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Thread: Why I've been deleting threads and posts lately

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by PLOL View Post
    Hi, I wanted to respond to some of this but I am only going to speak for myself and not "the group", since a lot of this has gotten out of hand and of course everybody has their own opinions and allegiances and what-have-yous. I honestly don't want a forum war, and I hope this doesn't become an endless back and forth where I have to keep blocking off hours of my day to hash out meaningless internet beefs. In my early 20s I would've been all about it, as I lived on the interenet back then. Now, I'm trying to have a more balanced life where I put real life first. And I know /for sure/ Brandon does not want to be dragged into whatever internet drama this is. Also, I'm not sure why we're using code names, but I'm going to use people's real names/usernames if that's ok. I'm not trying to antagonize you by doing that.

    I'll try to break down some of the parts that are directly about me, hopefully to clear things up for you and possibly for other members too.

    Ok, so I guess I'm Andy here. That's kind of cute, I always liked that name. It's true I am friendly with SrslySirius, as I'm friendly with many members and former members. However, there's actually only two people on this forum that I would call an actual friend. One is Drexel, and the other is WilieMcFML (who has nothing to do with any of this btw). In the past I would've put OSA in that group too, but he doesn't want to talk to me anymore for reasons that are understable and fine with me. Moving on,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Andy also quit PFA awhile ago (for reasons unknown), but has been posting very actively on a dupe. The dupe's real identity is essentially an open secret. It isn't clear to me why "Andy" will only post on a dupe, but again, given his longtime good posting history here, I didn't question it.
    I honestly thought you would've pieced together why I left, but I'll try to clarify it for you. There were actually several reasons why I left. The site was becoming not what it used to be. The content quality had gone downhill. While I don't agree with all the decisions you've made, I don't blame you for that. It's just the nature of the beast. I think one of the big problems is, when you register an account here, you have to wait 5 days for your account to be approved before you can even make a post. What forum could grow a user base using that model? I totally understand why you have it set up that way, you don't want a crazy person to come on while you're sleeping and start posting personal information about you/your family. I wouldn't want that either, but it's also because you don't want to give up any control of the site to allow somebody else to screen accounts or the forum for you.

    But actually the reason I "left" was after the Cmoney thing. I really don't want to rehash that whole thing. But there was a member of this forum who for months claimed he was dying of cancer, something that is obviously very personal to many people. Then he faked his own death. When I see something like that, it makes me want to step back and re-evaluate if I want to be actively associated with the site. You knew Cmoney was faking cancer the entire time and didn't say anything or stop it. Please don't say it had anything to do with Lewfather, because I know that's not true. I'm actually not blaming you for this, the responsibility for that is with Cmoney, and to a lesser extent some of his henchmen who actively perpetrated the lie.

    I actually didn't "quit", I just stopped posting and wanted to re-evaluate if I wanted to still be a part of a forum that was on a downward spiral filled with drama and people pretending to be dying. But occasionally I'd come back and read the forums and I'd feel I had something to say (usually something sarcastic or trollish), and I wanted to be able to do that but didn't want to do it on this account. So I created a dupe account where I could occasionally post and respond to things I saw on here. Eventually that morphed in to me being more active. It was kinda nice having a dupe because I could be more trollish towards people, but also provide some quality content here and there. I never tried to hide the IP address or anything like that, and I knew you'd go through record logs and find out who I am and probably where I live and who I associate with and where I work. I didn't try to hide that because I wasn't doing anything malicious towards you.

    There were definitely times where I'd take a break and wouldn't be as active on the dupe. Even when I was on my PLOL account back in the day I'd take breaks (I know you're not one to take breaks, but they can be good for you mentally and can help put the internet in perspective). And then you'd start conspiracies that I'm not posting because I'm in a gay mafia chat group called Rainbow Flops and they won't let me post here. All totally fine btw, I'm all for trolling and having fun on the internet.

    There's some other things that contributed to me not wanting to come back on this account, but I don't really want to get into them and I doubt you do either, so I'll leave it be. For better or worse, this community has been a part of my life since I was 17. I'm damn near 30 now and my perspective on things has changed in that time. Internet fun is all well and good, but when it starts bleeding over into my real life and my personal life gets brought into it, I don't like that. It's all just internet nonsense to me. I like trolling around and making sarcastic replies to people, but it's honestly never malicious. Hell, Chinamaniac probably thinks I hate him because I've relentlessly trolled him. I actually don't, I just think it's funny to get under his skin a bit. And then he'll get drunk and tell me to choke on a dick or whatever. It's great, it's just internet fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    However, Andy must also have issues with me, because as soon as Tim attempted to blow up Jerry's new site, Andy mostly stopped posting here (even under his dupe), and only started posting on Jerry's forum.
    Wrong. I don't have issues with you. You assume that I take this stuff as seriously as you do. I don't agree with the direction the site has gone, but I don't have an issue with you and I'm not trying to facilitate a takeover of your site. Again, I speak for myself only and what other members are trying to do is on them and out of the realm of my control. People should just post wherever they want. Nobody should have authoritarian rule. It's not even true that I stopped posting here on my dupe. I just didn't post as much because now there's multiple outlets where I can express something, including an outlet that isn't right-wing dominated with a bunch of history. Again, nothing wrong with that, but it's good to have options for where I want to post something. But I've literally averaged 1 post a day on stockamets since I've joined. So I'm not exactly bringing the hits there either.

