Quote Originally Posted by Salty_Aus View Post
Put a hundred a week away for a new car and run it into the ground. If you do reasonable oil and fluid changes they go forever. Honda and Nissan are a close second to Toyota when it comes to reliability. IMO
See, this is from the guy who built his own mining rig.

It’s about getting your mind right.

If you want to be an aircraft pilot you have to learn about the engine and the gauges that relate to different functions of the engine. You’re the guy who does the preflight. Does the aircraft look like it’s going to work mechanically and allow you to live? It’s up to you and no one else.

Driving and thinking about what is happening mechanically to propel you down the road while you do that is satisfying. When something breaks you learn another aspect about the magic of the automobile. Your experience while driving is completely different from that of Druff or your wife. That is satisfying and manly.

You have less testosterone than your father. You can fight the tide though. My son will buy an electric car someday. It’s sad. He will have a woman President. However, you will have a better quality of life.

True fucking story. My son went to college. He asked me in all seriousness, “I went to a full service gas station. Should I tip the attendant?” He has never known anything but self service. I am not sure if this means anything except that I am getting old - or that I raised a better tipper than Druff.

Back to the point. Save the money like Salty said. Every month you keep that Honda running you are cheating death and proving your manhood. The quality of your life is better than your neighbor even if he has a new Tesla.