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Thread: Jordan Peterson's family life is a mess

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Jordan Peterson's family life is a mess

    When I first heard about Jordan Peterson, and saw the viral video featuring SJWs at University of Toronto screeching at him, I had a lot of respect for the guy. He was being hassled by unreasonable and crazy college leftists during a protest, and handled himself calmly and maturely. He instantly became a hero to right wing social media.

    Notice how rational and normal Dr. Peterson, a professor at the college, acts during this exchange. He became somewhat the face of intellectual social media conservatism. He didn't shout, didn't appear extreme, and smacked down SJWs with straightforward logic and reasoning.

    Then Peterson quickly gained fame, and I started to notice some cracks in his logical conservative identity. During one interview appearance I saw, he expressed some views about women which, to put it generously, were extremely antiquated. I saw some other interviews where he said some bizarre things which wouldn't make sense to the average, well-adjusted human being.

    Simply put, I started to conclude that Jordan Peterson had a few screws loose, and it was likely only a matter of time until he self destructed.

    In the meantime, his semi-hot daughter Mikhaila Peterson appeared on social media, and benefited from her dad's sudden fame. Her videos also ranged from completely normal to fairly bizarre.

    The two of them then released a book called "The Carnivore Diet", which claimed that many mental illnesses could be cured simply by adhering to a strict meat-only diet. What?!?!!

    She also liked to use social media to mock those who criticized her book, usually by posting bikini pictures and using those as evidence of her supposed health:

    In the meantime, he started saying insane things. He infamously told a story on Joe Rogan regarding the claim that apple cider took him down and made him not sleep for 25 straight days:

    Welllllllllll.... the wheels finally fell off this crazy train in September.

    According to the above video by Mikhaila:

    - Her mom (Jordan's wife) was diagnosed with cancer, had surgery, but had life-threatening complications due to the surgeon "nicking" certain organs during the surgery. After Canadian doctors were allegedly incompetent regarding identifying what had happened, they rushed to the US, got care there, and her life was saved.

    - Jordan, worried he would lose his wife, freaked out. His (Canadian) doctor prescribed him clonazepam (aka Klonopin), a benzo with known addiction issues. He repeatedly popped those pills until he became quickly addicted, and then tried to quit them cold turkey, bringing on horrendous anxiety and terrible physical withdrawal symptoms.

    - Jordan checked into rehab in September. Not sure if he's still there.

    Pretty amazing to me that a college professor wasn't smart enough to google clonazepam and figure out that it's highly addictive. In his defense, some doctors are still idiots about this shit, and prescribe it with zero warning not to overdo it. Still, this was pretty stupid.

    I should know. I also suffered from sudden and severe anxiety/depression late in life, but I was on the other side of the coin, scared by horror stories of benzos to where I hesitated even taking a small dose. This was one of my few mistakes in how I handled everything last year. Had I listened to people and tried the low-dose Xanax earlier, I probably would have gotten better quicker and had less time suffering through the severe symptoms. (Now substantially better, I now only take Xanax when going to the dentist or on an airplane.) Anyway, while my overly-cautious approach was a mistake, it was far more sane than Peterson's blind pill popping which landed him in rehab.

    Anyway, the conservative Facebook groups I'm in seem to have lost respect for him, and he's basically seen as a nutjob at this point.

    A number of the conservative overnight social media stars of recent years have basically shot themselves in the foot when all they had to do was stay sane and keep the same act. Milo Yiannopolous, Tomi Lahren, Jordan Peterson.... all once on top of the world, and all now with their stock in the toilet.

    At least Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder are still standing.

  2. #2
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    I don't really understand why Peterson is seen as strongly right wing. He's not shown any tendency to be racist or misogynist or homophobic. His economic views aren't particuarly "right wing" - you could probably call them centre-right/classic liberal. It seems that his main political motivators are the promotion of individual freedoms (and responsibilities). I very strongly disagree with his views on political correctness, idpol and climate change but I don't think that makes him alt-right or far-right. And that's coming from someone who definitely has radical left-wing views.

    But guess what - no surprise that the right wingers would decided to kick him to the curb because he has medical problems. Compassionless scum.

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
    I don't really understand why Peterson is seen as strongly right wing. He's not shown any tendency to be racist or misogynist or homophobic. His economic views aren't particuarly "right wing" - you could probably call them centre-right/classic liberal. It seems that his main political motivators are the promotion of individual freedoms (and responsibilities). I very strongly disagree with his views on political correctness, idpol and climate change but I don't think that makes him alt-right or far-right. And that's coming from someone who definitely has radical left-wing views.

