and gave a response to someone and named george soros. within 5 seconds my post was deleted and i was banned for 24 hours. I said uh oh and came back the next day and typed out a banger of an argument and same deal except this time a week long ban. after that I came back and started researching who bought the site. when I came across a post saying that Ukrainians owned the site, I shit my pants. That region ties all the corruption in the world together.
    Then lights started going off in my head about fund raising for ukraine and how the cabal uses any disaster or war to fundraise - think haiti , katrina anything people would send money for , they use it. think everytime you check out and get asked to donate to charity..... same psychology and same banks .

    now I think of the sale date of 2p2 - July 2021- the war hasnt started yet right? well here is a CIA made handbook given to Ukrianian troops in 2021- the book titled " participants of the russian ukrainian war- the books lists the usual suspects, george soros and bill gates. but the premise here is that the site was bought (2p2) as a way to raise funds for their efforts in Ukraine , using propaganda- the ukrianian flag colors on the site page and censoring posts critical of the situation.

    it's in the first 30 seconds that the book is shown

    I can tie 2p2 to an ideology and an ownership claiming Ukrainian hardship. I can tie the Ukrainian war to the CIA, George soros , Bill Gates, The rothschilds, khazarian mafia etc etc etc and this group of people are trying to control everything and do for the most part. I know their tactics- to use peoples ignorance against them.

    considering the length of time ACR has been offshore, the strings that were pulled to throw stars out and the secrecy surrounding ownership and the amount of bots from specific regions and the lack of priority from caeasars / wsop to grow the brand vs ownership being black rock / vanguard / rothschild / soros - I think its highly possible it is connected. no one is gonna write a report and admit it right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post

    Bot story is old news. Chicago Joey exposed it. Phil Nagy gave a shit for a short while or pretended to.

    I don’t Believe the 2+2 guys are involved with ACR no offense. Do you know what is actually involved in running a site and what can be outsourced. I can tell you right now if I had the cash I could put up a site to crush ACR and outsource the IT and such for less then $50k (more games then ACR and even PokerStars) and overhead fixed at minimum $1000 (take share) a month for the IT and server all covered. Even customer service you can outsource for 24/7 coverage 3 reps at under $2k a month. Automate the financials is already built in. I literally could be the face and be the only real employee if I chose to be.

    I can see your strong point here and I agree somewhat on the math side being doable to run a site by yourself and i'm assuming that you are coming from a place with pure intentions which is the exact opposite of what I believe the people behind ACR and 2p2 are doing.

    We have a real issue here but it will take some real digging to find the true ownership of ACR. With Stars that wasn't a problem , Isai was right there. There was a guy willing to put his face behind the product. Everyone loved and still loves Isai Scheinberg.
    Phil Nagy did not write his code nor does he tell the truth about a years long bot situation on " his " site. He does not get the same respect in the community as Isai and never will .

    with ACR you have poker, casino and sportsbook. All of this is unregulated. and knowing how lucrative this would be , what kind of power in the world it would take to pull strings concerning laws surrounding the industry , i can only deduce one group of people behind it. ACR did not just show up in 2011. They have been around since 2005. How long was stars threatened to leave the country before black friday?

    this has been a long term plan guys. as long as it takes to make that site #1 . Do you not see that WSOP brand has shit software? they have all the best casino software money can buy but their poker software is shit. They arent fighting as hard as I believe they should over a regulated market for the whole country- WE, THEY , EVERYONE- knows poker is a skill game.

    who owns caesars? would it be black rock/ vanguard? the media consolidaters? the people who have cheated since money was invented? because thats who could get stars banned while their site stays and reaps the rewards. they can sit there for YEARS , as they have until people forget about history . which is exactly what is happening. the site is growing and so are the twitter complaints .

    they have no intention of regulating the US market as a whole , as long as ACR is there stealing all the fish money. why have real sites when you can just steal? rememeber- unregulated. invisible ownership.

    2p2 sold in july 2021- To some Canadian Ukrainians is what I believe I read. I seen that had happened but assumed it was Mason getting old or whatever and that free speech was still free speech there. I went into the politics forum and gave a response to someone and named george soros. within 5 seconds my post was deleted and i was banned for 24 hours. I said uh oh and came back the next day and typed out a banger of an argument and same deal except this time a week long ban. after that I came back and started researching who bought the site. when I came across a post saying that Ukrainians owned the site, I shit my pants. That region ties all the corruption in the world together.
    Then lights started going off in my head about fund raising for ukraine and how the cabal uses any disaster or war to fundraise - think haiti , katrina anything people would send money for , they use it. think everytime you check out and get asked to donate to charity..... same psychology and same banks .

