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Thread: WSOP 2021 is happening -- but starting 4 months late

  1. #41

  2. #42
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    I know a few more not attending... the WSOP is way Understaffed and non-rec players will be un-happy.

    15$ guaranteed downs is still not filling up the Dealer Ranks...

  3. #43
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JeffDime View Post

    I think there will be masks because ...

    A) Caesars will most likely still require masks in the Casinos.

    B) The WSOP will make the judgement that more players will stay away if there is no mask requirement. I think the stance you’re taking here Druff, while many will agree with you that the mask mandate is not needed, they will still show up and wear one. If I am wrong in this judgement refer back to A.
    You're probably correct. There is some chance this will not be the case by September, if COVID recedes enough to where it is deemed pretty much over. September 30 is still almost 6 months away, and a lot can happen by then.

    Amazingly, when I posted my opposition to showing up to the WSOP if there's a masking requirement, many got angry and bashed me for it! Why should they care? I wasn't asking others to stay home, nor was I asking people to refuse to cooperate with masking rules. I simply stated my own personal preference not to play long days of poker in a mask the entire time. Do I not have the right to make that decision, or express my intention to do so?

    Some people get so triggered by the mask topic that they immediately snap into insults, without bothering to stop and think about what the other person is saying.

    Can't blame you. Zero chance I would sit and wear a mask for 12+ hours.

    Obv wear it to grocery shop but can't wear for multiple hours happily. Flying to NC twice has been awful.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  4. #44
    Gold Ryback_feed_me_more's Avatar
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    More big names bowing out this is starting to look like abject fail coming for WSOP. Moneymaker has backed out and despite his claim it’s concerns about bringing it home I suspect more it’s about wearing the mask for extended time. Even Matusow has said he’s likely out. If the big names keep pulling out it’s gonna be fail. Even Recs aren’t going to wanna play masked up for hours upon hours for days like would be likely in the ME. It’s also gonna make angle shooting more likely I suspect because people will claim they were misheard through the mask and it’ll be hard to disprove it somewhat.

      shoeshine box: gonna be a cluster fuck

  5. #45
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryback_feed_me_more View Post
    More big names bowing out this is starting to look like abject fail coming for WSOP. Moneymaker has backed out and despite his claim it’s concerns about bringing it home I suspect more it’s about wearing the mask for extended time. Even Matusow has said he’s likely out. If the big names keep pulling out it’s gonna be fail. Even Recs aren’t going to wanna play masked up for hours upon hours for days like would be likely in the ME. It’s also gonna make angle shooting more likely I suspect because people will claim they were misheard through the mask and it’ll be hard to disprove it somewhat.
    Bubble everyone at Disneyworld like the NBA …. No mask Florida. Disney will be a ghost town Sept - Nov

    Hell, snap sell WSOP to Disney. Disney/ESPN would co-sign. Content

  6. #46
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    As more of the big names bow out, that improves my chances of doing something! I'll be there October 1st!
    I'm unhappy about the mask thing but I'm used to wearing a mask for 8 to 12 hours at a time for work. As long as they don't put the plexiglass back up I'll be OK.
    Not only that but I'm staying at the RIO and I'm not ashamed! I think you have to consider the value of the convenience factor.
    In past years my routine during the main event has been: Come down to breakfast at HashHouse, go a few steps down the hall to the gym for a 20 minute workout, soak in the Jacuzzi, then go outside to the pool for a few minutes in the sun, then a walk down the hall to the playing area. Having a room right there also means you can have food available for your dinner breaks. You do NOT want to try to eat at any of the available places in the hotel.

      shoeshine box: you must consider the advantage of being on property.

  7. #47
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    Brother Nicky Pipes will be skipping this years Main Event if you are required to wear a mask.

  8. #48
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post
    Brother Nicky Pipes will be skipping this years Main Event if you are required to wear a mask.
    Given that, according to Hendon Mob, you’ve never cashed in any event anywhere, we’ll definitely miss you.

  9. #49
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    With the added stupidity of the infamous Rule 115 this year WSOP just slit its own throat if they push forward.. So your gonna pull people out of a tournament who arent even positive necessarily if theyre close contact tracing potentially?? Seriously WTF if masks work and people are vaxxed what the F are they worried about?? If its liability make players sign an absolute waiver.. You tell people they could be arbitrarily pulled from a tourneybecause of a breakthrough case or whatever they arent gonna play.. Bad luck and a cooler is one thing.. Icing a player because another has Covid is just bullshit.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post
    Brother Nicky Pipes will be skipping this years Main Event if you are required to wear a mask.
    Given that, according to Hendon Mob, you’ve never cashed in any event anywhere, we’ll definitely miss you.
    Brother I explained in another thread how I got the nickname Pipes

