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Thread: *** OFFICIAL *** Cancel Culture and Corporate Wokeness Thread

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Why are you concerning yourself with the once and possibly future president of the United States criticizing and canceling the architect of the movement every Trumpster here over 35 once used to champion, before they became RINOs. This Trumpism is just a tea party that will blow over. Don’t you recall when the tea party had 70% of registered republicans believing conspiracy theories and election lies?

    You need to prioritize. That is nothing. To be handwaved away.

    The real war is a bunch of nerds on twitter bitching about Aunt Jemima and Dr Seuss and those companies saying fuck it, not worth the headache, and no future in it.

    Don’t you know real America fight to keep early 20th century caricatures on syrup? That is real America. That’s a man’s man. I want my grandkids to have the old black lady on syrup some day and that’s the hill I’ll day on.

    Real men fight about syrup and children’s books. Only cucks care about authoritarians taking over an entire political movement and brainwashing a hundred million heavily armed tards. The real battle lines are syrup, interracial commercials, obscure children’s books from a guy who wrote a hundred, that’s what real men fight for. Plus those masks. Real men can’t be forced to wear a mask when they run into stores. Those men who stormed Normandy would have never been able to handle a mask for 15 minutes in a Whole Foods. That’s real tyranny.

    Nothing more alpha that fighting over kids books and posting memes. Don’t be a soy boy and show any common courtesy because it’s no big deal to wear a mask and be courteous whether it works or not. That’s weakness. Join the alpha meme army and fight the twitter mobs. That’s the real fight.
    Nobody is fighting about "syrup and children's books". We are fighting against a major cultural shift where it's become standard to be hypersensitive about everything, and wipe off the face of the earth anything or anyone who offends a tiny percentage of the population (unless you're making fun of right-wingers, Christians, and/or white people).

    I thought your position was that you hated SJWs and the extreme left, but hated Trump and his followers even more.

    If that's still true, shouldn't you condemn shit like this, while also condemning the things you hate about Trump and Republicans? It's not either/or. Both can be done at once. Bill Maher is a good example of this.

    It's not really fair to say "Why do you care about X because I deem Y to be more important." That's a sleight-of-hand trick used by the left nowadays, where they first cancel something because it's supposedly evil, awful, and bad, and then yell at Republicans for "caring" about their actions. Huh?
    I don't agree with much of what Bill Maher says but I'll watch his show from time to time. He's one of the last people that will bash others from his own party. Awhile back he was close to getting canceled himself for making a racist joke, tough world out there for comedians nowadays.

  2. #182
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    'Member when patriots all over America were canceling Kuerig when they pulled ads after Hannity vouched for pedophile Roy Moore?

    LOL Team Retard
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  3. #183
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Jimmy Kimmel says cancel culture will lead to Trump's victory the next time around:
    This is true.

      splitthis: Kimmel kunt

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  4. #184
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Why are you concerning yourself with the once and possibly future president of the United States criticizing and canceling the architect of the movement every Trumpster here over 35 once used to champion, before they became RINOs. This Trumpism is just a tea party that will blow over. Don’t you recall when the tea party had 70% of registered republicans believing conspiracy theories and election lies?

    You need to prioritize. That is nothing. To be handwaved away.

    The real war is a bunch of nerds on twitter bitching about Aunt Jemima and Dr Seuss and those companies saying fuck it, not worth the headache, and no future in it.

    Don’t you know real America fight to keep early 20th century caricatures on syrup? That is real America. That’s a man’s man. I want my grandkids to have the old black lady on syrup some day and that’s the hill I’ll day on.

    Real men fight about syrup and children’s books. Only cucks care about authoritarians taking over an entire political movement and brainwashing a hundred million heavily armed tards. The real battle lines are syrup, interracial commercials, obscure children’s books from a guy who wrote a hundred, that’s what real men fight for. Plus those masks. Real men can’t be forced to wear a mask when they run into stores. Those men who stormed Normandy would have never been able to handle a mask for 15 minutes in a Whole Foods. That’s real tyranny.

