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Thread: WSOP all over the place with COVID rules for 2021

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    WSOP all over the place with COVID rules for 2021

    Horrible rule found by Kevmath, regarding the 2021 WSOP, scheduled to start September 30.

    Rio reserves the right to remove any Pahticipant from any WSOP event if ... [they] have received a positive result for COVID-19 or come into close proximity (within 6 feet or 15 cumulative minutes) of any person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
    Pahtiticipant shall not be entitled to any compensation or remuneration of any type other than what Pahticipant had already been awarded prior to being removed from the WSOP Event.

    Twitter is outraged by this. So if reckless unvaccinated dude is next to you on Day 1, and you're the chip leader, and it's found out that he was COVID positive, then you're booted from the event on Day 2, even if you're the chipleader, and even if you personally test negative.


    I see why they're trying to do it this way (they're afraid to leave anyone in the event who was near others who were COVID positive), but this could be a big issue.

    Now, granted this won't come up as much as you might think, because many COVID-positive people at the table either won't know or won't self-report. Or their positive test results won't come in until the event is over. But what if they do get a quick enough diagnosis and report it? And this could even be done vindictively. Say I'm sitting next to John Smith on Day 1, whom I hate, and notice at the end of the day (after I bust) that I have a cough & fever. Then I take a test and see I'm COVID positive. Then I see John has made Day 3 with the chip lead. I can report myself positive, and John is OUT of the tournament!

    This will especially be an issue at the Main Event, which goes a long time and there won't be the testing/symptom lag issue.

    Some people are telling me they are canceling their WSOP plans because of this rule.

      shoeshine box: gonna come into play 100% as a angle shot..100%.

  2. #2
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    What’d this John Smith do to you?

  3. #3
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Twitter is outraged

    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

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  4. #4
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Horrible rule found by Kevmath, regarding the 2021 WSOP, scheduled to start September 30.

    Rio reserves the right to remove any Pahticipant from any WSOP event if ... [they] have received a positive result for COVID-19 or come into close proximity (within 6 feet or 15 cumulative minutes) of any person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
    Pahtiticipant shall not be entitled to any compensation or remuneration of any type other than what Pahticipant had already been awarded prior to being removed from the WSOP Event.

    Twitter is outraged by this. So if reckless unvaccinated dude is next to you on Day 1, and you're the chip leader, and it's found out that he was COVID positive, then you're booted from the event on Day 2, even if you're the chipleader, and even if you personally test negative.


    I see why they're trying to do it this way (they're afraid to leave anyone in the event who was near others who were COVID positive), but this could be a big issue.

    Now, granted this won't come up as much as you might think, because many COVID-positive people at the table either won't know or won't self-report. Or their positive test results won't come in until the event is over. But what if they do get a quick enough diagnosis and report it? And this could even be done vindictively. Say I'm sitting next to John Smith on Day 1, whom I hate, and notice at the end of the day (after I bust) that I have a cough & fever. Then I take a test and see I'm COVID positive. Then I see John has made Day 3 with the chip lead. I can report myself positive, and John is OUT of the tournament!

    This will especially be an issue at the Main Event, which goes a long time and there won't be the testing/symptom lag issue.

    Some people are telling me they are canceling their WSOP plans because of this rule.
    Id be wiling to be itll be more then some. Why the hell would any player even think of playing the WSOP with that kinda of Sword of Damocles hanging over their head.. Being yanked from a tourney because of a possible breakthrough case of Covid unforeseen and the innocent player is vaxxed following all the rules.. Id give the WSOP the middle finger essentially.. Players need to literally be up in arms over this flaming pile of shit somebodys come up with.. Start with cancelling all hotel reservations and tell them exactly WHY the person is doing it.. Hammer the @WSOP twitter feed putting htem on blast.. Ideally some big name Poker players like Dnegs and Phil need to speak up about the insanity of such a rule.. Can you imagine the meltdown if Phil were going for #16 with only 2 tables remaining and htis happened.. Hed be screaming at every higher up he had on speed dial on his cell phone demanding somebodys job and maybe succeeding..

  5. #5
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    I agree FTP you’d have to be a really “crazy” guy to play a huge MTT with this type of rule

    Could be in a good position to win life changing money and get “1 outted” in a way you’ve never seen before

    I don’t think this rule will be in place at start of WSOP

  6. #6
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    I'm sure for enough donations to the OSA holiday fund, OSA will get the virus, go to WSOP and get anyone you want removed.

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  7. #7
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    I can’t even picture this is going to stand for long.

    You can’t get DQ’d with no refund if someone else gets covid. Nobody in their right mind is going to play.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    I can’t even picture this is going to stand for long.

    You can’t get DQ’d with no refund if someone else gets covid. Nobody in their right mind is going to play.
    i mean this is the evil empire we're dealing with...dont expect a plan to be hatched that is fully thought out and with all the 'whatnots' vetted...

    that would be too much to ask...

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    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Seems pretty clear they didn’t have many entries at all. These Pennsylvania only bracelet events are pretty absurd. Really taking devaluing the bracelet to an all new low. Fail after fail.