    Please don't say I'm "only" posting on Sonatine's site because you don't know where I post. I make a small amount of posts here, and I make a small amount of posts on Sonatines site, and I make occasional tweets, and I make posts on an architecture forum, and I make posts on an Ikea-related design forum. Hell, right now I'm the most active on the Ikea-centric design forum. People post pictures of their Skiftebo Yellow Strandmon Wing Chair in their nook, and it's nothing but positive responses from users on how great it looks. Very refreshing. So please don't tell me I only post on stockaments when I have 60 posts over a two month period. And please don't try to dictate where I can and cannot post. I can post my content wherever I want, and I haven't done it in a way that's rude to you (other than perhaps in a lightly trollish way, since that's my personality after all). I'm sure you're also welcome to post on stockamets, and you can post here, and you can post on the architecture forum if you'd like. However I will ask that you not post on the Ikea-focused design forum, as it's carefully curated and right now there's only positive people on there and I don't want drama being brought over there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim and Andy went on to create threads on Jerry's forum which were identical to the most popular ones on PFA.
    "Songs you like, post them here"
    A Trump thread was then created by another user, with an almost-identical name to the one here. It was clear was what happening. However, I still said nothing.
    Lol, the "Songs you like, post them here" thread was mine. I actually made the thread because there was a song I liked that I felt like posting/sharing it. When I started making the thread I thought of naming it "Songs you like, post them here" because I thought it would be trollish and funny if I named it exactly the same as the PFA thread. And I was right, it was funny. But no, it wasn't part of a carefully coordinated plan to take down your site. It's literally just me being a lol internet troll, but it wasn't meant to be malicious towards you. And of course similar threads are going to be created at stockaments. It's the same user base (at least right now) so wouldn't it make sense that the same topics would come up. I have zero control at stockamets (just like I have zero control here), but it would seem to me that the sites can co-exist.

    Again, a lot of these things I do that you think are malicious are just me trolling for the lols. I mean I went on SealsWithClubs and created the username "BryanMicon". I didn't do it because I hate Micon, I actually don't. I just thought it would be funny, and I was right it was. It's the same reason why I changed my avatar to be identical to another users and put a huge "stockamets" in my signature. I'm just stirring the pot and getting into a little trouble because it's entertaining to me. But you take it so personally and think I'm in some machiavellian plot to destroy you. I can assure you, I don't take things that seriously as to be an active part of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Then Tim decided he was going to take it to the next level. He bumped three different threads on PFA, blatantly and obnoxiously spamming ads for Jerry's forum. The language of this spam was encouraging people to leave PFA and go over to Jerry's site.
    Lol, SrslySirius definitely was out of line there. He was just being a dick, and actually the group told him that and encouraged him to not poke the bear. But again, I can't control what other people do. You and Thomas obviously have your own beef and seem to dislike each other, but I have no dog in that fight. That's between ya'all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim and Andy did talk privately with me on and off, and I always thought we were friendly acquaintances at the very least. I was pretty shocked to see this sort of behavior.
    Buddy I had no part in that. The "malicious behavior" that I've engaged in is literally making a few posts on a 8th tier forum that, between you and me, I have no idea what direction it's trying to go in. I mean ok, sometimes I'll privately message somebody behind your back and be like "Who is Druff fighting with on the internet today? lol". I guess today that person is me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim wanted a radio show over on Jerry's new site. I'm sure you can guess why. You can't completely replace PFA without a weekly radio show, right? But it's a totally different radio show which totally has nothing to do with PFA and totally isn't trying to steal PFA's traffic. Well, except...
    - They have a $50 freeroll
    - They asked Brandon to co-host it - The thread about it is entitled "*** OFFICIAL RADIO THREAD ***"
    - It takes place on Sunday, which was the day of the week I did my last PFA show
    - Every single host on the show is/was an active PFA member Totally different, folks.
    Hoo boy, ok let me try to explain radio. And thank you for not changing Brandon's name, as it would have caused more confusion for me trying to decipher another fake name.

    I don't even think Thomas or Sonatine or Brandon even realize this, but radio actually started as my idea. I said something off handed in a group chat that Brandon should do a radio show. I remembered the old shows Drexel used to do which were very entertaining, and I thought it would be good for him to have an outlet. Thomas added that he was "totally down", and eventually it morphed into the four of us doing it together and it would also have a stock component to it, but also be mostly a variety show where we just shoot the shit about whatever topics we feel like, while calling up some characters that would make for interesting radio. The show isn't even going to be on stockamets. It's going to be broadcast and archived on Youtube, and then the show archive would be posted on stockamets and on PFA, so the most amount of people could reach.

    Druff, you have an 8 hour one man show that's mostly about poker. Our show will not be like that at all. I have no interest in beating poker into the ground, and I know Brandon feels the same way. It's why Brandon doesn't quite fit into your show. In that sense the show is /not/ a competing show. Of course it's tangentially related to your show in that it's former and current PFA members who are involved and some of the characters might be familiar to PFA members. But why is that "stealing" your show? We would never tell people to not listen to your show. If people want to listen to our show and then listen to your show, I think that'd be great. There's enough ears for everybody to co-exist. Brandon even suggested we give your show a shoutout, and tell people they should tune it to your show.

    I think you have this idea that it's going to be a Todd bashing show, and that is not at all what the show is supposed to be. It's just an entertainment show. Somebody like Marty would be welcome to call in, but if he starts going off on a 10 minute rant against you, we're going to snap him off the air. I know you're concerned about people calling up and revealing personal information about you. I have no interest in being a part of that. If that's allowed to happen, I would not be part of the show any longer.

    I know you probably won't believe this, but the fact that it's on Sunday night and you last had a show on Sunday, is totally a coincidence. For one thing, I don't even see PFA radio as a Sunday show. I didn't even realize you had been holding it on Sunday night the last couple times. The day of the week for your show is constantly moving around. Whereas our show would always just be on Sunday at the same time to make it easier for the listeners. The reason we decided on Sunday is it's the most convenient day of the week to hold it as nobody would be working then and everybody would be free.

    I honestly don't see the issue with this. PFA members can't have their own variety show which broadcasts on youtube and is sponsored by a site you don't like?

    Honestly, the biggest mistake we made was having Thomas post the thread. We actually had a discussion about this. I thought, and everybody else thought, it would be better to have Drexel make the thread. Drexel felt you might take it as disrespectful if he comes back after not posting for years to advertise this show. To me that made sense, since we were honestly just trying to make a thread about the show without antagonizing you. For me to post it wouldn't have made sense because I'm supposed to be a "background character" on the show, and I haven't posted on PLOL in a while. Sonatine could've posted it but then you're just associating it with stockamets and then you're potentially angry with Sonatine and his site. We agreed that it'd make sense for Thomas to make the thread and that he should do it under his SrslySirius account instead of his dupe, so it wouldn't look so trollish. Then after he makes the thread, I would reply to the thread under my PLOL account and Drexel would post under his account and Sonatine would post under his, so we could legitimize it and not have it seem like we're just trolling you or being disrespectful. We thought about waiting until our conference call before posting it but didn't want to wait until Thursday night when the show is on Sunday already. We wanted to give people a little more heads up about the show.

