Case in point. A long time friend of mine called me said she was thirsty all the time and was having trouble with her vision. I said call your doc and tell him your nurse friend says you have diabetes and must be seen today.

She went in, her aic was 13.7 which correlates to a blood glucose well over 300. He put her on meds.

She called and said I don’t want to be on meds. I said if you are willing to change your life permanently then you won’t have to be on them long.

I put her on a new diet and exercise plan and she is off 3/4 of the meds and her aic is down to 6.7. Her doc said he has never seen that much of an improvement. Why? Because people want to keep doing shitty things to their body and expect the medical community to pill fix them. That doesn’t happen without consequences.

When she loses the other 20 that needs to go she won’t need any meds and won’t suffer the long term effects of diabetes such as heart, kidney, circulatory, ophthalmic, and neuro.

If you are getting older and you live the hotdog on a stick sedentary lifestyle shit is coming for you. Change or suffer it is that simple. You won’t regret it.