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Thread: Blatant Gambling Scammer Christopher Mitchell (YouTube/Baccarat/Roulette/Sportsbetting)

  1. #18881
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    Facebook gave me an update on my report of the post about Lee. I reported it for Bullying/Harassment (of someone else) and they sent me this:

    "We removed the post you reported. We reviewed the post and found that it goes against our Community Standards."

    I know some others did the same so good work, folks.

      1dollarboxcar: +++
      BedWetterBettor: I can imagine Chrissy pacing up and down the stairs of the rented bunker yelling 'WHY??? WHY DID I MAKE THAT POST ABOUT LEE?? WHY DO THEY KEEP RUINING MY SCAM!?!?"
      zealanddonk: Job well done
      Pickleball: It looks like Mark Zuckerberg personally read your report and not only took down the post but nuked his channel. Good work Phantom Limb and Zuckerman.
      Dan Druff: nice!!
      The Boz: Thanks!

  2. #18882
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    @ BedWetterBettor: I can imagine Chrissy pacing up and down the stairs of the rented bunker yelling 'WHY??? WHY DID I MAKE THAT POST ABOUT LEE?? WHY DO THEY KEEP RUINING MY SCAM!?!?"

    Chrisys wrote the script for this 6 months ago, with all sorts of subliminal messages in it.
    I'm sure everything is going to plan.

      BedWetterBettor: He also used the same Bradbury-Protellis Voice Analyzing Software to Decode those Subliminal Messages...
    PFA Rookie of the Year Awards
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    2018: 4Dragons
    2019: Dutch Boyd: Mike Postle
    2020: Covid19
    2021: SMIFlorida and some sort of shit coins for $50k
    2023: 22nd Feb 4th Dec Youtube channels removed
    2024: Dustin Morgan wins Chrissy's $1000 contest: May 3rd another channel gone.
    2025 Chrissy loses his FB page in mid January.

  3. #18883
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zealanddonk View Post
    @ BedWetterBettor: I can imagine Chrissy pacing up and down the stairs of the rented bunker yelling 'WHY??? WHY DID I MAKE THAT POST ABOUT LEE?? WHY DO THEY KEEP RUINING MY SCAM!?!?"

    Chrisys wrote the script for this 6 months ago, with all sorts of subliminal messages in it.
    I'm sure everything is going to plan.
    Lil’ Squirty really fucked himself this time. But he makes millions gambling, so the only real losers are future Elite Cum Chum members who can’t share in his success. When that affiliate money dries up he’s going to be shit outta luck. Look for more Vegas billboards as a last desperate attempt to avoid working for a living.

      RMS9: So is his FB page really gone??? He blocked me and my other accounts so I couldn’t search for him if I wanted to.
      zealanddonk: Imagine ordering Uber Eats and that midget waddles up to your door with your food
      Pickleball: @RMS9 - Yes his Facebook Page has been nuked. Still no sign of the cockroach sticking his head out of a crack in the wall.

  4. #18884
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    @RMS9: So is his FB page really gone??? He blocked me and my other accounts so I couldn’t search for him if I wanted to.

    Yep, on Stacy's FB page [no updates since 10th of jan] she tagged him in, but the link is now gone, just plain black text.

    The "fake" Chrissy page with the Charlie brown Cosplay "circle icon" was updated on the 20th to Chrissy wearing his silver pyjamas with a stupid grin on his face picture.

    Hilariously, the "friends" on that fake account include a different dude named Christopher Mitchell who definitely isnt our midget.

    Other friends include "Rick Rolled" and "Call Centre"

    I dont follow his Insta, and havent checked his very old exercise youtube channel that I think also got deleted.

      RMS9: I love it!! Another one bites the dust.
    PFA Rookie of the Year Awards
    2012: The Templar (unknown)
    2013: Jasep $5000+
    2015: Micon's gofundme legal defense $3k begging for 100k:
    2018: 4Dragons
    2019: Dutch Boyd: Mike Postle
    2020: Covid19
    2021: SMIFlorida and some sort of shit coins for $50k
    2023: 22nd Feb 4th Dec Youtube channels removed
    2024: Dustin Morgan wins Chrissy's $1000 contest: May 3rd another channel gone.
    2025 Chrissy loses his FB page in mid January.