    I even asked the group if we thought you would delete the thread if we posted it. Drexel said you wouldn't be that disrespectful towards a project he's a part of and I'm a part of when he's been such a big contributor to this community for so many years. I agreed and felt the same way, and so we told Thomas to make a thread. In retrospect I probably should've just made it, or Drexel, as Thomas couldn't resist needling you with the thread title a little bit. But come on, this is just internet nonsense. Is it really that important to you to have 100% control over every aspect of this community? I honestly don't get it.

    Alright, this is now the longest post I've made on the internet since I painted my Billy bookcase a very gorgeous teal color to compliment my Poäng reading chair. I honestly don't want to go back and forth on this forever, and I know we have our scheduled 4 hour internet zoom meeting tomorrow, and then of course we probably need a pre-meeting conference call and then of course I'll likely have a post-meeting discussion, so I will have tomorrow blocked off.
    yeah sure whatever you say Andy

  2. #82
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    Thread doesn’t deliver.

  3. #83
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    Lol at the amount of effort that druff's friends have to exert trying to do an internet podcast without offending him.

      JACKDANIELS: rofl
      dwai: yeah weird
      SrslySirius: lol sigh
      nunbeater: lolzzzz
      wrenchjockey: druff invented internet radio, he's the Al Gore of internet radio

  4. #84
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    Drama threads were 100% better when Tyde originated them. There is no drama in this, just a group of posters decided to start their own forum. So what.

    This is what you call manufactured drama and purely inorganic.

      Walter Sobchak: says the biggest fag of all
      sonatine: honestly

  5. #85
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    What a bunch of carpetbagging liars. Hilarious.

      MumblesBadly: On this point, I kind of agree.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  6. #86
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PLOL View Post
    Hi, I wanted to respond to some of this but I am only going to speak for myself and not "the group", since a lot of this has gotten out of hand and of course everybody has their own opinions and allegiances and what-have-yous. I honestly don't want a forum war, and I hope this doesn't become an endless back and forth where I have to keep blocking off hours of my day to hash out meaningless internet beefs. In my early 20s I would've been all about it, as I lived on the interenet back then. Now, I'm trying to have a more balanced life where I put real life first. And I know /for sure/ Brandon does not want to be dragged into whatever internet drama this is. Also, I'm not sure why we're using code names, but I'm going to use people's real names/usernames if that's ok. I'm not trying to antagonize you by doing that.

    I'll try to break down some of the parts that are directly about me, hopefully to clear things up for you and possibly for other members too.

    Ok, so I guess I'm Andy here. That's kind of cute, I always liked that name. It's true I am friendly with SrslySirius, as I'm friendly with many members and former members. However, there's actually only two people on this forum that I would call an actual friend. One is Drexel, and the other is WilieMcFML (who has nothing to do with any of this btw). In the past I would've put OSA in that group too, but he doesn't want to talk to me anymore for reasons that are understable and fine with me. Moving on,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Andy also quit PFA awhile ago (for reasons unknown), but has been posting very actively on a dupe. The dupe's real identity is essentially an open secret. It isn't clear to me why "Andy" will only post on a dupe, but again, given his longtime good posting history here, I didn't question it.
    I honestly thought you would've pieced together why I left, but I'll try to clarify it for you. There were actually several reasons why I left. The site was becoming not what it used to be. The content quality had gone downhill. While I don't agree with all the decisions you've made, I don't blame you for that. It's just the nature of the beast. I think one of the big problems is, when you register an account here, you have to wait 5 days for your account to be approved before you can even make a post. What forum could grow a user base using that model? I totally understand why you have it set up that way, you don't want a crazy person to come on while you're sleeping and start posting personal information about you/your family. I wouldn't want that either, but it's also because you don't want to give up any control of the site to allow somebody else to screen accounts or the forum for you.

    But actually the reason I "left" was after the Cmoney thing. I really don't want to rehash that whole thing. But there was a member of this forum who for months claimed he was dying of cancer, something that is obviously very personal to many people. Then he faked his own death. When I see something like that, it makes me want to step back and re-evaluate if I want to be actively associated with the site. You knew Cmoney was faking cancer the entire time and didn't say anything or stop it. Please don't say it had anything to do with Lewfather, because I know that's not true. I'm actually not blaming you for this, the responsibility for that is with Cmoney, and to a lesser extent some of his henchmen who actively perpetrated the lie.

    I actually didn't "quit", I just stopped posting and wanted to re-evaluate if I wanted to still be a part of a forum that was on a downward spiral filled with drama and people pretending to be dying. But occasionally I'd come back and read the forums and I'd feel I had something to say (usually something sarcastic or trollish), and I wanted to be able to do that but didn't want to do it on this account. So I created a dupe account where I could occasionally post and respond to things I saw on here. Eventually that morphed in to me being more active. It was kinda nice having a dupe because I could be more trollish towards people, but also provide some quality content here and there. I never tried to hide the IP address or anything like that, and I knew you'd go through record logs and find out who I am and probably where I live and who I associate with and where I work. I didn't try to hide that because I wasn't doing anything malicious towards you.

    There were definitely times where I'd take a break and wouldn't be as active on the dupe. Even when I was on my PLOL account back in the day I'd take breaks (I know you're not one to take breaks, but they can be good for you mentally and can help put the internet in perspective). And then you'd start conspiracies that I'm not posting because I'm in a gay mafia chat group called Rainbow Flops and they won't let me post here. All totally fine btw, I'm all for trolling and having fun on the internet.