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    With the added stupidity of the infamous Rule 115 this year WSOP just slit its own throat if they push forward.. So your gonna pull people out of a tournament who arent even positive necessarily if theyre close contact tracing potentially?? Seriously WTF if masks work and people are vaxxed what the F are they worried about?? If its liability make players sign an absolute waiver.. You tell people they could be arbitrarily pulled from a tourneybecause of a breakthrough case or whatever they arent gonna play.. Bad luck and a cooler is one thing.. Icing a player because another has Covid is just bullshit.
    Brother there should be NO TESTING ALLOWED

    You can either play or you can not

    If you are “sick” in “bed”, BLIND THEM OUT

    There is no need for “tests”

  12. #52
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Given that, according to Hendon Mob, you’ve never cashed in any event anywhere, we’ll definitely miss you.
    Brother I explained in another thread how I got the nickname Pipes
    Link to your Hendon Mob profile please. Until then your just another loser.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post

    Brother I explained in another thread how I got the nickname Pipes
    Link to your Hendon Mob profile please. Until then your just another loser.
    Brother you have to be careful with what you say!

  14. #54
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Link to your Hendon Mob profile please. Until then your just another loser.
    Brother you have to be careful with what you say!
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  15. #55
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    Hopefully this puts the kibosh on any thoughts for use of the plastic dividers like they had at the Venetian earlier this year

    "Experts said desk shields were unlikely to offer protection and may instead disrupt ventilation in rooms. In some conditions, the shields can result in build-up of viral particles, creating so-called 'dead zones' with high concentrations of particles, the report noted."
    Last edited by JoeD; 08-19-2021 at 12:10 PM.

  16. #56
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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  17. #57
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    There are a number of interesting topics covered in this podcast. For this thread, the most notable starts around 16:30. Norman Chad talks about how he will be a part of the WSOP coverage once again. However, CBSSN is only going to have produced for television shows of the Main Event way down the line. Final tables and 13 days of streaming main even coverage will all be behind the good ole PokerGo Paywall.

    So now you can put the number of causal viewers of the Main Event even lower than originally thought from the move from ESPN to CBSSN. Only true poker fans who subscribe to PokerGo will see any of this shit.

    I was listening in the car so I don’t have the time stamp, but will update when I do. Doug says that PokerGo asked him to sign a piece of paper promising to not make fun of them. These fucking guys over there are something else.

  18. #58
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    Dealers meeting cancelled, well. moved on line. .must be here a few days early for a VIRTUAL meeting,., not safe to gather so many bodies in RIO';s Penn & Teller theater as normal.
    I love no dealers need to be vaccinated...on their own dime they travel, lodge, no work for days as they wait.... circulate....
    I sense this does not bode well.... virtual dealer meeting? wow,....

      Sanlmar: I love your dealer reporting on PFA … I’m learning stuff
      JeffDime: What San said Box

  19. #59
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    If you listen closely to shoeshine you realize this has little to do with Covid and more to do with weak Caesars HR or corporate commitment to success.

    There is a superstar out there. Perhaps that superstar is a gifted poker room manager who relates to dealers and is well networked. Perhaps it’s a gifted HR recruiting type. Caesars has never had gifted managers. Of course, “commitment” prolly equals understanding compensation and corporate image

    These idiots cannibalizing their own revenue streams.

    This is a better story than the poker frankly.

    More shoeshine

  20. #60
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    your best dealers from WSOP pool now want to go work ORLEANS tourney...18$ a down guaranteed.....!!
    it used to be when u could not crack WSOP u went to Orleans, Binions, nugget, now them gigs is priority...

    Andy rich at Nugget is a mans man.. all his staff is ex WSOP....

    So many dealers I know sans internet access have not even been called after 10,20 30 years....

    I still am baffled how you let all staff not be Vaccinated/masked when all Players must be?

    How many laws/edicts can you ass kiss at once?
    How come no one mentions the Countries that Prohibit travel to U.S.A.?

    Several Presidential proclamations established restrictions on the entry of certain travelers into the United States in an effort to help slow the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

    With specific exceptions, several Presidential proclamations suspend and limit entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of noncitizens who were physically present within the following countries during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States. For a full list of exceptions, please refer to the relevant proclamations in the links below.

    European Schengen arean (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City)
    United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
    Republic of Ireland
    Brazilexternal icon
    South Africaexternal icon
    Indiaexternal icon
    As further provided in each proclamation, citizens and lawful permanent residents of the United States, certain family members, and other individuals who meet specified exceptionsexternal icon, who have been in one of the countries listed above in the past 14 days will be allowed to enter the United States."

    NO one can make sense of these Guidelines that I me out?

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