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Thread: Two lesbians attacked in London by teen perverts, the world offers its sympathy, and one of the victims chides the sympathy-givers for being bigoted

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Two lesbians attacked in London by teen perverts, the world offers its sympathy, and one of the victims chides the sympathy-givers for being bigoted

    Such a bizarre situation all around.

    Earlier this month, two feminine, pretty lesbians were sitting on the top deck of a double decker bus in London, and showed some kind of affection, presumably kissing.

    Five teenage pervs, aged 15-18, saw this and their mind instantly went to porn.

    They started aggressively demanding the lesbians put on a show for them. The women refused, and probably had some choice words for them. Things escalated. Eventually the five boys beat the women.

    There's little question that the boys are guilty, and are violent little punks who need to be punished.

    However, this story quickly caught fire around the world as an example of a "homophobic attack". The narrative being presented was that the women were attacked for being gay.

    That's not at all the reason they were attacked! In fact, it was the opposite of a homophobic attack. It was a homophilic attack -- an attack based upon the boys LIKING the women being lesbians so much that they demanded to see more physical affection between the two of them.

    Again, while I agree that this was a heinous and obnoxious crime, it was NOT gay bashing or homophobia. Homophobic attacks occur because people hate gays so much that they feel disgusted to the point of attacking them. That's not what happened here, obviously.

    So that was the first stupid thing, and yet the media was shoving it down our throats that "homophobic attacks are everywhere, even out in the open in London".


    But it got even dumber.

    The women received an outpouring of support. That part is fine. They were attacked, their story went viral, and people everywhere sympathized with them.

    Instead of showing appreciation, one of the women had the nerve to pen an angry editorial insisting that they were only getting sympathy because they're white, female, and pretty!

    I have evaded much of the violence and oppression imposed on so many others by our capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal system because of the privileges I enjoy by dint of my race, health, education, and conventional gender presentation. That has nothing to do with the merit of my character.

    The press coverage, and timely law enforcement response, was not coincidental to our complexions. Neither was the disproportionate online reaction over the victimisation of a pretty brunette and blonde. The commodification and exploitation of my face came at the expense of other victims whose constant persecution apparently does not warrant similar moral outrage.
    Can you believe this shit?

    She oddly puts herself down for having largely evaded violence in her life due to her white-attractive-female privilege. Huh? She was just beaten up on a bus by perverts after sharing a lesbian kiss. How is that privilege?

    Instead of saying, "Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time", she felt it necessary to chide those sympathizing for being transphobic racists.

    You know, because you're not allowed to have sympathy for white, non-trans people anymore, even if they're gay.

    Here's a good article calling the woman out for "peak identitarian bollocks":

      1marley1: omfg. You are special
      sah_24: Counter libtard rep

  2. #2
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Druff, you’re a dumbass! It wasn’t a “homophilic” attack because those teenage boys wanted those women to put on a sex show. It was a misogonystic attack because those women wouldn’t perform as sexual objects upon demand for those hormonally imbalanced wankers.

      DJ_Chaps: FUCK OFF LOSER
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  3. #3
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    These girls should go to Dubai, go to the beach, hold hands and kiss each other.

    If they did that in Dubai or another Muslim state, they would immediately be arrested and charged under Sharia/Islamic law and get at least a year in prison.

      FRANKRIZZO: sweet
      big dick: oh so sweet

  4. #4
    Gold SPIT this's Avatar
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    Cute girls. Would smash

  5. #5
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    Lol they were attacked cause they were lesbians doing lesbian things. Plain and simple. I dont understand how you dont get that

      1marley1: Srsly... how does this guy have an ounce of credibility left?
      sah_24: Reading comprehension and libtards do not mix ...
      SPIT this: pattern. also, voice of reason
      RS_: Keeping the pattern alive.
      MumblesBadly: What RS_ said
      nunbeater: lol nigga please
      IamGreek: OPA! for pattern

  6. #6
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    This situation is akin to the slutily dressed woman who invited a rapist because of the way she was dressed. The teenagers should get a good Singapore caning.

  7. #7
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    Meh. Something fishy is going on with this story. How has there been no description of the suspects. I am guessing there is a lot more to this story than what is being reported.

    I am going to go ahead and not give the left wing media and a couple radical social justice warriors the benefit of the doubt we are getting accurate details.

  8. #8
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    Can we please get Mumblefuck's title changed to "Official Penis Protector of SJW's, Liberals, and the Politically Correct" ?


    /ˈSHit ˌSHō/
    1) a situation or event marked by chaos or controversy. 2) This site.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    In Communist society, there are no Lesbians because communist men are strong and virile. capitalist men are weaklings and and wish they were born women. Also capitalist dykes don't look so hot.
    Socialism is the transitional period of capitalism being taken over by Communism.

  11. #11
    Speedster Out of Clemson adamantium's Avatar
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    This is the best you could do to create some content?
    Slava Ukraini!