    There's some other things that contributed to me not wanting to come back on this account, but I don't really want to get into them and I doubt you do either, so I'll leave it be. For better or worse, this community has been a part of my life since I was 17. I'm damn near 30 now and my perspective on things has changed in that time. Internet fun is all well and good, but when it starts bleeding over into my real life and my personal life gets brought into it, I don't like that. It's all just internet nonsense to me. I like trolling around and making sarcastic replies to people, but it's honestly never malicious. Hell, Chinamaniac probably thinks I hate him because I've relentlessly trolled him. I actually don't, I just think it's funny to get under his skin a bit. And then he'll get drunk and tell me to choke on a dick or whatever. It's great, it's just internet fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    However, Andy must also have issues with me, because as soon as Tim attempted to blow up Jerry's new site, Andy mostly stopped posting here (even under his dupe), and only started posting on Jerry's forum.
    Wrong. I don't have issues with you. You assume that I take this stuff as seriously as you do. I don't agree with the direction the site has gone, but I don't have an issue with you and I'm not trying to facilitate a takeover of your site. Again, I speak for myself only and what other members are trying to do is on them and out of the realm of my control. People should just post wherever they want. Nobody should have authoritarian rule. It's not even true that I stopped posting here on my dupe. I just didn't post as much because now there's multiple outlets where I can express something, including an outlet that isn't right-wing dominated with a bunch of history. Again, nothing wrong with that, but it's good to have options for where I want to post something. But I've literally averaged 1 post a day on stockamets since I've joined. So I'm not exactly bringing the hits there either.

    Please don't say I'm "only" posting on Sonatine's site because you don't know where I post. I make a small amount of posts here, and I make a small amount of posts on Sonatines site, and I make occasional tweets, and I make posts on an architecture forum, and I make posts on an Ikea-related design forum. Hell, right now I'm the most active on the Ikea-centric design forum. People post pictures of their Skiftebo Yellow Strandmon Wing Chair in their nook, and it's nothing but positive responses from users on how great it looks. Very refreshing. So please don't tell me I only post on stockaments when I have 60 posts over a two month period. And please don't try to dictate where I can and cannot post. I can post my content wherever I want, and I haven't done it in a way that's rude to you (other than perhaps in a lightly trollish way, since that's my personality after all). I'm sure you're also welcome to post on stockamets, and you can post here, and you can post on the architecture forum if you'd like. However I will ask that you not post on the Ikea-focused design forum, as it's carefully curated and right now there's only positive people on there and I don't want drama being brought over there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim and Andy went on to create threads on Jerry's forum which were identical to the most popular ones on PFA.
    "Songs you like, post them here"
    A Trump thread was then created by another user, with an almost-identical name to the one here. It was clear was what happening. However, I still said nothing.
    Lol, the "Songs you like, post them here" thread was mine. I actually made the thread because there was a song I liked that I felt like posting/sharing it. When I started making the thread I thought of naming it "Songs you like, post them here" because I thought it would be trollish and funny if I named it exactly the same as the PFA thread. And I was right, it was funny. But no, it wasn't part of a carefully coordinated plan to take down your site. It's literally just me being a lol internet troll, but it wasn't meant to be malicious towards you. And of course similar threads are going to be created at stockaments. It's the same user base (at least right now) so wouldn't it make sense that the same topics would come up. I have zero control at stockamets (just like I have zero control here), but it would seem to me that the sites can co-exist.

    Again, a lot of these things I do that you think are malicious are just me trolling for the lols. I mean I went on SealsWithClubs and created the username "BryanMicon". I didn't do it because I hate Micon, I actually don't. I just thought it would be funny, and I was right it was. It's the same reason why I changed my avatar to be identical to another users and put a huge "stockamets" in my signature. I'm just stirring the pot and getting into a little trouble because it's entertaining to me. But you take it so personally and think I'm in some machiavellian plot to destroy you. I can assure you, I don't take things that seriously as to be an active part of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Then Tim decided he was going to take it to the next level. He bumped three different threads on PFA, blatantly and obnoxiously spamming ads for Jerry's forum. The language of this spam was encouraging people to leave PFA and go over to Jerry's site.
    Lol, SrslySirius definitely was out of line there. He was just being a dick, and actually the group told him that and encouraged him to not poke the bear. But again, I can't control what other people do. You and Thomas obviously have your own beef and seem to dislike each other, but I have no dog in that fight. That's between ya'all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim and Andy did talk privately with me on and off, and I always thought we were friendly acquaintances at the very least. I was pretty shocked to see this sort of behavior.
    Buddy I had no part in that. The "malicious behavior" that I've engaged in is literally making a few posts on a 8th tier forum that, between you and me, I have no idea what direction it's trying to go in. I mean ok, sometimes I'll privately message somebody behind your back and be like "Who is Druff fighting with on the internet today? lol". I guess today that person is me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim wanted a radio show over on Jerry's new site. I'm sure you can guess why. You can't completely replace PFA without a weekly radio show, right? But it's a totally different radio show which totally has nothing to do with PFA and totally isn't trying to steal PFA's traffic. Well, except...
    - They have a $50 freeroll
    - They asked Brandon to co-host it - The thread about it is entitled "*** OFFICIAL RADIO THREAD ***"
    - It takes place on Sunday, which was the day of the week I did my last PFA show
    - Every single host on the show is/was an active PFA member Totally different, folks.
    Hoo boy, ok let me try to explain radio. And thank you for not changing Brandon's name, as it would have caused more confusion for me trying to decipher another fake name.

    I don't even think Thomas or Sonatine or Brandon even realize this, but radio actually started as my idea. I said something off handed in a group chat that Brandon should do a radio show. I remembered the old shows Drexel used to do which were very entertaining, and I thought it would be good for him to have an outlet. Thomas added that he was "totally down", and eventually it morphed into the four of us doing it together and it would also have a stock component to it, but also be mostly a variety show where we just shoot the shit about whatever topics we feel like, while calling up some characters that would make for interesting radio. The show isn't even going to be on stockamets. It's going to be broadcast and archived on Youtube, and then the show archive would be posted on stockamets and on PFA, so the most amount of people could reach.