    But guess what - no surprise that the right wingers would decided to kick him to the curb because he has medical problems. Compassionless scum.
    They're not kicking him to the curb for medical problems. They are just getting tired of the bizarre behavior going back awhile now.

    Plus, he's not fully kicked to the curb... just falling out of favor.

    I haven't seen any racism or homophobia out of him, but I have seen a lot of really, really archaic views on women which even left me scratching my head, and you know I'm not exactly a feminist.

    The problem here is that he rose to prominence not due to good looks, youth, or a strong broadcast presence. He became famous because he was seen as the calm, logical, intellectual social media conservative. When that stable presence turns out to be somewhat of a nutcase, people start abandoning ship, as people now assume that his main strength was being vastly overestimated.

  4. #4
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    You must have seen a lot more than me then. I just thought he was wanting to encourage the positive aspects of masculinity - what has he said about women?

  5. #5
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
    You must have seen a lot more than me then. I just thought he was wanting to encourage the positive aspects of masculinity - what has he said about women?
    I think it was something about how women have no right to complain about getting sexually harassed at work if they're showing up wearing makeup, which is "obviously" meant to attract male attention.

    I mean, he'd have a little more of a point if he said this about the secretary who shows up to work in a low-cut tight shirt with her tits hanging out, who subsequently complaints about sexual harassment. But makeup? Come on. Wearing makeup isn't necessarily sexual at all.

    I can't remember fully but I just recall hearing something like that and thinking, "This type of stuff really makes conservatives look bad."

    I do agree with his takes about masculinity not being a bad thing, and how modern feminists have turned it into an evil. But that's not what I'm talking about here.

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Anyway you might take from this thread that I'm anti-Jordan Peterson, but that's not true. I'm just not as pro-Peterson as I once was, because the guy has turned out to be a lot stranger than I originally thought, and in fact is just a liability to conservatives when he spouts his really odd quotes.

    Also, obviously I would be the last guy to be judging anyone for suffering through sudden bouts of severe depression.

      1marley1: The cognitive dissonance smart conservatives must deal with would drive anyone nuts...

  7. #7
    Plutonium simpdog's Avatar
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    If my wife became sick with cancer I would have some severe mental issues in a hurry.

    I’m would say that is normal.

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpdog View Post
    If my wife became sick with cancer I would have some severe mental issues in a hurry.

    I’m would say that is normal.
    His mental issues from the wife's illness are 100% normal. The rest.... not so much.

  9. #9
    Platinum devidee's Avatar
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    I heard that book cover was a fake.

    Now go clean your room, druff.

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    As I am probably the only one in this forum that actually listened to Peterson, I guess I will have to clear the air. Peterson has been open this whole time about having issues with depression and mental health. He has never claimed to be a flawless paragon of virtue himself.

    Also, he doesn't "blame" women for anything. His argument is generally that women have only been in the workplace working side by side with men for ~50 years or so, and we haven't really worked out the rules yet. And part of this is the weird cultural dynamic where women are expected to sexualize themselves to go to work (including makeup, heels, lipstick, short dresses, etc.), which is kinda strange if you actually stop to think about it a little.

    Most of the people, including Druff, taking shots at him now, never actually listened to Peterson and are just taking shots based on misconceptions and straw men.

      OSA: exactly

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
    You must have seen a lot more than me then. I just thought he was wanting to encourage the positive aspects of masculinity - what has he said about women?

    I think it was something about how women have no right to complain about getting sexually harassed at work if they're showing up wearing makeup, which is "obviously" meant to attract male attention.

    mean, he'd have a little more of a point if he said this about the secretary who shows up to work in a low-cut tight shirt with her tits hanging out, who subsequently complaints about sexual harassment. But makeup? Come on. Wearing makeup isn't necessarily sexual at all.

    I can't remember fully but I just recall hearing something like that and thinking, "This type of stuff really makes conservatives look bad."

    I do agree with his takes about masculinity not being a bad thing, and how modern feminists have turned it into an evil. But that's not what I'm talking about here.

    That's not what he said at all. I saw the interview.