    Nothing more alpha that fighting over kids books and posting memes. Don’t be a soy boy and show any common courtesy because it’s no big deal to wear a mask and be courteous whether it works or not. That’s weakness. Join the alpha meme army and fight the twitter mobs. That’s the real fight.
    Nobody is fighting about "syrup and children's books". We are fighting against a major cultural shift where it's become standard to be hypersensitive about everything, and wipe off the face of the earth anything or anyone who offends a tiny percentage of the population (unless you're making fun of right-wingers, Christians, and/or white people).

    I thought your position was that you hated SJWs and the extreme left, but hated Trump and his followers even more.

    If that's still true, shouldn't you condemn shit like this, while also condemning the things you hate about Trump and Republicans? It's not either/or. Both can be done at once. Bill Maher is a good example of this.

    It's not really fair to say "Why do you care about X because I deem Y to be more important." That's a sleight-of-hand trick used by the left nowadays, where they first cancel something because it's supposedly evil, awful, and bad, and then yell at Republicans for "caring" about their actions. Huh?
    I do hate it. I wish people would leave books alone and say it was a different time.

    I hate the chilling impact it has on comedy and literature.

    You just said it, it’s a tiny percentage of the population dictating this.

    It’s so tiny I’ve never met one in my entire life. I’m sure some of my friends kids are into it, but they aren’t talking to me about it. If they did I’d laugh and say get over it, it was a different time, be happy you live now.

    That said, it has no impact on my life. It has little impact on anyone’s life behind a syrup bottle got changed or comedy sucks or whatever. It sucks. Companies run everything through a calculator and clearly they don’t think it’s worth the fight and see a population changing in front of their eyes.

    What does impact my life is every middle-aged white guy I know being distracted by this nonsense every day. Yes, it’s annoying.

    Why is some white grievance issue every thread here? Link me to anyone here who advocates for this and I’ll tell them they are a whiny bitch if it’s them being on twitter complaining. As you said, it’s a tiny percentage. Who here is a twitter sjw?

    This forum is almost entirely over 35 white guys who had a better deal years ago and don’t give one fuck wanting syrup bottles changed.

    But what I’m complaining about with your party is incredibly prevalent here. I’m not going and bitching about trumps cult on the national review site. I’m bitching here because it’s the majority here. That’s how prevalent this nonsense is. And I don’t need to come here to find it, I’m a middle aged white guy, everything I see and hear is other disgruntled middle aged white guys whining about this all day.

    I hate cancel culture worse than you because it’s just one giant distraction that allows people to get angry and ignore the fact that half their neighborhood is full on insane and their lawmakers are spouting conspiracy theories on the floor of the Capitol and it’s getting worse. That does impact my life in a huge way.

    I’d take a blowtorch to these twitter mobs for giving old aggrieved people a distraction so they can continue to bury their head in the sand as to what’s really going on.

    That anyone dares speak sanity to the cult is getting censured and cancelled. That’s actually important. Those people start wars and make policies. They aren’t banning some twitter account or changing a syrup bottle. What you’re canceling in the freak show GOP is basic sanity, and that’s far more dangerous than the other.

      mickeycrimm: lunatic
      some user: pfa does not deserve you.
      MumblesBadly: Exactly!

  5. #185
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post

    You don't say that host of Politically Incorrect is crying about cancel culture. Never saw that coming.
    Are you stupid enough to believe Maher is a right winger?
    That's clearly what i said.

    An entertainer that has ranted about forms of censorship for 30 years just might keep ranting about it. I hear water is wet.

  6. #186
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    Remember when Carlin ranted about cancel culture and the woke mob?

    Oh, he didn't? Apparently it was about FCC, a Supreme Court decision, broadcasting regulations and self censorship of broadcasting companies. They were afraid of losing their license or getting fined for going over some imaginary line of decency.

    Obv Carlin got arrested for that rant.

    Notice how angrily worded letters and maximizing profits by adapting to consumer sentiment didn't play to that at all. That's what we're bitching about now.