    Druff, you have an 8 hour one man show that's mostly about poker. Our show will not be like that at all. I have no interest in beating poker into the ground, and I know Brandon feels the same way. It's why Brandon doesn't quite fit into your show. In that sense the show is /not/ a competing show. Of course it's tangentially related to your show in that it's former and current PFA members who are involved and some of the characters might be familiar to PFA members. But why is that "stealing" your show? We would never tell people to not listen to your show. If people want to listen to our show and then listen to your show, I think that'd be great. There's enough ears for everybody to co-exist. Brandon even suggested we give your show a shoutout, and tell people they should tune it to your show.

    I think you have this idea that it's going to be a Todd bashing show, and that is not at all what the show is supposed to be. It's just an entertainment show. Somebody like Marty would be welcome to call in, but if he starts going off on a 10 minute rant against you, we're going to snap him off the air. I know you're concerned about people calling up and revealing personal information about you. I have no interest in being a part of that. If that's allowed to happen, I would not be part of the show any longer.

    I know you probably won't believe this, but the fact that it's on Sunday night and you last had a show on Sunday, is totally a coincidence. For one thing, I don't even see PFA radio as a Sunday show. I didn't even realize you had been holding it on Sunday night the last couple times. The day of the week for your show is constantly moving around. Whereas our show would always just be on Sunday at the same time to make it easier for the listeners. The reason we decided on Sunday is it's the most convenient day of the week to hold it as nobody would be working then and everybody would be free.

    I honestly don't see the issue with this. PFA members can't have their own variety show which broadcasts on youtube and is sponsored by a site you don't like?

    Honestly, the biggest mistake we made was having Thomas post the thread. We actually had a discussion about this. I thought, and everybody else thought, it would be better to have Drexel make the thread. Drexel felt you might take it as disrespectful if he comes back after not posting for years to advertise this show. To me that made sense, since we were honestly just trying to make a thread about the show without antagonizing you. For me to post it wouldn't have made sense because I'm supposed to be a "background character" on the show, and I haven't posted on PLOL in a while. Sonatine could've posted it but then you're just associating it with stockamets and then you're potentially angry with Sonatine and his site. We agreed that it'd make sense for Thomas to make the thread and that he should do it under his SrslySirius account instead of his dupe, so it wouldn't look so trollish. Then after he makes the thread, I would reply to the thread under my PLOL account and Drexel would post under his account and Sonatine would post under his, so we could legitimize it and not have it seem like we're just trolling you or being disrespectful. We thought about waiting until our conference call before posting it but didn't want to wait until Thursday night when the show is on Sunday already. We wanted to give people a little more heads up about the show.

    I even asked the group if we thought you would delete the thread if we posted it. Drexel said you wouldn't be that disrespectful towards a project he's a part of and I'm a part of when he's been such a big contributor to this community for so many years. I agreed and felt the same way, and so we told Thomas to make a thread. In retrospect I probably should've just made it, or Drexel, as Thomas couldn't resist needling you with the thread title a little bit. But come on, this is just internet nonsense. Is it really that important to you to have 100% control over every aspect of this community? I honestly don't get it.

    Alright, this is now the longest post I've made on the internet since I painted my Billy bookcase a very gorgeous teal color to compliment my Poäng reading chair. I honestly don't want to go back and forth on this forever, and I know we have our scheduled 4 hour internet zoom meeting tomorrow, and then of course we probably need a pre-meeting conference call and then of course I'll likely have a post-meeting discussion, so I will have tomorrow blocked off.
    Non bcr version is ya Druff, trying to fuck you while trying to convince you we are not. Typical of you, Tom Thumb, surprising from tine, but hey it is what it is.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  7. #87
    Gold Ryback_feed_me_more's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    im only speaking for myself here, and this isnt some sort of official org wide statement:

    finance is super hot right now and is a central theme in my life, so i started a finance forum. some other dudes were having the similar feelings about it and we decided to pool resources and team up.

    this shit between thomas/split/druff doesnt concern or interest me. i like split. ive always liked split. her opinions are her opinions. i feel like shes taking it personal when i dunk on team retard, which is odd and makes me a little sad but beyond that not really a concern of mine.

    i absolutely get why druff isnt happy with some of the recent events but until my bank lets me pay off my mortgage with forum drama i really have no emotional investment in any of this.

    this morning i got into two positions that i shouldnt have been in and it cost me some money. that concerns me a lot. if anyone wants to talk about that im open for business at my little finance blog lolsite.

    but yeah miss me with this us vs them tribal bullshit because its not profitable.

    uno bitches.
    Yes because your observations are so good you should be on the air with the fat dude from CNBC. GMAFB you have a permenant egg stain on your face over Bitcoin. Stable and sitting just over 9k. Still waiting for your prolific Sky is falling prediction to occur Tine you dummy. Fact is you don’t know shit about financials.

      MumblesBadly: LOL!

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryback_feed_me_more View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    im only speaking for myself here, and this isnt some sort of official org wide statement:

    finance is super hot right now and is a central theme in my life, so i started a finance forum. some other dudes were having the similar feelings about it and we decided to pool resources and team up.

    this shit between thomas/split/druff doesnt concern or interest me. i like split. ive always liked split. her opinions are her opinions. i feel like shes taking it personal when i dunk on team retard, which is odd and makes me a little sad but beyond that not really a concern of mine.

    i absolutely get why druff isnt happy with some of the recent events but until my bank lets me pay off my mortgage with forum drama i really have no emotional investment in any of this.

    this morning i got into two positions that i shouldnt have been in and it cost me some money. that concerns me a lot. if anyone wants to talk about that im open for business at my little finance blog lolsite.

    but yeah miss me with this us vs them tribal bullshit because its not profitable.

    uno bitches.
    Yes because your observations are so good you should be on the air with the fat dude from CNBC. GMAFB you have a permenant egg stain on your face over Bitcoin. Stable and sitting just over 9k. Still waiting for your prolific Sky is falling prediction to occur Tine you dummy. Fact is you don’t know shit about financials.
    Game, blouses 👚

      badguy23: lol

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryback_feed_me_more View Post

    Yes because your observations are so good you should be on the air with the fat dude from CNBC. GMAFB you have a permenant egg stain on your face over Bitcoin. Stable and sitting just over 9k. Still waiting for your prolific Sky is falling prediction to occur Tine you dummy. Fact is you don’t know shit about financials.
    Game, blouses 👚


  10. #90
    Gold Bootsy Collins's Avatar
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    Doesn't the Songs you like post them here thread go all the way back to NWP?
    Quote Originally Posted by RealTalk View Post
    Lol at the amount of effort that druff's friends have to exert trying to do an internet podcast without offending him.