    now I think of the sale date of 2p2 - July 2021- the war hasnt started yet right? well here is a CIA made handbook given to Ukrianian troops in 2021- the book titled " participants of the russian ukrainian war- the books lists the usual suspects, george soros and bill gates. but the premise here is that the site was bought (2p2) as a way to raise funds for their efforts in Ukraine , using propaganda- the ukrianian flag colors on the site page and censoring posts critical of the situation.

    it's in the first 30 seconds that the book is shown

    I can tie 2p2 to an ideology and an ownership claiming Ukrainian hardship. I can tie the Ukrainian war to the CIA, George soros , Bill Gates, The rothschilds, khazarian mafia etc etc etc and this group of people are trying to control everything and do for the most part. I know their tactics- to use peoples ignorance against them.

    considering the length of time ACR has been offshore, the strings that were pulled to throw stars out and the secrecy surrounding ownership and the amount of bots from specific regions and the lack of priority from caeasars / wsop to grow the brand vs ownership being black rock / vanguard / rothschild / soros - I think its highly possible it is connected. no one is gonna write a report and admit it right?

    Dude let me guess you also are convinced that Soros is the Emperor from Star Wars also right pulling all the strings. Dude Ive heard some tinfoil hat bullshit before but this is totally nuts. By your logic then Putin is just a misunderstood Anakin Skywalker masquerading as Darth Vader and not the evil piece of shit he really is and Zalensky is the real bad guy. Is Zalensky a saint nope, but Putin is the spawn of Satan. He is on some whackjob Eastern Orthodox Jihad, mixed with some insane last trilogy from Star Wars final order type bullshit trying to rebuild the Evil Empire he lost under the Soviet Union when it fell.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryback_feed_me_more View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post

    I can see your strong point here and I agree somewhat on the math side being doable to run a site by yourself and i'm assuming that you are coming from a place with pure intentions which is the exact opposite of what I believe the people behind ACR and 2p2 are doing.

    We have a real issue here but it will take some real digging to find the true ownership of ACR. With Stars that wasn't a problem , Isai was right there. There was a guy willing to put his face behind the product. Everyone loved and still loves Isai Scheinberg.
    Phil Nagy did not write his code nor does he tell the truth about a years long bot situation on " his " site. He does not get the same respect in the community as Isai and never will .

    with ACR you have poker, casino and sportsbook. All of this is unregulated. and knowing how lucrative this would be , what kind of power in the world it would take to pull strings concerning laws surrounding the industry , i can only deduce one group of people behind it. ACR did not just show up in 2011. They have been around since 2005. How long was stars threatened to leave the country before black friday?

    this has been a long term plan guys. as long as it takes to make that site #1 . Do you not see that WSOP brand has shit software? they have all the best casino software money can buy but their poker software is shit. They arent fighting as hard as I believe they should over a regulated market for the whole country- WE, THEY , EVERYONE- knows poker is a skill game.

    who owns caesars? would it be black rock/ vanguard? the media consolidaters? the people who have cheated since money was invented? because thats who could get stars banned while their site stays and reaps the rewards. they can sit there for YEARS , as they have until people forget about history . which is exactly what is happening. the site is growing and so are the twitter complaints .

    they have no intention of regulating the US market as a whole , as long as ACR is there stealing all the fish money. why have real sites when you can just steal? rememeber- unregulated. invisible ownership.

    2p2 sold in july 2021- To some Canadian Ukrainians is what I believe I read. I seen that had happened but assumed it was Mason getting old or whatever and that free speech was still free speech there. I went into the politics forum and gave a response to someone and named george soros. within 5 seconds my post was deleted and i was banned for 24 hours. I said uh oh and came back the next day and typed out a banger of an argument and same deal except this time a week long ban. after that I came back and started researching who bought the site. when I came across a post saying that Ukrainians owned the site, I shit my pants. That region ties all the corruption in the world together.
    Then lights started going off in my head about fund raising for ukraine and how the cabal uses any disaster or war to fundraise - think haiti , katrina anything people would send money for , they use it. think everytime you check out and get asked to donate to charity..... same psychology and same banks .

    now I think of the sale date of 2p2 - July 2021- the war hasnt started yet right? well here is a CIA made handbook given to Ukrianian troops in 2021- the book titled " participants of the russian ukrainian war- the books lists the usual suspects, george soros and bill gates. but the premise here is that the site was bought (2p2) as a way to raise funds for their efforts in Ukraine , using propaganda- the ukrianian flag colors on the site page and censoring posts critical of the situation.

    it's in the first 30 seconds that the book is shown

    I can tie 2p2 to an ideology and an ownership claiming Ukrainian hardship. I can tie the Ukrainian war to the CIA, George soros , Bill Gates, The rothschilds, khazarian mafia etc etc etc and this group of people are trying to control everything and do for the most part. I know their tactics- to use peoples ignorance against them.

    considering the length of time ACR has been offshore, the strings that were pulled to throw stars out and the secrecy surrounding ownership and the amount of bots from specific regions and the lack of priority from caeasars / wsop to grow the brand vs ownership being black rock / vanguard / rothschild / soros - I think its highly possible it is connected. no one is gonna write a report and admit it right?

