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Thread: Interesting Done And Dash Stories?

  1. #1
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    Interesting Done And Dash Stories?

    Paul Gonzalez, a man who signed up on multiple Dating Websites with the sole purpose of getting free dinners did this at least 20 times. He would set up a blind date at a Restaurant on say Plenty Of Fish Dating Website. On the blind date, he would order expensive food and drinks and drink and eat , go to the bathroom or answer a call and not come back, leaving his Blind Dates to pay for both of their meals. His scam was exposed when one of his early Victims, er, "Date," reported him on Social Media with his picture and it went really viral. His scam got so much attention, his face showed or still shows up on Google's first page under Dine And Dash! LOL. He was arrested for Defrauding Innkeepers although technically he didn't ACTUALLY commit Dine And Dashes since he left someone to pay the bill. Some Restaurant Owners/Managers felt extremely sorry for the ditched Woman and paid the Deadbeat eater's bill and only charged her for what she actually ordered, which was extremely nice. It turned out Paul also got a haircut and a hair color job at a Salon and ran without paying and even left with the smock! O.O

    In another interesting Dine And Dash story, two Women and two men racked up like $300 at a Restaurant.... They all walked out on the bill when it was time to pay, but the two men drove off and left their dates at the Restaurant unexpectedly. The Women claimed their boyfriends were treating them and turned on them and abandoned them when it was time to pay and they didn't have the $300 to pay.... The Manager called the Police and one of the Women "Miraculously," found a Credit Card she "Forgot," she had and paid the entire bill but left NO tip.... All four were banned after that for attempting to dine and dash.

      1marley1: also yikes
      go_buccos: Fascinating
      garrett: Patterns.. I actually like Karen Nathan another good noob imo, or is woulda greened this lol
      The Boz: Total lie, like everything you post.
    Last edited by Karen Nathan; 04-27-2021 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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      The Shrink: din't be an asshole, some people cun't spell

  3. #3
    Platinum garrett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post

    Wish I had rep left youd be getting a green here for this one. This made me rofl, and first time I've ever heard, done and dash lol. Which actually makes sense too, fn hilarious actually dwai gets it =)..

  4. #4
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    We already covered that first story, Karen, complete with incompetent Los Angeles police work:

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    We already covered that first story, Karen, complete with incompetent Los Angeles police work:
    My OP also covered another attempted Dine and Dash were Women claimed the Men were going to pay and abandoned them...

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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post

    For some weird reason, my Auto Correct put "Done," when I actually wrote "Dine," in the Title and I couldn't edit the title when I realized what Auto Correct had done....

  7. #7
    Hi Todd JACKDANIELS's Avatar
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    Sort it out Karen

      The Shrink: .
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    BTW JACKDANIELS is the first one banned from the thread. He is accusing me of being "duped by a middle aged man who dresses like John Cena"

  8. #8
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    I’ve dine and dashed once in my life. Though dash isn’t necessarily accurate. About 15 years ago I took my 7-8 yr old nephew to a Chinese buffet. It’s one where you pay after you eat. We are, went up to pay and no one was at the register. I waited about 5 mins and then flagged down a waitress. She spoke nearly zero English. I pointed at the cashier, waved my debit card around etc. She appeared to understand and went to the back. 5 more mins go by and there is a line forming now. Same scenario plays out with the couple behind me. After about 15 mins I say fuck it and leave. I would have thrown a $20 on the counter or whatever but I had no cash.

    Not surprisingly the place closed shortly thereafter. It’s now an amazing Japanese steakhouse which is my middle sons favorite place. So it all worked out.

      FRANKRIZZO: shocking
    It's hilarious that we as a society think everyone can be a dr, a lawyer, an engineer. Some people are just fucking stupid. Why can't we just accept that?

  9. #9
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I had a situation once, similar to jsearles', regarding dining and dashing, in the mid-2000s.

    It was at Bubba Gump Shrimp on the Santa Monica Pier, with my then-girlfriend Miri.

    Service was suuuuuuuuuuuuper slow the entire way. Like among the worst I ever had. At the end, we were sitting there for eternity when it came time to pay. After nobody came to present the bill, I had enough. I got up to look for someone to help me. The waitress was nowhere to be found, so I grabbed the first server I encountered and told them of the situation, and they got the manager for me.

    After about 10 minutes more passed (I was very close to just walking out), the manager finally came. "Oh... I'm sorry, but your server has to close out the bill, and she's on break now," I was told.

    This wasn't any kind of passive-aggressive jab against me. We hadn't had any issues there and hadn't complained about anything. The whole place was just a giant clusterfuck.

    I told the manager that I absolutely refused to wait any longer. "I'm stating right now that I'm willing to pay what I owe. But I'm not waiting any longer. You're the manager. Either find a way to print my bill and accept payment, or I'm leaving. You can't hold me hostage here because you're refusing to take my payment in a timely fashion."

    The manager kept asking me to "just please wait a little longer" and I refused. I told her I had waited like 45 minutes already, and was done.