  5. #18885
    Platinum BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Found Chrissy holding his most recent Masturr Mind event. I think this was the moment, JC Barber realized he got scammed!

    Speaking of former Masturr Minds, since leaving the Chums club and no longer listening to Squirtstopher, it appears Sam Martinez has finally been able to Change His Life for the Better!

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    Looking happier and much healthier than when he was dumping his money to Chrissy. It seems all Sam had to do was Leave the Bloat behind and his life would get much better!

    Whoulda Thunk it folks???

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    1dollarboxcar: this must of been before the Baptism that uncle Zachy gave him... they should of prayed away the evil spirits off their money sooner...
    Zachy is too busy Deleting this High Ticket Closer videos he was supposed to track his “success “ with , Lol. He must have seen my posts about it and his Daddy over here and got scared like the little Coward he is!!!

    Hey Zach, how about coming on Poker Fraud Alert Radio and telling us how Chrissy didn’t Scam you but helped you???

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      1dollarboxcar: this must of been before the Baptism that uncle Zachy gave him... they should of prayed away the evil spirits off their money sooner...
      Pickleball: You need to stay even keeled. That YT video is hilarious. Too bad they didn't show the guy getting cuffed for destruction of the casino's property.
      The Boz: Druff should reach out to Zach, offering to tape an interview since the show is past his bedtime
    Last edited by BedWetterBettor; 01-22-2025 at 06:02 PM.

  6. #18886
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    @BWB "Hey Zach, how about coming on Poker Fraud Alert Radio and telling us how Chrissy didn’t Scam you but helped you???"

    Without going into the sweaty details, Zachy can also explain why Chrissy gave Zachy and his wife $2000 after a quick donk-off.
    PFA Rookie of the Year Awards
    2012: The Templar (unknown)
    2013: Jasep $5000+
    2015: Micon's gofundme legal defense $3k begging for 100k:
    2018: 4Dragons
    2019: Dutch Boyd: Mike Postle
    2020: Covid19
    2021: SMIFlorida and some sort of shit coins for $50k
    2023: 22nd Feb 4th Dec Youtube channels removed
    2024: Dustin Morgan wins Chrissy's $1000 contest: May 3rd another channel gone.
    2025 Chrissy loses his FB page in mid January.

  7. #18887
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    My guess is that the Lee post was the catalyst to Facebook killing the entire channel.

    After agreeing that the post violated their standards, they probably went back to look at the old reports everyone has made about the channel (the illegal gambling, scamming, etc), and it was decided that the whole page is no good, and Chirssy got banned.

    High chance it was something along those lines.

    So Chrissy can sit and stew about the fact that he lost his precious Facebook because he unnecessarily lashed out at Lee for no apparent reason.


      The Boz: Nah, true justice is when someone who lost everything because of him gets ahold of him.

  8. #18888
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    Krustaford comes through even without the whereabouts of The Bloat.

      The Boz: Quick and to the point, nice work as always by Krustaford
      1dollarboxcar: keep on him Krusty!!

  9. #18889
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pickleball View Post
    Krustaford comes through even without the whereabouts of The Bloat.

    That zachery scam was terrible ! The poor guy came outta the army with his savings and spent it all on chrissys affiliate casino, every time the guy lost for the day he said something like "not to worry, jesus is on my side as chris said and i need to stick to the plan"

    I remember when chris said he's doing a week marathon at the casinos, a different casino hotel a day for 7 days, someone picked away at his videos that week and it ended up he was in the same room every day haha !! he was just filming it at different angles to make it look like a new room/hotel/casino, chris being dumb messed up and left a few clues n the videos like same carpet and same kitchen cupboards etc etc .... I dunno where the video is that exposed him but it's brilliant and chris is gay.

    I'll try find it unless someone knows which it is.

      BedWetterBettor: Not exactly, Zachy was never in the Military. He was a failed college athlete who got hurt, fell into realty and MLM scams and sho nuff came across Chrissy and followed him to end up broke and busted. He now sells Real Estate courses for Fake Gurus!