  7. #187
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    look todge you have to earn back their trust but some rock cocaine and horrible posters like this guy will be sort of mitigated

  8. #188
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    Maybe we'll get lol wow bot back. He was actually funny and strangely more coherent than the meat sack one.

      splitthis: Gotta green ya here

  9. #189
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    I was stuck on "who the fuck is Qanon?" after all this babbling by the left about them. I don't know any Qanon. I haven't even encountered any on the internet. So who the fuck are they? I finally found an explanation and the left's fascination with this fringe group of nutcases:

    Hey, Gimmick, BCR, Qanon is going to strike tomorrow, March 7. You know why don't you? March 7? Do you know what that day means? It's obvious as the nose on your face. Think guys. Okay, I'll spill the beans....because....because....tomorrow, March 7....only.comes.once.a.year.

    Thank god we survived March 4, eh? LOL at libtard idiots.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-06-2021 at 04:47 AM.

  10. #190
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    eBay now disallows sale of the banned Dr. Seuss books, because those books violate the "offensive content" policy!

    I'm not joking!

    Here's an article about it, and this was also reported by the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times:

    In the meantime, you can still buy copies of Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries.

    No cancel culture here, guys. Just CAPITALISM, according to duped and gimmick.


  11. #191
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    eBay now disallows sale of the banned Dr. Seuss books, because those books violate the "offensive content" policy!

    I'm not joking!

    Here's an article about it, and this was also reported by the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times:

    In the meantime, you can still buy copies of Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries.

    No cancel culture here, guys. Just CAPITALISM, according to duped and gimmick.
    Jesus christ you thundering chode. Can you throw some in some variance in your grievance airing?

    Give us something about stale fast food, a woman doing X, third world customer support monkey was unhelpful, flight simulator glitches etc. Play the hits.

      Muck Ficon: Druff has turned his site into a right wing echo chamber
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  12. #192
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    eBay now disallows sale of the banned Dr. Seuss books, because those books violate the "offensive content" policy!

    I'm not joking!

    Here's an article about it, and this was also reported by the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times:

    In the meantime, you can still buy copies of Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries.

    No cancel culture here, guys. Just CAPITALISM, according to duped and gimmick.
    From the link Druff posted let's start with this...

    "massive influx of people purchasing these so-called "banned" books from secondary markets like eBay"

    ...that one was just for me...

    "None of the six books are particularly big sellers, with If I Ran the Zoo selling the most copies in 2020 with 7,000"

    ...Green Eggs and Ham, sell over 10,000 copies a week, he still has 50+ titles and few tv shows...

    "The books continue to be listed on other secondary markets, though, such as Amazon, where Seuss' other books are also seeing a sales boom."

    ...if only they could find that obscure little site...

    "Critics pointed out that eBay had copies of both Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel, The Turner Diaries, by William Luther Pierce, on sale at the same time"

    ...they pulled those out as well. EBay was just milking free press and now they are playing whack-a-mole delisting shit. Remind me to care.

  13. #193
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    I loved On Beyond Zebra as a kid.

    Anyway I'm not on board with cancel culture but there's something similar that's getting less attention that worries me more: corporations, especially media producers, making sure their products and their public statements do not offend the Chinese Communist Party.

      mickeycrimm: NBA is worst offender
      Dan Druff: 100%
      Cerveza Fria: Better start learning Mandarin, because that's where the lefties are taking us

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  14. #194
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    eBay now disallows sale of the banned Dr. Seuss books, because those books violate the "offensive content" policy!

    I'm not joking!

    Here's an article about it, and this was also reported by the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times:

    In the meantime, you can still buy copies of Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries.

    No cancel culture here, guys. Just CAPITALISM, according to duped and gimmick.
    From the link Druff posted let's start with this...

    "massive influx of people purchasing these so-called "banned" books from secondary markets like eBay"

    ...that one was just for me...

    "None of the six books are particularly big sellers, with If I Ran the Zoo selling the most copies in 2020 with 7,000"

    ...Green Eggs and Ham, sell over 10,000 copies a week, he still has 50+ titles and few tv shows...

    "The books continue to be listed on other secondary markets, though, such as Amazon, where Seuss' other books are also seeing a sales boom."

    ...if only they could find that obscure little site...

    "Critics pointed out that eBay had copies of both Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel, The Turner Diaries, by William Luther Pierce, on sale at the same time"

    ...they pulled those out as well. EBay was just milking free press and now they are playing whack-a-mole delisting shit. Remind me to care.
    It's amazing how much you'll twist and turn just to be contrarian.