    Dude let me guess you also are convinced that Soros is the Emperor from Star Wars also right pulling all the strings. Dude Ive heard some tinfoil hat bullshit before but this is totally nuts. By your logic then Putin is just a misunderstood Anakin Skywalker masquerading as Darth Vader and not the evil piece of shit he really is and Zalensky is the real bad guy. Is Zalensky a saint nope, but Putin is the spawn of Satan. He is on some whackjob Eastern Orthodox Jihad, mixed with some insane last trilogy from Star Wars final order type bullshit trying to rebuild the Evil Empire he lost under the Soviet Union when it fell.

    I appreciate your input here but everything you said is SURFACE information. Information that anyone could find or pick up. That's what lazy people feed on. The free low hanging fruit that requires no hard work to get, and you run on down the road feeling like the smartest guy around. I can assure you, anyone using star wars as a way to describe their situation or explain their point, has no point.

    I am just the messenger. I am just a person FULLY AWARE of world history and FULLY AWARE of geopolotics. Although George Soros is an evil piece of shit and deserves to be flayed before death , he is just a face, not the leader. He is just one of their pawns, just like Zelensky- anyone you see on the news isn't the leader of what is happening in the world.

    I get it, you read stuff like this and you wonder what the fuck?? Well I used to be the same. I was like whatever, whoever is fucking up the world, fuck off ! But then I found the internet and these sites full; full of autists just like me !

    The internet is truly our saviour. It takes time and work for it to be fruitful but once you are proficient at the PC, all kinds of doors open. all kinds of information is accesible and people all over the world share it and discuss it.

    You may think it's all gibberish, but if you have never studied who runs the worls. I mean WHO REALLY runs the world , then stop trying to tear me down man. Build with me. as long as you stop by and ridicule me, your thought process never changes. Stop attacking the messenger please

    I may be wrong with my theory. I may have it all wrong!

    But the facts surrounding ACR do not change. The way pokerstars left hasnt changed-. there was a cause and effect here and the two people we know for sure that touched it was Preet Bharara and Harry Reid- 2 soldiers of the khazarian mafia. Reid was such a soldier, he now has an airport named after him.

    Internet poker history is very ugly-

    Ultimate bet
    Full Tilt

    with the cheating and scamming that we know has happened in the past, why wouldn't an unregulated site like ACR benefit from unregulation? all the stories about money missing lately, and everyone is like oh well that can be explained, no worries LOL

    I do not have smoking gun proof-

    I do have a lot of circumstance and associations which in itself combined with the missing funds/bots/superuser accusations make an ugly picture. There is something wrong there , that is something that isn't " made up"

    is it safer to let it be? just ignore what I think is happening? Is it beneficial for me to get up here and type all this out , KNOWING it may seem a bit off and unreal ? yes it is, because I can document and prove most of what I say and if I can wake one person up then Ive done my job.

    something is wrong at ACR poker- Something is wrong at 2P2 poker and I think they are related in some way. please help me find documented ownership of both

    pic related - cabal families who tell george soros what to do
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  12. #12
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    Yesterday , I was searching through old posts and came across this post from srslysirius back in 2015
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    This got my blood racing as I had never heard this story but it unlocked other research I have done related to freemasonry and secret societies.

    I found that Elway is a freemason and that the whole situation with the rams moving to LA was suspect now and I have done the research showing walmart is involved among others.

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    I didn't need any confirmation that he was aligned with these secret society groups but now that I have direct evidence of the " Hidden hand" gesture, I have that confirmation- look at all these historical figures using this same gesture. They all have something in common- secret societies .

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    there are so many pictures of this gesture that I cannot post them all.

    This secret society is why PokerStars was banned-

    Harry Reid and Preet Bharara - Freemasonry - Khazarian Mafia

    using their own hand signals against them.

    is this still a conspiracy?

    is this more evidence than the Mike Postle Story?

    I have so much more knowledge on this and will keep posting ALL MAJOR SPORTS connections to freemasonry and the corruption !
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  13. #13
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    I have to bump this thread with new info as the radio show is on -

    I have noticed in my research through twitter , that ACR is mentioned a lot of times by small stakes rec players and mid level grinders that they think something is wrong.

    The community convicted mike postle on a lot of circumstance-


    here are the tweets , from the spectrum-

    most of these guys never heard of the mean streets of PFA-

    If ACR poaches these guys that don't know the community or where to turn for help, they steal from us, that money wont come to B+M or home games now. These players get disgusted knowing its shit and walk away from the game.

    community continues to shrink

    does anyone feel concerned? some of these people have a hopeless attitude about it


      sah_24: postle was a blatant cheater ...

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