    After about 5 minutes of arguing, the manager actually erased my bill, as there was no way she could take it in place of the server (!!). I was actually in a generous mood, and was willing to still tip, but not that waitress.

    "You know... I would like to tip someone, but not this server, who was terrible and absent," I said. "Can I give this to you to give this to the guys who wash dishes in the back, or some of the assistant cooks?"

    "Ohhhh, sorry, that's against our policy," she replied.

    "Okay, see ya", I said, and walked out without tipping.

      desertrunner: Druff has the best stories.

  10. #10
    Inaugural Spring Classic Champion HoodedN's Avatar
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    Thread has potential. Desertrunner are you paying attention?

      Walter Sobchak: careful, he'll call you a pedo for that
      desertrunner: Some of my threads are inthe PFA HOF, so fuck off.
      garrett: lol...

  11. #11
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Interesting Done And Dash Stories?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post

    For some weird reason, my Auto Correct put "Done," when I actually wrote "Dine," in the Title and I couldn't edit the title when I realized what Auto Correct had done....
    This also often happens to me here as well. Auto correct is hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I had a situation once, similar to jsearles', regarding dining and dashing, in the mid-2000s.

    It was at Bubba Gump Shrimp on the Santa Monica Pier, with my then-girlfriend Miri.

    Service was suuuuuuuuuuuuper slow the entire way. Like among the worst I ever had. At the end, we were sitting there for eternity when it came time to pay. After nobody came to present the bill, I had enough. I got up to look for someone to help me. The waitress was nowhere to be found, so I grabbed the first server I encountered and told them of the situation, and they got the manager for me.

    After about 10 minutes more passed (I was very close to just walking out), the manager finally came. "Oh... I'm sorry, but your server has to close out the bill, and she's on break now," I was told.

    This wasn't any kind of passive-aggressive jab against me. We hadn't had any issues there and hadn't complained about anything. The whole place was just a giant clusterfuck.

    I told the manager that I absolutely refused to wait any longer. "I'm stating right now that I'm willing to pay what I owe. But I'm not waiting any longer. You're the manager. Either find a way to print my bill and accept payment, or I'm leaving. You can't hold me hostage here because you're refusing to take my payment in a timely fashion."

    The manager kept asking me to "just please wait a little longer" and I refused. I told her I had waited like 45 minutes already, and was done.

    After about 5 minutes of arguing, the manager actually erased my bill, as there was no way she could take it in place of the server (!!). I was actually in a generous mood, and was willing to still tip, but not that waitress.

    "You know... I would like to tip someone, but not this server, who was terrible and absent," I said. "Can I give this to you to give this to the guys who wash dishes in the back, or some of the assistant cooks?"

    "Ohhhh, sorry, that's against our policy," she replied.

    "Okay, see ya", I said, and walked out without tipping.
    I am pretty anti Landry’s

    They buy up good restaurants and ruin their charm.

  13. #13
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    never understood clowns that complain about auto-correct.... just turn the shit off, problem solved

  14. #14
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    So, back in 2009 I think, Wifey and I were on a Wine tour wherein we had a guy pick us up at our hotel in San Francisco and drive us to Napa and take us from winery to winery. The last stop of the day was Chandon. We were already pretty hammered, as the driver picked us up at 8:00 am that morning and we had already been to 3 wineries and also has a big lunch with of course a bottle of wine. It was late afternoon, and they had a special area set up for tastings and they had a flight of four different varieties with full pours. So I got a flight for each of us. They told me to pay when we leave. No worries. They had a beautiful garden just outside the room where the tasting was held. We sat out there for about an hour and realized that everyone else had left. We go back to the tasting area and it was all packed up for the night and the employees were gone. We walked around a bit and only the cleaning crew was left. This one lady told me in Spanish, "At five O'clock the Gringos run for the door. " So we left without paying.

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    Not a dine and dash but similar enough that I’ll share. Shortly after college a good friend of mine and I went and visited another friend from college in a different city for the weekend. After a night out on the town the three of us got a cab to take back to our friends apartment.

    Driving the cab was a large black lesbian, and her girlfriend whom she referred to as her “security guard” who was also large was sitting shotgun so we all 3 were in the back. It was a decent drive to my friends apartment and I passed out on the way there. I was woken up by the driver who was extremely pissed off and said that my two friends told her to stop at this grocery store we were in front of so they could get some beer to take back to the apartment.

    I was a bit disoriented at first, and she told me we’d been sitting there waiting for them for 45 minutes and the whole time the meter had been running and was now $100 and I needed to pay her and get out of the cab here. This was pre-cabs accepting cards and was cash only. I recognized the grocery store and realized it was right in front of the apartment complex where my friend lived and that they must’ve bounced on me. I was pissed at my friends for leaving me but had to figure out what to do. So I told them I didn’t have $100 on me so I’d need to go inside to use the ATM. The driver said fine but my security guard is going in with you.

    So after entering I told her I had to pee really badly and headed towards the back to use the restroom. Once in the back I saw an emergency exit and bounced through the back door and started sprinting towards the apartments. It wasn’t that far, but I was very intoxicated and underestimated my ability to sprint in that state and literally had to stop to walk the rest of the way; terrified the entire time they were going to catch me.