    Did I say the books were impossible to find now? No. So why are you countering with that?

    I stated that eBay is going along with cancel culture by banning the sale of Dr. Seuss books because they're "offensive". So, yes, as you see, the books really are being BANNED. The biggest auction site in the world is treating them as taboo material which must not be sold between grown adults.

    You don't see this as absurd?

    eBay is doing this for the same reason the other corporations are doing it. They are giving a small sacrifice to please their woke overlords.

    How do you stop this? You cut this off at the head, and tell the woke contingent that they're crazy and to eat shit. All Republicans are already doing this, but most spineless moderate Democrats are afraid to touch this matter (or be canceled themselves), so they either pretend to support it or stay quiet.


      1marley1: Not ‘really BANNED’ you fucking liar

  15. #195
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post

    From the link Druff posted let's start with this...

    "massive influx of people purchasing these so-called "banned" books from secondary markets like eBay"

    ...that one was just for me...

    "None of the six books are particularly big sellers, with If I Ran the Zoo selling the most copies in 2020 with 7,000"

    ...Green Eggs and Ham, sell over 10,000 copies a week, he still has 50+ titles and few tv shows...

    "The books continue to be listed on other secondary markets, though, such as Amazon, where Seuss' other books are also seeing a sales boom."

    ...if only they could find that obscure little site...

    "Critics pointed out that eBay had copies of both Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and the white supremacist novel, The Turner Diaries, by William Luther Pierce, on sale at the same time"

    ...they pulled those out as well. EBay was just milking free press and now they are playing whack-a-mole delisting shit. Remind me to care.
    It's amazing how much you'll twist and turn just to be contrarian.

    Did I say the books were impossible to find now? No. So why are you countering with that?

    I stated that eBay is going along with cancel culture by banning the sale of Dr. Seuss books because they're "offensive". So, yes, as you see, the books really are being BANNED. The biggest auction site in the world is treating them as taboo material which must not be sold between grown adults.

    You don't see this as absurd?

    eBay is doing this for the same reason the other corporations are doing it. They are giving a small sacrifice to please their woke overlords.

    How do you stop this? You cut this off at the head, and tell the woke contingent that they're crazy and to eat shit. All Republicans are already doing this, but most spineless moderate Democrats are afraid to touch this matter (or be canceled themselves), so they either pretend to support it or stay quiet.

    Like i said even the news story is laughing at the banned bit regarding the original furor at Seuss Enterprises actions.

    Then we got some numbers on the scale of "banned" books. Less than 1% of all Dr. Seuss books sold last year. I wouldn't be surprised if that was close to 0.1%.

    EBay tried to injected themselves to the news cycle. That would be called opportunism. They can do that for whatever reason they feel like. Companies have deemed things offensive since forever. My guess is that in about a week they cease to give a fuck. Their super serious commitment to keep inoffensive things off their site didn't include English translations of Mein Kampf last night.

    I'm glad we got to The Right's favorite argument with everything, "here's an unimportant issue, but if we don't do something with it immediately, something really really bad is going to happen in the future". Somehow the future just never shows up. It's sweet though that we have new word to use, otherwise someone might take a look at censorship in America and see how it barely exists anymore compared to the past. You canceled Charles Chaplin for fucks sake.

  16. #196
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    Also once again for the record, former United States president canceling members of his own party for voting and saying mean things, right NOW.

      1marley1: Fucking hypocrites. The lot of em

  17. #197
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Also once again for the record, former United States president canceling members of his own party for voting and saying mean things, right NOW.
    The Republicans are trying to cancel millions of voters as well.

      1marley1: You would think this is more important...

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  18. #198
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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  19. #199
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    As long as the California legislature stays focused on such important things as banning separate boys and girls sections in department stores, there simply will not be enough time to worry about revenue raising ideas like online poker or sports betting

  20. #200
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeD View Post
    As long as the California legislature stays focused on such important things as banning separate boys and girls sections in department stores, there simply will not be enough time to worry about revenue raising ideas like online poker or sports betting
    Achieving wokeness by making it more difficult to find things at large stores!

    Great idea!

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