Interesting essay by Paul Rossi, a teacher at Grace Church High School in Manhattan, a high-end private school:

Basically the school indoctrinates teachers with the controversial "critical race theory" (which essentially blames racism for all problems in the US), and teachers are in turn told to indoctrinate children. Dissent from these teachings is not allowed -- either by the students or the faculty. Anyone who disagrees is "coached" and "taught" to go along with the narrative, until they relent.

Before you say, "Well, it's a private school, they can do whatever they want", be aware that the same is occurring at many public schools across the nation.

They're not just teaching critical race theory -- they're requiring an unquestioning adherence to it. The same is being required at many corporations. That's the reason Trump made it illegal for companies receiving federal funding to require critical race theory courses, only to have Biden immediately roll that back (lol).

Diversity of thought is not allowed anymore. You are required to see the world exactly the way you're told, and you're an evil human being if you question it. In fact, those who publicly question it run the risk of being cancelled and unemployable going forward.

These are all hallmarks of fascism -- far moreso than a few hundred hicks and morons storming the Capitol building.

The mainstream news media now acts as a propaganda arm for one political party. Alternative news sources are censored and/or discredited via further propaganda. Books are being banned by the biggest booksellers. Spineless corporations, eager for the path of least resistance, have learned to repeat the extreme messaging by the media, or suffer intense financial consequences.

Sadly, many liberals who would have found this behavior abhorrent twenty years ago have gone silent.

"The narrative from the right is dangerous and misleading, so it must be silenced", some of them say.

"The truth is left-biased. The mainstream media is simply reporting truth that the right can't handle", others claim.

"It's the free market at work. If corporations take a particular political position or don't want to hire certain people because of things they've said, that's they're right", some will claim.

"It's not censorship if the state isn't doing it," say some liberals in denial.

History is filled with fascist regimes which rose to power in the exact same fashion, yet somehow this one is "different", and this time it's supposedly righteous to engage in media censorship and public punishment of dissenters.

Even on PFA, many approve of shit like this. Even others deny it's happening, or make excuses for why it's not that bad.

Any decent human who loves true freedom needs to stand up and speak out against this shit, or we haven't learned a thing.