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    Also, keep in mind Peterson has done several thousand of hours of material, so at this point it is pretty easy to edit material to get him to appear to say whatever you want. So you should be extremely skeptical of finding "gotcha" clips from editted hit pieces. Take it from someone that actually listened to a lot of him. Most of the critique of him is just based on misinformation.

    Not to say he is perfect, but he has never claimed to be either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    Also, keep in mind Peterson has done several thousand of hours of material, so at this point it is pretty easy to edit material to get him to appear to say whatever you want. So you should be extremely skeptical of finding "gotcha" clips from editted hit pieces. Take it from someone that actually listened to a lot of him. Most of the critique of him is just based on misinformation.

    Not to say he is perfect, but he has never claimed to be either.

    If I had the same experience in college, as I did watching him give lectures, it might not have been a total waste of 4 years.

  14. #14
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    As I am probably the only one in this forum that actually listened to Peterson

    is anyone at all surprised by this?

      MumblesBadly: LOL!
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpdog View Post
    If my wife became sick with cancer I would have some severe mental issues in a hurry.

    I’m would say that is normal.
    I agree it is normal and it would cause terrible feelings/anxiety, but you would be strong for the sake of your wife & any kids you two have and put up a fight to beat the cancer...

    it would be selfish not to

    my wife has beat the Big C twice...7 years clear now

      Walter Sobchak: Fuck cancer rep
    (long before there was a PFA i had my Grenade & Crossbones avatar at DD)

  16. #16
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    As I am probably the only one in this forum that actually listened to Peterson, I guess I will have to clear the air. Peterson has been open this whole time about having issues with depression and mental health. He has never claimed to be a flawless paragon of virtue himself.

    Also, he doesn't "blame" women for anything. His argument is generally that women have only been in the workplace working side by side with men for ~50 years or so, and we haven't really worked out the rules yet. And part of this is the weird cultural dynamic where women are expected to sexualize themselves to go to work (including makeup, heels, lipstick, short dresses, etc.), which is kinda strange if you actually stop to think about it a little.

    Most of the people, including Druff, taking shots at him now, never actually listened to Peterson and are just taking shots based on misconceptions and straw men.
    I have listened to him on and off. I wasn't a regular listener/viewer like I am of Steven Crowder (and now Ben Shapiro, to some extent), but I would watch a number of interviews where he'd appear.

    I felt like his "women are expected to go to work sexualizing themselves" argument was way off, and flies too close to the "if the woman wears a short skirt, she's asking for rape" trope. Women, in general, don't like being out in public looking bad. It's not like most dudes who can do the very minimum before leaving the house and feel okay. There are women who won't even go to the grocery store without putting on makeup and making their hair look nice. You can't say that women trying to make themselves look good for work gives men the right to sexually harass them. Sexual harassment is a real problem in the workplace, and we shouldn't ignore that just because some women are taking advantage of it in order to claim false victimhoood.

    He'd have had a better point if he focused more upon the women who first use their sexuality to get ahead at work, and then cry foul when dudes get the wrong idea and try to hit on them. Cate Hall told a story like this awhile back. Without going into the whole thing again, she flirted really heavily with one of the bosses at a law firm where she had just gotten a job, assuming it would help her get ahead there. Then she went out with the guy to get drinks at TWO different bars on the same night. Then he started pressuring her to go back to his house and fuck him, and all she could think was "OMG sexual harassment!!!!" And while the guy in the story definitely seemed like a perv and a creep, she had plenty of fault there, too.

    If Peterson focused more upon the Cate Hall types and less upon the innocent women wearing makeup to work, I would have thought a lot more of him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    As I am probably the only one in this forum that actually listened to Peterson, I guess I will have to clear the air. Peterson has been open this whole time about having issues with depression and mental health. He has never claimed to be a flawless paragon of virtue himself.

    Also, he doesn't "blame" women for anything. His argument is generally that women have only been in the workplace working side by side with men for ~50 years or so, and we haven't really worked out the rules yet. And part of this is the weird cultural dynamic where women are expected to sexualize themselves to go to work (including makeup, heels, lipstick, short dresses, etc.), which is kinda strange if you actually stop to think about it a little.

    Most of the people, including Druff, taking shots at him now, never actually listened to Peterson and are just taking shots based on misconceptions and straw men.
    I have listened to him on and off. I wasn't a regular listener/viewer like I am of Steven Crowder (and now Ben Shapiro, to some extent), but I would watch a number of interviews where he'd appear.