  12. #12
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    These two lesbians walked into a bar One extremely pretty and one extremely ugly. The pretty one said to the ugly one, "I'll go get us a drink".
    So she walked up to the bar and said to the bar-tender "Two Jim beams and coke"
    The bartender got the drinks and said, "That's $10."
    She said, "I don't have any money."
    The bartender said, "Well how are you going to pay for them?"
    She replied, "I'll show
    you my tits."
    He looked at her and replied, "O.K."
    So she showed him her tits, then took the drinks back to the table.
    The ugly one said, "How did you pay for those?"
    The pretty one said, "I showed him my tits and he gave them to me for free!"
    The ugly one said, "I try that." So she walked up to the bartender and said, "Two Jim beams and coke please".
    The bartender said, "That will be $10 please."
    The ugly one turned around and said, "I don't have any money!"
    The bartender said, "Well how are you going to pay for them?"
    She replied, "I will show you my tits"
    He replied back, "You're ugly so your tits will be ugly!"
    So the ugly one said, "O.K. then I will let you smell my friend's pussy!"
    The bartender replied, "What that one over there?"
    (pointing to the good looking one) She said "Yeah."
    The bartender said, "Sure!"
    So the ugly one leaned over the bar and breathed in his face.

      MumblesBadly: Good to have you back!
      TheXFactor: Smelly Pussy Rep
      theSMARTESTLIBERALalive: not the worst joke of all time rep.

  13. #13
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post
    Druff, you’re a dumbass! It wasn’t a “homophilic” attack because those teenage boys wanted those women to put on a sex show. It was a misogonystic attack because those women wouldn’t perform as sexual objects upon demand for those hormonally imbalanced wankers.
    Wasn't misogynistic. Not every act of violence has to be placed into a box where the attackers were looking to oppress a particular group.

    These were simply young, violent punks who were turned on by lesbians they saw, demanded more kissing, and then they escalated it to violence when one of them women told them off. This is not much different than some punks demanding my wallet, me refusing and insulting them, and then they attack me. Definitely a crime, definitely scumbags who belong in prison, but not any kind of oppression.

    Quote Originally Posted by OSA
    Lol they were attacked cause they were lesbians doing lesbian things. Plain and simple. I dont understand how you dont get that
    That's actually not why they were attacked. If they kept doing "lesbian things", the attack WOULDN'T have happened. The boys saw them kissing, got excited, demanded an extended makeout session as they watched, and when one of the women refused and said something nasty back to them, the boys attacked.

    These were young, violent pervs who demanded women to perform for them, and then attacked them when one of the women mouthed back off to them. It was not homophobic or misogynistic.

    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard
    Meh. Something fishy is going on with this story. How has there been no description of the suspects
    Initially it was reported that "some were foreign". So you're probably on the right track.

  14. #14
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Wasn't misogynistic. Not every act of violence has to be placed into a box where the attackers were looking to oppress a particular group.

    These were simply young, violent punks who were turned on by lesbians they saw, demanded more kissing, and then they escalated it to violence when one of them women told them off. This is not much different than some punks demanding my wallet, me refusing and insulting them, and then they attack me. Definitely a crime, definitely scumbags who belong in prison, but not any kind of oppression.

    Quote Originally Posted by OSA
    Lol they were attacked cause they were lesbians doing lesbian things. Plain and simple. I dont understand how you dont get that
    That's actually not why they were attacked. If they kept doing "lesbian things", the attack WOULDN'T have happened. The boys saw them kissing, got excited, demanded an extended makeout session as they watched, and when one of the women refused and said something nasty back to them, the boys attacked.

    These were young, violent pervs who demanded women to perform for them, and then attacked them when one of the women mouthed back off to them. It was not homophobic or misogynistic.
    Druff, here is the definition of misogyny per Google:

    “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.”

    When someone treats women the way those teenagers did, they are clearly exhibiting “contempt for... women.” Because failing to see women as something other than objects to be used one’s amusement is indicative of an ingrained contempt for them, to consider them as less than human.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  15. #15
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    We're getting a little off track here though.

    I read about the attack last week, but didn't post about it because I didn't feel it was threadworthy.

    The amazing thing to me is how one of the women is now bashing those giving her sympathy because they are just furthering her white, prettty female privilege.

    Does anyone here agree with her acting this way?

    She should be thanking her supporters and not giving them an SJW lecture about how racist and transphobic they are.

    Yes, the media probably covered this story somewhat due to the reason that they're white and attractive, but that's more of a form of Missing White Woman Syndrome than any form of oppression against black or trans people.

    She claims the "patriarchal society" is responsible for the coverage of her story, yet it's established that male victims of violence are covered less, in general. So that's clearly not the patriarchy at work. If anything, it shows that the lives of men aren't valued as much.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Wasn't misogynistic. Not every act of violence has to be placed into a box where the attackers were looking to oppress a particular group.