  11. #91
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    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  12. #92
    Gold gauchojake's Avatar
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    Wait someone copied my Elon Tusk Is God thread title that I stole fair and square??????????????????????????


  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
    Wait someone copied my Elon Tusk Is God thread title that I stole fair and square??????????????????????????


    lets talk reparations.

    my opening offer is this recent picture of boxxy.

    we good?
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  14. #94
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    unbanning tyde would be a big move in THE FORUM WAR

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by PLOL View Post
    Hi, I wanted to respond to some of this but I am only going to speak for myself and not "the group", since a lot of this has gotten out of hand and of course everybody has their own opinions and allegiances and what-have-yous. I honestly don't want a forum war, and I hope this doesn't become an endless back and forth where I have to keep blocking off hours of my day to hash out meaningless internet beefs. In my early 20s I would've been all about it, as I lived on the interenet back then. Now, I'm trying to have a more balanced life where I put real life first. And I know /for sure/ Brandon does not want to be dragged into whatever internet drama this is. Also, I'm not sure why we're using code names, but I'm going to use people's real names/usernames if that's ok. I'm not trying to antagonize you by doing that.

    I'll try to break down some of the parts that are directly about me, hopefully to clear things up for you and possibly for other members too.

    Ok, so I guess I'm Andy here. That's kind of cute, I always liked that name. It's true I am friendly with SrslySirius, as I'm friendly with many members and former members. However, there's actually only two people on this forum that I would call an actual friend. One is Drexel, and the other is WilieMcFML (who has nothing to do with any of this btw). In the past I would've put OSA in that group too, but he doesn't want to talk to me anymore for reasons that are understable and fine with me. Moving on,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Andy also quit PFA awhile ago (for reasons unknown), but has been posting very actively on a dupe. The dupe's real identity is essentially an open secret. It isn't clear to me why "Andy" will only post on a dupe, but again, given his longtime good posting history here, I didn't question it.
    I honestly thought you would've pieced together why I left, but I'll try to clarify it for you. There were actually several reasons why I left. The site was becoming not what it used to be. The content quality had gone downhill. While I don't agree with all the decisions you've made, I don't blame you for that. It's just the nature of the beast. I think one of the big problems is, when you register an account here, you have to wait 5 days for your account to be approved before you can even make a post. What forum could grow a user base using that model? I totally understand why you have it set up that way, you don't want a crazy person to come on while you're sleeping and start posting personal information about you/your family. I wouldn't want that either, but it's also because you don't want to give up any control of the site to allow somebody else to screen accounts or the forum for you.

    But actually the reason I "left" was after the Cmoney thing. I really don't want to rehash that whole thing. But there was a member of this forum who for months claimed he was dying of cancer, something that is obviously very personal to many people. Then he faked his own death. When I see something like that, it makes me want to step back and re-evaluate if I want to be actively associated with the site. You knew Cmoney was faking cancer the entire time and didn't say anything or stop it. Please don't say it had anything to do with Lewfather, because I know that's not true. I'm actually not blaming you for this, the responsibility for that is with Cmoney, and to a lesser extent some of his henchmen who actively perpetrated the lie.

    I actually didn't "quit", I just stopped posting and wanted to re-evaluate if I wanted to still be a part of a forum that was on a downward spiral filled with drama and people pretending to be dying. But occasionally I'd come back and read the forums and I'd feel I had something to say (usually something sarcastic or trollish), and I wanted to be able to do that but didn't want to do it on this account. So I created a dupe account where I could occasionally post and respond to things I saw on here. Eventually that morphed in to me being more active. It was kinda nice having a dupe because I could be more trollish towards people, but also provide some quality content here and there. I never tried to hide the IP address or anything like that, and I knew you'd go through record logs and find out who I am and probably where I live and who I associate with and where I work. I didn't try to hide that because I wasn't doing anything malicious towards you.

    There were definitely times where I'd take a break and wouldn't be as active on the dupe. Even when I was on my PLOL account back in the day I'd take breaks (I know you're not one to take breaks, but they can be good for you mentally and can help put the internet in perspective). And then you'd start conspiracies that I'm not posting because I'm in a gay mafia chat group called Rainbow Flops and they won't let me post here. All totally fine btw, I'm all for trolling and having fun on the internet.

    There's some other things that contributed to me not wanting to come back on this account, but I don't really want to get into them and I doubt you do either, so I'll leave it be. For better or worse, this community has been a part of my life since I was 17. I'm damn near 30 now and my perspective on things has changed in that time. Internet fun is all well and good, but when it starts bleeding over into my real life and my personal life gets brought into it, I don't like that. It's all just internet nonsense to me. I like trolling around and making sarcastic replies to people, but it's honestly never malicious. Hell, Chinamaniac probably thinks I hate him because I've relentlessly trolled him. I actually don't, I just think it's funny to get under his skin a bit. And then he'll get drunk and tell me to choke on a dick or whatever. It's great, it's just internet fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    However, Andy must also have issues with me, because as soon as Tim attempted to blow up Jerry's new site, Andy mostly stopped posting here (even under his dupe), and only started posting on Jerry's forum.
    Wrong. I don't have issues with you. You assume that I take this stuff as seriously as you do. I don't agree with the direction the site has gone, but I don't have an issue with you and I'm not trying to facilitate a takeover of your site. Again, I speak for myself only and what other members are trying to do is on them and out of the realm of my control. People should just post wherever they want. Nobody should have authoritarian rule. It's not even true that I stopped posting here on my dupe. I just didn't post as much because now there's multiple outlets where I can express something, including an outlet that isn't right-wing dominated with a bunch of history. Again, nothing wrong with that, but it's good to have options for where I want to post something. But I've literally averaged 1 post a day on stockamets since I've joined. So I'm not exactly bringing the hits there either.

