Back up to the day when Mcenroe was at this peak around 30 this was considered to be old he retired shortly after 30. Today the athlete can play at the peak of their game until 40 and beyond . no one was dominating in their 30s in swimming , Phelp s at age is 33 and planing on swimming in upcoming Olympics he is 33. Lochte who trashed a public bathroom is 36. Tom Brady is 40. George Foreman was in his 50s when he won championship. Federer is almost 40.

I wonder if any above and others used steroids. I was shocked when Bonds hit record home runs at his advanced age. Clemens was another one who pitched in his late 30s but used roids. They disqualified a football player for taking illegal drugs which he used for fertility to have a child which was ridiculous .