And back to Tucker, as long as he is getting ratings (which he is), and is profitable for Fox News overall, they should keep him.

It's that simple. If we're going to start making the point that networks MUST fire partisan media figures who push misinformation, we will also have to get rid of a lot of the CNN staff.

The only way we'll have reliable news is if there's a public backlash against ALL partisan news -- not just news from the "other" side.

I remember discussing the biases of CNN and MSNBC with a Facebook leftist, who denied there was any kind of unfair bias. "The truth is left-biased," he wrote, and insisted that CNN and MSNBC were indeed totally fair and impartial. Just pure delusion. Until we see real, unbiased news from mainstream sources, we need places like Fox News to counter them, even if outlets like Fox ultimately add to the problem.