    I made it to my friends apartment and banged on the door and my friends were laughing hysterically as I stood there out of breath.

    Not my proudest moment, but with the benefit of a couple decades of hindsight it was pretty damn funny.


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    Sheesh, in all honesty, you should have dropped those Friends like a hot potato. They LEFT you passed out in a Taxi AND made the Meter go up without your acknowledgement..

      shoeshine box: friends like that who needs enemies?

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    A Woman said the worst date of her life happened at a Sushi Restaurant. He asked her why her last Relationship ended and she responded,"We both mutually decided it wasn't working out." His response was,"Maybe you should stop being a Bitch in your Relationships." She was offended but for some strange reason, she didn't leave right then and there.

    After the $80 meal for both of them, she went to the Restroom... When she came back, he was rushing her out of the Restaurant, and implied that he paid for both of their Meals. She felt rushed, but glad the date was coming to an end. They were about a block from the Restaurant when their Waiter ran out screaming,"You guys didn't pay the bill!"

    It turns out, he DIDN'T pay their bills and tricked her into doing a Dine and Dash. They went back to the Restaurant, and he gave the Waiter a credit card that declined. He admitted to her that he had accidentally maxxed out his Credit Card and his plan was to do a Dine and Dash and hope their Waiter wouldn't catch on. She was disgusted and paid for both of their Meals with her own working Credit Card, apologizing profusely to their Waiter. She then power walked away from him, hoping he'd take the hint she was over him.

    He ran after her saying he wanted a second date with her. She was so shocked, she snapped at him,"Where? At a Dumpster?" He called her a Bitch again and in the very next sentence, was claiming he would buy her roses and chocolates. She felt he was a Psycho and told him she never wanted to see him again and left. She felt although he was cute, he wasn't worth it...

  18. #18
    Bronze igotnotoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post
    A Woman said the worst date of her life happened at a Sushi Restaurant. He asked her why her last Relationship ended and she responded,"We both mutually decided it wasn't working out." His response was,"Maybe you should stop being a Bitch in your Relationships." She was offended but for some strange reason, she didn't leave right then and there.

    After the $80 meal for both of them, she went to the Restroom... When she came back, he was rushing her out of the Restaurant, and implied that he paid for both of their Meals. She felt rushed, but glad the date was coming to an end. They were about a block from the Restaurant when their Waiter ran out screaming,"You guys didn't pay the bill!"

    It turns out, he DIDN'T pay their bills and tricked her into doing a Dine and Dash. They went back to the Restaurant, and he gave the Waiter a credit card that declined. He admitted to her that he had accidentally maxxed out his Credit Card and his plan was to do a Dine and Dash and hope their Waiter wouldn't catch on. She was disgusted and paid for both of their Meals with her own working Credit Card, apologizing profusely to their Waiter. She then power walked away from him, hoping he'd take the hint she was over him.

    He ran after her saying he wanted a second date with her. She was so shocked, she snapped at him,"Where? At a Dumpster?" He called her a Bitch again and in the very next sentence, was claiming he would buy her roses and chocolates. She felt he was a Psycho and told him she never wanted to see him again and left. She felt although he was cute, he wasn't worth it...



      Walter Sobchak: you beat me to it
    "It just goes to show the kind of person you are , I got no toe"

  19. #19
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Lol, love the thread. As someone who has worked in and on the periphery of this industry for years, I am a huge supporter, and always tip well. But there are times when.....things happen. Especially when you are young.

    In high school in small-town Colorado, we had an open campus for lunch. When there were assembly days, the times changed to where you could make it to Pizza Hut for the lunch buffet they used to do. Somehow, they would never require payment up front. They should of kept track of when there were assemblies. My friends and I would hop in, eat a bunch of pizza, and just leave.

    The only time as an adult I remember doing this was similar to above stories, I was in college and went to an Old Chicago to watch some playoff hockey. This was an Avs-Wings game, right in the middle of their era of feuds. The bar area was fucking packed and SUPER understaffed. I felt bad for them, but at the same time it was a hassle to get anything. We would just wander over to the restaurant side and get someones attention to order a beer. Eventually, during the third period, my one friend was like "lets just leave"....and we did. Amazing to think back then, similar to the pizza hut story, that we were hanging out in a standing room bar area and didn't have to fork over a CC to start a tab.

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    A WAITER admitted he did a Dine and Dash at another Restaurant he didn't work at and felt like a huge hypocrite.... Yeah, that one is REALLY bad.

    Someone admitted he was HAPPY and LAUGHING when he got away with a Dine and Dash, but when he got home, he was like,"I stopped LAUGHING and instead felt REALLY bad, realizing I didn't put a big middle finger to a giant Corporation, I put a big middle finger to another Human Being who had done nothing wrong for me to scam him and I STOLE from him. I felt like huge shit and went back the very next day and paid my bill in full and gave him a HUGE tip."

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