    Please don't say I'm "only" posting on Sonatine's site because you don't know where I post. I make a small amount of posts here, and I make a small amount of posts on Sonatines site, and I make occasional tweets, and I make posts on an architecture forum, and I make posts on an Ikea-related design forum. Hell, right now I'm the most active on the Ikea-centric design forum. People post pictures of their Skiftebo Yellow Strandmon Wing Chair in their nook, and it's nothing but positive responses from users on how great it looks. Very refreshing. So please don't tell me I only post on stockaments when I have 60 posts over a two month period. And please don't try to dictate where I can and cannot post. I can post my content wherever I want, and I haven't done it in a way that's rude to you (other than perhaps in a lightly trollish way, since that's my personality after all). I'm sure you're also welcome to post on stockamets, and you can post here, and you can post on the architecture forum if you'd like. However I will ask that you not post on the Ikea-focused design forum, as it's carefully curated and right now there's only positive people on there and I don't want drama being brought over there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim and Andy went on to create threads on Jerry's forum which were identical to the most popular ones on PFA.
    "Songs you like, post them here"
    A Trump thread was then created by another user, with an almost-identical name to the one here. It was clear was what happening. However, I still said nothing.
    Lol, the "Songs you like, post them here" thread was mine. I actually made the thread because there was a song I liked that I felt like posting/sharing it. When I started making the thread I thought of naming it "Songs you like, post them here" because I thought it would be trollish and funny if I named it exactly the same as the PFA thread. And I was right, it was funny. But no, it wasn't part of a carefully coordinated plan to take down your site. It's literally just me being a lol internet troll, but it wasn't meant to be malicious towards you. And of course similar threads are going to be created at stockaments. It's the same user base (at least right now) so wouldn't it make sense that the same topics would come up. I have zero control at stockamets (just like I have zero control here), but it would seem to me that the sites can co-exist.

    Again, a lot of these things I do that you think are malicious are just me trolling for the lols. I mean I went on SealsWithClubs and created the username "BryanMicon". I didn't do it because I hate Micon, I actually don't. I just thought it would be funny, and I was right it was. It's the same reason why I changed my avatar to be identical to another users and put a huge "stockamets" in my signature. I'm just stirring the pot and getting into a little trouble because it's entertaining to me. But you take it so personally and think I'm in some machiavellian plot to destroy you. I can assure you, I don't take things that seriously as to be an active part of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Then Tim decided he was going to take it to the next level. He bumped three different threads on PFA, blatantly and obnoxiously spamming ads for Jerry's forum. The language of this spam was encouraging people to leave PFA and go over to Jerry's site.
    Lol, SrslySirius definitely was out of line there. He was just being a dick, and actually the group told him that and encouraged him to not poke the bear. But again, I can't control what other people do. You and Thomas obviously have your own beef and seem to dislike each other, but I have no dog in that fight. That's between ya'all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim and Andy did talk privately with me on and off, and I always thought we were friendly acquaintances at the very least. I was pretty shocked to see this sort of behavior.
    Buddy I had no part in that. The "malicious behavior" that I've engaged in is literally making a few posts on a 8th tier forum that, between you and me, I have no idea what direction it's trying to go in. I mean ok, sometimes I'll privately message somebody behind your back and be like "Who is Druff fighting with on the internet today? lol". I guess today that person is me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Tim wanted a radio show over on Jerry's new site. I'm sure you can guess why. You can't completely replace PFA without a weekly radio show, right? But it's a totally different radio show which totally has nothing to do with PFA and totally isn't trying to steal PFA's traffic. Well, except...
    - They have a $50 freeroll
    - They asked Brandon to co-host it - The thread about it is entitled "*** OFFICIAL RADIO THREAD ***"
    - It takes place on Sunday, which was the day of the week I did my last PFA show
    - Every single host on the show is/was an active PFA member Totally different, folks.
    Hoo boy, ok let me try to explain radio. And thank you for not changing Brandon's name, as it would have caused more confusion for me trying to decipher another fake name.

    I don't even think Thomas or Sonatine or Brandon even realize this, but radio actually started as my idea. I said something off handed in a group chat that Brandon should do a radio show. I remembered the old shows Drexel used to do which were very entertaining, and I thought it would be good for him to have an outlet. Thomas added that he was "totally down", and eventually it morphed into the four of us doing it together and it would also have a stock component to it, but also be mostly a variety show where we just shoot the shit about whatever topics we feel like, while calling up some characters that would make for interesting radio. The show isn't even going to be on stockamets. It's going to be broadcast and archived on Youtube, and then the show archive would be posted on stockamets and on PFA, so the most amount of people could reach.

    Druff, you have an 8 hour one man show that's mostly about poker. Our show will not be like that at all. I have no interest in beating poker into the ground, and I know Brandon feels the same way. It's why Brandon doesn't quite fit into your show. In that sense the show is /not/ a competing show. Of course it's tangentially related to your show in that it's former and current PFA members who are involved and some of the characters might be familiar to PFA members. But why is that "stealing" your show? We would never tell people to not listen to your show. If people want to listen to our show and then listen to your show, I think that'd be great. There's enough ears for everybody to co-exist. Brandon even suggested we give your show a shoutout, and tell people they should tune it to your show.

    I think you have this idea that it's going to be a Todd bashing show, and that is not at all what the show is supposed to be. It's just an entertainment show. Somebody like Marty would be welcome to call in, but if he starts going off on a 10 minute rant against you, we're going to snap him off the air. I know you're concerned about people calling up and revealing personal information about you. I have no interest in being a part of that. If that's allowed to happen, I would not be part of the show any longer.

    I know you probably won't believe this, but the fact that it's on Sunday night and you last had a show on Sunday, is totally a coincidence. For one thing, I don't even see PFA radio as a Sunday show. I didn't even realize you had been holding it on Sunday night the last couple times. The day of the week for your show is constantly moving around. Whereas our show would always just be on Sunday at the same time to make it easier for the listeners. The reason we decided on Sunday is it's the most convenient day of the week to hold it as nobody would be working then and everybody would be free.

