So brother Dangiel has once again retorted to weak sauce logical fallacies that work with mouth breathers.

Namely that Europe gives a fuck about US partisan faggotry. For the most part we don't. We care when that spills over and European members here at times point out retarded shit that's being spewed at the community we've been a part of for 15+ years.

Don't worry there's plenty of tards in Europe that gobble all the same global propaganda Druff is so proud to be a part of. Yay our team.

So a random straw that Druff grasped at a recent discussion was that i only defend things because Democrat. Nothing to do with Druff mostly cheering Team Retard talking points that i can very easily follow to the source. It literally takes a minute, there's nothing sophisticated about the right wing retardosphere. It's like it was designed for very simple people and true believers.

I was asked about a single thing that Democrats were for, that i opposed.

Well once upon a time a prince got his dick sucked and as a distraction to his impeachment he decided to bomb Europe. That was in 1999. 38k combat missions. No authorization from UN and against international law. Just 500 civilians killed by modest estimates.

We didn't much care about the prince's political affiliation. After the dust had settled we had to take care of the it. One of these things called diplomacy. A Finnish-Russian mediation team did stuff. Finnish side was there because we usually are, something about impartiality. The Russians because they still had/have clout in Eastern-Europe. If it helps, we like them even less than we like Americans. In this case Russians, I'd have to think more where we position Eastern-Europeans in general. Personally i draw the line to leadership and direct cronies from after Lenin died to Gorbachev and after Putin named himself as the czar in practice.

So no we didn't like the prince. We didn't much care about his cunty wife. The family name in general has a toxic connotation. We'd still go for her over a retarded reality-tv star. It's just because we're used to making compromises and most non toddlers could see that spilling over to our side.

We didn't much care about the retarded son of a retarded father living in the shadow of his father. It's compliment, if we consider them just retarded, compared to people profiting off human misery. The son is more likely to get a pass. Cheney got his hooks in. It's whatever.

The charismatic centrist Uncle Tom was fairly neutral by standards we're accustomed to.

The one from westerns seemed retarded before they declared he was retarded. His cunty wife seemed pretty cunty.

I don't really know where i'm going with any of this. I think i've covered every president since Druff was a toddler. The particular president i chose as the main subject was the one in charge of bombing Yugoslavia. There's at least 1 member here who served there and i have blood relatives that were on the ground. Both in UN peacekeeping whatever the fuck they're called these days. You know how US dweebs Larp in the woods with no skin in the game? We don't do that in the north. If you feel like doing something, when you're young and stupid, there's UN, Foreign Legion or mercenaries.

We're used to making compromises, but we don't forget. Something about pragmatism. I don't think there's a single war in the last 1000 years we haven't been a part of in Europe. Mostly as mercenaries tbh. We don't really care about conquering crap. What the fuck are we gonna do with more people. We have enough issues with sending everyone that feels like scrapping to somewhere else. For random reasons in Nordic countries Finns are know for knives. Within Finland where I'm from we're known for knives. It's so so if it's a deserved reputation. The older generations consider it's polite to slash instead of stabbing. Sort of teaching a lesson with less people dying off of dumb shit.

"Liberal" things from the North. It's not a thing here. We have more than two parties that matter. This part of Europe is less than 1% of population. Our far right parties have economic policies further from the left than US Democrats. No one here is deluded that rights matter when you can't afford them. That's what we think about your liberals.