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Thread: Just spent three days in Vegas

  1. #1
    Bronze Drawingdead's Avatar
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    Just spent three days in Vegas

    1. the strip is fine, it wasn’t ghetto like everyone said. There was probably 10x more black people then I’ve ever seen in all my trips but that doesn’t bother me. Interesting observation, the higher end hotels, Caesars, ballagio, Venetian, Wynn had very little minorities while the mid range hotels had a lot more diversity.

    2. I will not go to Fremont Street again, that area was terrible. I seen two separate homeless people snatch a purse and a phone on Thursday night and get tackled by security. There were so many tweakers high on meth or crack it was unbelievable. The clientele was awful, I do my best not to judge people but it really was bad. If I have any advice do not stay downtown.

    3. This is the best story from my 3 day trip with my wife. We stayed at the flamingo for our trip, We had to leave Saturday and wanted to get a good night rest so we went to bed around midnight. At about 3 in the morning we hear the room next door with probably 8 people in it, the tv full blast and music just bumping through the wall. I get up go over to the room, a younger black kid answers, hey bud can you guys quite down I don’t want to call security and ruin your party. No problem what ever. They’re quite for about 20 mins there we hear yelling music tv, now I’m pissed.

    I go a fucking midget answers the door (3ft tall, short arms and legs, the whole shebang )lol. Wtf I’m half asleep and this midget starts getting tough. We’re not doing shit, we’re having a party you should have got a different room. I’m kinda laughing like bro chill out, I stay here all the time I’m not getting 86d over you kids. So he start spouting off some more, I said okay we’re done. I went to the room called security, well 30 min later no security. WTF, I call again, hey guys I’m sure your busy this is kinda bullshit, just come quite them down. Security tells me they have reports of room parties all over the hotel and they will be here next. Well they finally show up kick everyone out of the room and we went back to sleep. I got up Saturday and just laughed that a midget was trying to fight me. As we leave guess who we pass. The guys staying in the room next door. We didn’t say any thing but I still got to see a midget twice on my trip.

    I’m staying at PH the 21st, after my diamond status runs out I’ll probably start staying at the park MGM again during winter. They hotel is quite af and it’s right next to aria poker room for 1/3 the price of aria..

    Oh and poker is still pretty good at the Ballagio the dividers kinda suck. I like to talk and joke with people while I play you can’t do that anymore.

      Jayjami: Any story with a midget is a good one
    Last edited by Drawingdead; 01-10-2021 at 09:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    For years I used to stay downtown when I went to Vegas two or three times a year, even after the WSOP left Binion's. I liked the quieter atmosphere and the fact that you could WALK easily between casinos. But then it began to change, getting more crowded with truly obnoxious people.
    Three years ago I went with my wife and stayed at one of the hotels overlooking Fremont Street. There was a band playing that was so loud there was no chance of sleeping, which might have been tolerable if they were any good, but they were just awful. My wife tried sleeping in the bathroom. I figured since I couldn't sleep I'd go down and get a beer. I literally had to push my way through crowds of drunken idiots to find an overpriced watered down beer. And the "performers..." If you've seen the people dressed in costumes on the strip trying to hustle you for a snapshot and thought they were ridiculous, the ones downtown are just pathetic. The scantily clad women were so repulsive I wanted to pay them to put some clothes on. But the one that really made me want to vomit was the obese black man wearing a diaper and holding a baby bottle trying to get his picture taken for five bucks.
    The next morning we moved to the Linq which turned out to be a nice hotel in a great location. I'll never go downtown again.

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