    These were simply young, violent punks who were turned on by lesbians they saw, demanded more kissing, and then they escalated it to violence when one of them women told them off. This is not much different than some punks demanding my wallet, me refusing and insulting them, and then they attack me. Definitely a crime, definitely scumbags who belong in prison, but not any kind of oppression.

    That's actually not why they were attacked. If they kept doing "lesbian things", the attack WOULDN'T have happened. The boys saw them kissing, got excited, demanded an extended makeout session as they watched, and when one of the women refused and said something nasty back to them, the boys attacked.

    These were young, violent pervs who demanded women to perform for them, and then attacked them when one of the women mouthed back off to them. It was not homophobic or misogynistic.
    Druff, here is the definition of misogyny per Google:

    “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.”

    When someone treats women the way those teenagers did, they are clearly exhibiting “contempt for... women.” Because failing to see women as something other than objects to be used one’s amusement is indicative of an ingrained contempt for them, to consider them as less than human.
    Nope. It's not contempt for women. Nor is it prejudice against women. Nor is it a dislike for women.

    This attack was the result of violent perverts who were turned on by lesbians and tried to harass them into performing for them, and it escalated into an attack.

    That doesn't mean they hate women. It just means they're criminals who attack people if they don't get what they want. If these dudes were turned on by men instead of lesbians, they probably would have done the same attack on gay men. Would that have made them haters of men?

    Not everything is an act of oppression against a group of people, Mumbles.

  17. #17
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    We're getting a little off track here though.

    I read about the attack last week, but didn't post about it because I didn't feel it was threadworthy.

    The amazing thing to me is how one of the women is now bashing those giving her sympathy because they are just furthering her white, prettty female privilege.

    Does anyone here agree with her acting this way?

    She should be thanking her supporters and not giving them an SJW lecture about how racist and transphobic they are.

    Yes, the media probably covered this story somewhat due to the reason that they're white and attractive, but that's more of a form of Missing White Woman Syndrome than any form of oppression against black or trans people.

    Despite the fact that she claims the "patriarchal society" is responsible for the coverage of her story, when men are victims are crimes it's far less likely that it's reported in the media. So that's clearly not the patriarchy at work. If anything, it shows that the lives of men aren't valued as much.

    That's actually not why they were attacked. If they kept doing "lesbian things", the attack WOULDN'T have happened. The boys saw them kissing, got excited, demanded an extended makeout session as they watched, and when one of the women refused and said something nasty back to them, the boys attacked.

    These were young, violent pervs who demanded women to perform for them, and then attacked them when one of the women mouthed back off to them. It was not homophobic or misogynistic.
    I agree that the woman, the one who spoke out is a real doucher.
    But there is no way you can say what you did, above bolden text, with any certainty. You don't know what was running through those boys heads. You could easily make the case that 4 out of the 5 boys had seen their mom run off with a cleaning lady and were venting their frustration

  18. #18
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    Druff once again waaaay off the mark.

      Hockey Guy: Yup.

  19. #19
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post

    Druff, here is the definition of misogyny per Google:

    “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.”

    When someone treats women the way those teenagers did, they are clearly exhibiting “contempt for... women.” Because failing to see women as something other than objects to be used one’s amusement is indicative of an ingrained contempt for them, to consider them as less than human.
    Nope. It's not contempt for women. Nor is it prejudice against women. Nor is it a dislike for women.

    This attack was the result of violent perverts who were turned on by lesbians and tried to harass them into performing for them, and it escalated into an attack.

    That doesn't mean they hate women. It just means they're criminals who attack people if they don't get what they want. If these dudes were turned on by men instead of lesbians, they probably would have done the same attack on gay men. Would that have made them haters of men?

    Not everything is an act of oppression against a group of people, Mumbles.
    For such a smart guy, you're a fucking idiot.

      duped_samaritan: agree. it's weird.
      SPIT this: lol
      1marley1: :this
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Nope. It's not contempt for women. Nor is it prejudice against women. Nor is it a dislike for women.

    This attack was the result of violent perverts who were turned on by lesbians and tried to harass them into performing for them, and it escalated into an attack.

    That doesn't mean they hate women. It just means they're criminals who attack people if they don't get what they want. If these dudes were turned on by men instead of lesbians, they probably would have done the same attack on gay men. Would that have made them haters of men?

    Not everything is an act of oppression against a group of people, Mumbles.
    For such a smart guy, you're a fucking idiot.
    I'm a "fucking idiot" for using common sense?

    If I'm a victim of a violent crime, is it oppression against Jews? Or is it just that I was a Jew who happened to get attacked?

    This crime was NOT an act of gay bashing or hatred of women.

    It was a case of pervs who were turned on by lesbians who felt they could intimidate some lesbians into putting on a show for them. This wasn't about hatred of anyone or any group. It was a crime of violence committed by young perverts.

    When you start turning this into another act in the Oppression Olympics, then you're misunderstanding the entire point of why there's a delineation between crime and hate crime.

    This was not a hate crime. There was no hate involved for any particular group.

    Sorry if this offends the PFA SJW contingent.

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