  11. #11
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GambleBotsChafedPenis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    I can’t even picture this is going to stand for long.

    You can’t get DQ’d with no refund if someone else gets covid. Nobody in their right mind is going to play.
    i mean this is the evil empire we're dealing with...dont expect a plan to be hatched that is fully thought out and with all the 'whatnots' vetted...

    that would be too much to ask...

    I think the geniuses probably handed this matter off to their attorneys, who then crafted rules which best protect the company, but are impractical and piss off all of the players.

    A big rule in corporate policy is that you don't leave it to lawyers and/or accountants. You need to craft your own policy which is best for the situation, and then have lawyers/accountans check your work. With Caesars, it frequently appears to be the other way around.

  12. #12
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.

  13. #13
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.

    I have a buddy who I do a lot of business with. He’s fairly happy to have me on the team and he’s offered me a main event buy in (he keeps 25% of the win). I Told him last week thanks but no thanks.

  14. #14
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.
    Totally agree with you, but they’re not actually testing any players. If I got COVID, I’m not running to the tournament director to tell him, I’m probably gonna keep playing my stack. Fuck them Trumptards if they’re too stupid to get vaxxed and show up in a room with thousands of people. Hope to see you there Dwai.

  15. #15
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.
    Totally agree with you, but they’re not actually testing any players. If I got COVID, I’m not running to the tournament director to tell him, I’m probably gonna keep playing my stack. Fuck them Trumptards if they’re too stupid to get vaxxed and show up in a room with thousands of people. Hope to see you there Dwai.
    ... except you many not be able to continue playing, or your constant coughing may give a clue, causing the WSOP to demand to take your temp, and then it's game over.

    As you probably know, some people with COVID (especially those who are unvaccinated) get so fatigued, they can barely walk to the bathroom, let alone play poker.

    Pretty sure at least some of these people are going to report it then, possiblty out of jealousy of their tablemates who get to continue playing.

    As I said, this will affect the long events like the Main much more. The shorter events probably end too quickly for any of this to happen, but this does set up the possibility someone would get disqualified from a final table, simply for having been at the same table as someone with COVID (or a dealer with COVID).

    Of course, the dealer thing is the biggest issue, as they have more of an incentive to report a COVID diagnosis to the WSOP than the players do.

    This entire rule is terrible, and the WSOP needs to find a way to address it better than they have thus far.

  16. #16
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    Just another reason the WSOP 2021 is going to be a shitshow.

    Look at it this way, if you don't play at the WSOP this year.

    Then you never have to go back to the Rio again.

  17. #17
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.
    Totally agree with you, but they’re not actually testing any players. If I got COVID, I’m not running to the tournament director to tell him, I’m probably gonna keep playing my stack. Fuck them Trumptards if they’re too stupid to get vaxxed and show up in a room with thousands of people. Hope to see you there Dwai.
    Another false narrative by the media that’s being spread. Self reporting by Fox viewers is 65%+ are vaxxed. The real issue is in fact it’s Blacks and Hispanics who aren’t getting vaxxed even in woke liberal cities like NYC it’s mid 30% who are vaccinated. The problem isn’t Conservatives snd Trump supporters it’s actual loyal base voters of the Democrats period. (Oh and the wide open borders with illegals pouring across with infection rates among those caught by CBP and such is 13-15%).

    But go ahead and believe what ya want and regurgitate the media bullshit.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.
    IMO, Most Dealers will Shut up and deal w/mask if they know they Positive as they there for 6 weeks to grab the $ and have huge Nut$$ to crack...

    FYI....Every single WSOP. we all have to some degree caught some funky throat sore, cough, fever, chills. due to filthy chips, hands and felts that have never been cleaned since 2005.

    If we all got sick to varying degrees 2019 and before....

    Do you really think this is going to go smooth?
    Every year dealers get the Funk cough etc....

    no diff this yr for sure. IMO...., Dealer is the Wild card...
    Just as there has never been a Drug test for obvious reasons. they will not test dealers daily for CV...

    They shorthanded enough as I type.

  19. #19
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.
    Totally agree with you, but they’re not actually testing any players. If I got COVID, I’m not running to the tournament director to tell him, I’m probably gonna keep playing my stack. Fuck them Trumptards if they’re too stupid to get vaxxed and show up in a room with thousands of people. Hope to see you there Dwai.
    reported for threats of violence to Druff

  20. #20
    Hi Todd JACKDANIELS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Then there's a matter of the dealer.

    If a dealer at your table subsequently tests positive for COVID, this policy would mean EVERYONE he/she dealt to will be disqualified, since the dealer is less than 6 feet from everyone at the table!

    Can you imagine?

    Crickets so far from the WSOP regarding guidance on this policy. In the meantime, people have already been canceling their plans to go.

    I have a buddy who I do a lot of business with. He’s fairly happy to have me on the team and he’s offered me a main event buy in (he keeps 25% of the win). I Told him last week thanks but no thanks.
    am sure todger will take this deal and as a bonus your buddy will be allowed to fake his death on this site whenever he wants
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    BTW JACKDANIELS is the first one banned from the thread. He is accusing me of being "duped by a middle aged man who dresses like John Cena"

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