  10. #18890
    I also got confirmation that it was removed. The strange thing is that I initially got told it wasn't being removed, then 6 hours later it suddenly was being removed.

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      The Boz: Thank you for your work!

  11. #18891
    Gold The Boz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    My guess is that the Lee post was the catalyst to Facebook killing the entire channel.

    After agreeing that the post violated their standards, they probably went back to look at the old reports everyone has made about the channel (the illegal gambling, scamming, etc), and it was decided that the whole page is no good, and Chirssy got banned.

    High chance it was something along those lines.

    So Chrissy can sit and stew about the fact that he lost his precious Facebook because he unnecessarily lashed out at Lee for no apparent reason.

    I’m thinking he snapped because business was bad, he was losing the little he had martingalimg big hockey favorites and had to blame someone for his situation.

    Why he used Lee when he knows it’s many of us reporting him and reaching out to the suckers is the only question. I guess it was easier to put a face like Lee’s out there instead of Krustaford.

    He already snapped but did give us some comedy gold in the replies to the post like the guy saying he was told he did gay porn. That had to piss him off even more.

    Good time to reach out to Andrew with a legit question asking sincerely what’s going on with the money I paid for a service and I haven’t heard from Chrissy from a burner?

    Has to be interesting days in the bunker currently, ah to be a fly on the wall.

      BedWetterBettor: I went over this in an older post. Basically, WE were costing him business by DMing and texting potential and former chums. Chrissy got wind of it and decided to do damage control and try to belittle our efforts as "It's just 1 guy, pay no attention"

  12. #18892
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    My guess is that the Lee post was the catalyst to Facebook killing the entire channel.

    After agreeing that the post violated their standards, they probably went back to look at the old reports everyone has made about the channel (the illegal gambling, scamming, etc), and it was decided that the whole page is no good, and Chirssy got banned.

    High chance it was something along those lines.

    So Chrissy can sit and stew about the fact that he lost his precious Facebook because he unnecessarily lashed out at Lee for no apparent reason.

    I’m thinking he snapped because business was bad, he was losing the little he had martingalimg big hockey favorites and had to blame someone for his situation.

    Why he used Lee when he knows it’s many of us reporting him and reaching out to the suckers is the only question. I guess it was easier to put a face like Lee’s out there instead of Krustaford.

    He already snapped but did give us some comedy gold in the replies to the post like the guy saying he was told he did gay porn. That had to piss him off even more.

    Good time to reach out to Andrew with a legit question asking sincerely what’s going on with the money I paid for a service and I haven’t heard from Chrissy from a burner?

    Has to be interesting days in the bunker currently, ah to be a fly on the wall.
    Did chris rip you off or suck you off ?

    or both ?

  13. #18893
    Platinum BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Found this Twitter/X account

    However, the Tiny Url link leads to a Bet Online with Affiliate ID 160020, which I believe 1DBC discovered belongs to Cheetos!

    The account was created in Oct 2024, so not sure it will be used by ANY Scammers including Cheetos or Nigerian Chrissy.

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      1dollarboxcar: yep Cheetos behind that one too

  14. #18894
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    I’m thinking he snapped because business was bad, he was losing the little he had martingalimg big hockey favorites and had to blame someone for his situation.

    Why he used Lee when he knows it’s many of us reporting him and reaching out to the suckers is the only question. I guess it was easier to put a face like Lee’s out there instead of Krustaford.

    He already snapped but did give us some comedy gold in the replies to the post like the guy saying he was told he did gay porn. That had to piss him off even more.

    Good time to reach out to Andrew with a legit question asking sincerely what’s going on with the money I paid for a service and I haven’t heard from Chrissy from a burner?

    Has to be interesting days in the bunker currently, ah to be a fly on the wall.
    Did chris rip you off or suck you off ?

    or both ?

    I know you're enjoying your trolling schtick on the Flying Stupidity section of this forum, and that's fine.

    However, please don't fuck up this thread by antagonizing people calling out Chrissy. That's not what we do here. Trolling other members is not allowed in this section of the forum. Thank you.

      The Boz: Thanks Druff, needed to be said. Other than one asshole years ago this thread has had everyone united against Chrissy

  15. #18895
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I believe BWB is either correct or mostly correct.