    I felt like his "women are expected to go to work sexualizing themselves" argument was way off, and flies too close to the "if the woman wears a short skirt, she's asking for rape" trope. Women, in general, don't like being out in public looking bad. It's not like most dudes who can do the very minimum before leaving the house and feel okay. There are women who won't even go to the grocery store without putting on makeup and making their hair look nice. You can't say that women trying to make themselves look good for work gives men the right to sexually harass them. Sexual harassment is a real problem in the workplace, and we shouldn't ignore that just because some women are taking advantage of it in order to claim false victimhoood.

    He'd have had a better point if he focused more upon the women who first use their sexuality to get ahead at work, and then cry foul when dudes get the wrong idea and try to hit on them. Cate Hall told a story like this awhile back. Without going into the whole thing again, she flirted really heavily with one of the bosses at a law firm where she had just gotten a job, assuming it would help her get ahead there. Then she went out with the guy to get drinks at TWO different bars on the same night. Then he started pressuring her to go back to his house and fuck him, and all she could think was "OMG sexual harassment!!!!" And while the guy in the story definitely seemed like a perv and a creep, she had plenty of fault there, too.

    If Peterson focused more upon the Cate Hall types and less upon the innocent women wearing makeup to work, I would have thought a lot more of him.
    He doesn't focus on women wearing makeup. He literally has thousands and thousands of recorded hours talking on a variety of subjects and you are responding to heavily edited hit pieces on stuff he has barely spent any time on at all, and strawmanning what he actually said on top. You could listen to Jordan Peterson videos for the next week straight and the subject of women wearing makeup to work would probably never come up once.

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    Druff's post actually reminds me of the scandal around the NYT hit piece on "enforced monogamy". Peterson said the NYT reporter followed him around for several days straight talking to him on a wide variety of subjects, and they spent about 10 minutes talking about enforced monogamy, where Peterson said the reporter actually indicated she understood exactly what he was talking about. And then she went and wrote a hit piece where she talked about nothing but his stance on enforced monogamy, where she intentionally misrepresented him.

  19. #19
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    Druff, he didn't write that carnivore book and neither did his daughter, it's a fake pic and media story. It's a fraudulent book that someone else is selling. His daughter does promote the diet for people suffering from auto immune disorders and depression and appears to be making an income off of it.

    Interesting debate on the diet. Seems like people can do it and remain in pretty good health. Layne Norton who is at the top of the food heap on the science side doesn't love the diet but concedes it has its benefits and is without a doubt a hell of a lot better than the standard American diet that has too much of the population obese and suffering from related health risks.

    Jordan makes it clear when discussing the diet that it works for him but he's not a nutritionist and would never pretend to be an expert on the topic.

    They've both denied it's their book openly on twitter and have not promoted it anywhere.
    Last edited by peter mcneil; 11-05-2019 at 09:24 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
    You must have seen a lot more than me then. I just thought he was wanting to encourage the positive aspects of masculinity - what has he said about women?
    I think it was something about how women have no right to complain about getting sexually harassed at work if they're showing up wearing makeup, which is "obviously" meant to attract male attention.

    I mean, he'd have a little more of a point if he said this about the secretary who shows up to work in a low-cut tight shirt with her tits hanging out, who subsequently complaints about sexual harassment. But makeup? Come on. Wearing makeup isn't necessarily sexual at all.

    I can't remember fully but I just recall hearing something like that and thinking, "This type of stuff really makes conservatives look bad."

    I do agree with his takes about masculinity not being a bad thing, and how modern feminists have turned it into an evil. But that's not what I'm talking about here.
    Druff, he didn't say that at all, that's the slant his haters take on the interview. He was posing questions to the interviewer regarding makeup in the workplace but made it 100% clear in that interview that of course it didn't make workplace harrassment ok. What you're saying is a totally misrepresented snippet of what he really said. Watch the full intefview, not the heavily edited hit piece by vice or the reporting on it. He's also not at all against women wearing makeup in the work place. He's trying to have a conversation with a journalist to work through the work place challenges and just posing questions to him.

    Curious what else you've read or listened to that is an antiquated opinion of women? When I have listened to him it seems he believes women should go after a career, that a work place talent pool is maximized when women have 100% equality of opportunity but he also believes that women shouldn't rule out a domestic life IF that's what they want to do.
    Last edited by peter mcneil; 11-05-2019 at 09:07 PM.

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