    I honestly don't see the issue with this. PFA members can't have their own variety show which broadcasts on youtube and is sponsored by a site you don't like?

    Honestly, the biggest mistake we made was having Thomas post the thread. We actually had a discussion about this. I thought, and everybody else thought, it would be better to have Drexel make the thread. Drexel felt you might take it as disrespectful if he comes back after not posting for years to advertise this show. To me that made sense, since we were honestly just trying to make a thread about the show without antagonizing you. For me to post it wouldn't have made sense because I'm supposed to be a "background character" on the show, and I haven't posted on PLOL in a while. Sonatine could've posted it but then you're just associating it with stockamets and then you're potentially angry with Sonatine and his site. We agreed that it'd make sense for Thomas to make the thread and that he should do it under his SrslySirius account instead of his dupe, so it wouldn't look so trollish. Then after he makes the thread, I would reply to the thread under my PLOL account and Drexel would post under his account and Sonatine would post under his, so we could legitimize it and not have it seem like we're just trolling you or being disrespectful. We thought about waiting until our conference call before posting it but didn't want to wait until Thursday night when the show is on Sunday already. We wanted to give people a little more heads up about the show.

    I even asked the group if we thought you would delete the thread if we posted it. Drexel said you wouldn't be that disrespectful towards a project he's a part of and I'm a part of when he's been such a big contributor to this community for so many years. I agreed and felt the same way, and so we told Thomas to make a thread. In retrospect I probably should've just made it, or Drexel, as Thomas couldn't resist needling you with the thread title a little bit. But come on, this is just internet nonsense. Is it really that important to you to have 100% control over every aspect of this community? I honestly don't get it.

    Alright, this is now the longest post I've made on the internet since I painted my Billy bookcase a very gorgeous teal color to compliment my Poäng reading chair. I honestly don't want to go back and forth on this forever, and I know we have our scheduled 4 hour internet zoom meeting tomorrow, and then of course we probably need a pre-meeting conference call and then of course I'll likely have a post-meeting discussion, so I will have tomorrow blocked off.

    wow this guy is full of shit, obv has domination of PFA on his mind

      splitthis: Scumbag loser is no Druff that’s for sure, will fail

  16. #96
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    ""im not here for a hookup" then bangs everyone on the first date" the post imo

      JimmyG_415: 1

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesidedish View Post
    unbanning tyde would be a big move in THE FORUM WAR
    oh yeah bring that asshole back

    he's funny

  18. #98
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    tyde been unbanned for a minute.

    im sure this time he'll contribute positivity and not foment confrontations and ill will.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  19. #99
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    PLOP, that was a lot of words. I'm not going to type as many words back, but I'll give responses to various points you raised.

    You claim you left because of the cmoney thing, yet you don't blame me for it? And then despite quitting, you were very active on this site for a long time anyway, but under a dupe account? Do you understand how absurd that sounds?

    You keep using the words "authoritarian" and "control" when referring to me in this situation. I guess that's a clever tactic if your defense here is that I'm simply being paranoid and controlling. However, that's not what is happening here. I have repeatedly stated that I have no problem with anyone starting another forum, and that I have no problem with anyone choosing to post elsewhere. My only issues arise when people attempt to duplicate PFA and then use PFA to spam ads for their new site. How is that "controlling"? Why do I owe other sites free advertising, especially ones meant to compete with this site?

    The radio show -- with its "$50 freeroll" and "**OFFICIAL*** RADIO THREAD" and co-host Drexel sure looks a hell of a lot like my show, for something you claim isn't meant to rip off my show and audience. Two of the last three PFA shows were exactly what you are describing your new show as -- shooting the shit about a variety of topics with Brandon. Of all podcasts and live broadcasts I've seen on the internet over the years, your planned show has the most similarities to mine. Is that a coincidence? Whether you actually discuss poker on your show is only a small part of this, and you know it.

    The irritating thing here is that this whole thing has a passive-aggressive, plausible-deniability, "stop being crazy, we aren't out to screw PFA" vibe to it, when in reality that's exactly what it looks like if you take a step back and look at what is going on.

    There is a new forum.

    It has a new radio show with a $50 freeroll, featuring Brandon a co-host, and even an "***OFFICIAL*** thread".

    Many of the exact same PFA threads with the exact same titles are duplicated over there.

    This is a small community and doesn't need a second forum. The only reason to start a second forum for a small community is if you have decided that the first one sucks and needs to be replaced. Otherwise, why do it?

    Thomas "quit" PFA, but seems to think it is okay to spam this forum with ads for his new forum. You guys also thought it was totally fine to spam a second time, despite all being aware that I was so upset about the first spam. I still don't understand how you're defending that. I specifically asked Thomas not to spam ads here for that site, and he did it again, despite us having a conference call planned two days later to make peace. And you're defending it?

    Oh, and while Thomas doing the spamming again was the worst choice (because I specifically told him I was angry about his previous spam directing people to leave PFA), any of you doing it would have been disrespectful. You admitted in your post that a full discussion took place as to who should do it, and whether or not this would anger me. If that discussion was taking place, why not ask me first?

    I'll tell you why. You guys knew the answer would be no, and you figured it was better to drop that post at a prime hour (7pm PT) and let me have to delete it and deal with the fallout. That's why you didn't ask me first.

    I guess the plan worked. I had to delete the post, people asked about it, and I was forced to bring this matter public, which in turn brought greater awareness to the new site. Great job, I guess. Just don't think I'm fooled by this "We don't want to harm PFA" crap.

  20. #100
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    I have also removed all links to the new site, as I do not feel that PFA has been treated respectfully through any of this, for all the reasons I stated.

    You guys can choose to believe my version of events, or you can believe the everything-was-totally-innocent-and-its-a-huge-misunderstanding version presented by the other side.

    Either way, I don't like what I'm seeing, and the new site can do its promotion elsewhere.

    It is possible this decision will be reversed in the future, but I no longer feel comfortable with any of this.

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