    PFA members have been messaging Chrissy's potential (or current) subscribers, letting them know they're being scammed. This has been going on for a long time, of course, but with Chrissy losing his ass lately, he really needs the sweet scam $$ rolling in, and he's feeling like that income stream is being threatened by those private messages exposing him.

    Rather than admit it's an entire site of people doing it, he's just blaming it all on Lee, and telling everyone to ignore it.

    That's very common in the scammer playbook. When called out, blame it on a specific "hater" or "stalker", and tell your potential victims to ignore all of it. It's fairly effective, because humans naturally want to believe that those they like are good people, so once you get a good enough explanation ("It's a stalker!"), then you can dismiss it and continue trusting the scammer.

    This time, Chrissy's harassment of Lee backfired, because it was likely the catalyst which got the whole page taken down.

      BedWetterBettor: Gotta Love the Irony of Chrissy posting "Hurr hurr You Can't Stop Me" while pointing at the camera, only to be stopped by the Very person HE tried to Stop from living his life comfortably...
      Phantom Limb: He WAS right. We didn't stop him, he stopped himself. LOL
      zealanddonk: Chrissy used to claim he loved having haters then cries about having haters, then lies about his jaters, and probably will be claiming in a couple of months he loves cock, I mean haters

  16. #18896
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    I'd love it if Chrissy next popped up as one of those "talk to the dead" jerks like John Edward or the Long Island Medium. The people who buy that shit are basically the same level as the rubes he was reduced to pitching his guessing game gambling advice to.

    He's going to have to rebrand to avoid people finding this thread and the countless other search hits that would expose him. I've forgotten his middle name but expect C. {whatever his middle initial is}. Mitchell as his next alias.

      BedWetterBettor: Fake Mediums actually have to study body language, tells and facial ticks to learn how to be Fake Mediums. Chrissy is too Lazy, Stupid and Uneducated to do that! He'll just guess Red or Black and sell it to idiots!
      Tariq Reed: Coincidentally, Theresa Caputo (the Long Island Medium) is actually doing a live event in Las Vegas (technically in Primm at Buffalo Bill's Casino Arean) this Saturday. Maybe CM will attend and get some spiritual guidance.
      zealanddonk: " Long Island Medium" Chrissy can put on an irish accent, dress as a leprechaun and call himself the midget medium

  17. #18897
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    Krusty just won't leave Chrissy alone.
    Talk about Chrissy's nemisis. lol

      BedWetterBettor: It's LEE! I KNOW IT'S HIM. LEE HAS THOSE PICS. LEE HAS A YT CHANNEL that made 73 videos about Chrissy! It's LEE, it's ALL LEE! LOLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!
      1dollarboxcar: +++

  18. #18898
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    Can't sleep. I'm just so upset that the lady with the dead husband with the video still paused on CM's face...sorry, i'm breaking up...what's she going to do now?

    He got killed in a car crash going to the grocery store....he IDOLIZED Chrissy.


    She FLEW ALL THE WAY TO VEGAS FROM THE EAST COAST, swear to god, shortly after he died.

    I hope she still feels like her husband is looking down on her....true story...

    *dissolves into a puddle*

      1dollarboxcar: what?? what's this all about please..??
      Pickleball: Was this is nightmare? You know, like Tales From the Crypt or a true event?

  19. #18899
    Bronze joe croupier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by joe croupier View Post
    Did chris rip you off or suck you off ?

    or both ?

    I know you're enjoying your trolling schtick on the Flying Stupidity section of this forum, and that's fine.

    However, please don't fuck up this thread by antagonizing people calling out Chrissy. That's not what we do here. Trolling other members is not allowed in this section of the forum. Thank you.
    ok boss, again i'm the fire starter lol

    You should teach your dogs not to throw stones and this wouldn't have happened, so i'm not to blame here really am i ? nup.

  20. #18900
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    The YouTube algo popped up an old video from the channel of the person we aren't supposed to talk about that featured a bunch of Chrissy's lies and the best one involved a fictional encounter with a widow at Bellagio and features some soap opera level acting by Chrissy.

    Absolutely hilarious.

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